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Game Of Thrones: Why Is Dragonglass So Important?

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  • What Is Dragonglass In Game Of Thrones?
  • Why Is Dragonglass Important In Game Of Thrones?
  • Did Dragonglass Have Other Uses?

When Game Of Thrones was first released way back in 2011, it’s probably safe to say that no one had any idea what the show would become. The absolutely massive fantasy series has become a modern classic to a lot of fans thanks to the incredible story and the world that had deep lore hiding behind every corner. Realistically, just about every named object has some kind of rich lore that is just waiting to be discovered.

One of the most intriguing materials in the series is the ever-important dragonglass. The importance of dragonglass is highlighted throughout the series, but there are still plenty of smaller aspects that many may have missed out on. Without the help of dragonglass, most of the heroes that fans came to know and love almost certainly would have met some gruesome ends before the close of Game Of Thrones.

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What Is Dragonglass In Game Of Thrones?



Other Names:


Material Strength:

Brittle, but sharper than standard steel

Made From:

In legend, dragons In reality, the fires of the Earth (volcanic activity)

Used By:

The children of the forest


Typically black

Dragonglass, also known more simply as obsidian, is a strange substance with mysterious magical properties in Game Of Thrones. On the surface, dragonglass is nothing more than naturally forming volcanic glass, but the series makes it clear that the material is much more than just simple glass. Though much more brittle than standard weapons, dragonglass was capable of being fashioned into simple yet legendary weapons among other creations. The ancient lore of Valyria makes it clear that at least some considered the substance to be special, as their languages words for dragonglass, zīrtys perzys, is said to mean “frozen fire.”

In A Game Of Thrones, maester Luwin gives a bit of a history of dragonglass while referring to it by its other name, Obsidian:

Obsidian. Forged in the fires of the gods, far below the earth. The children of the forest hunted with that, thousands of years ago. The children worked no metal. In place of mail, they wore long shirts of woven leaves and bound their legs in bark, so they seemed to melt into the wood. In place of swords, they carried blades of obsidian.

Luwin’s words indicate that dragonglass was mostly used for weapons before cultures were able to fully understand any kind of ordinary metalworking. This is reinforced through the children of the forest battling against giants with the aid of dragonglass weapons, while few in the modern era of Game Of Thrones used the weapons. Interestingly, thanks to the material’s ancient connection to the children of the forest, there weren’t many in Game Of Thrones who were aware of just how important dragonglass truly was. The children of the forest used dragonglass to make the problems of Game Of Thrones, and it would be used to aid in the defense against that very problem.

Why Is Dragonglass Important In Game Of Thrones?


Only two materials can defeat White Walkers:

  • Valyrian Steel
  • Dragonglass (Obsidian)

The main reason why dragonglass is so important in Game Of Thrones is because it is both the very thing that was used to create White Walkers, and is one of the two materials known to be able to destroy them. In order to battle against the First Men, the children of the forest placed pieces of dragonglass into the chests of some of their captured enemies, transforming them into the horrendous White Walkers. It’s almost poetic that since dragonglass is the very thing that created White Walkers, it would be the same substance that would be able to slay them.

Dragonglass then became of the utmost importance in the eighth season of Game Of Thrones as Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen prepared to do battle with the approaching army of White Walkers in Winterfell. Mining all they could need from Dragonstone, those who stood against the White Walkers forged as many dragonglass weapons as possible before it was too late. The reason behind the use of dragonglass over Valyrian Steel is that the Valyrian material was much harder to come by, and there wasn’t much time to be choosey. After the Battle of Winterfell and the destruction of the Night King, dragonglass officially loses all value for combat, once again due to the brittle nature of the weapons in comparison to standard weaponry.

Did Dragonglass Have Other Uses?


Uses For Dragonglass:

  • Weapons capable of slaying White Walkers
  • Aids in crafting jewelry
  • Used within architecture
  • Used as a stand-in for a glass eye
  • Used to make glass candles
  • Used within traditional Targaryen weddings

Dragonglass may seem perfect for combat thanks to its ability to destroy the White Walkers, but it seems that many cultures across the world of Game Of Thrones have found additional uses for the material. To be fair, throughout the series, it is almost only ever seen in the realm of combating the White Walkers, though the books have introduced other decorative uses. It seems that while it doesn’t always seem to be the prettiest material in the show, it can be crafted to be pleasing to the eye.

Dragonglass is quite commonly found in various characters’ jewelry, brooches, and even in the place of a glass eye. With that in mind, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the material has even been used in construction in order to give snake designs a much more eye-catching appearance. The old ancestral home of the Targaryens, Valyria, even used dragonglass to make glass candles.

Interestingly, the Game Of Thrones prequel series House Of The Dragon indicates that dragonglass may have important ceremonial purposes as well. With House Targaryen having a long history with dragonglass, the material seems to have somehow become a major part of wedding ceremonies whether due to their culture, religion, or some other reason. When Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen get married, the two use a piece of dragonglass to draw blood from both their hands and their lips, further cementing their bond.

Game Of Thrones is available to stream on MAX.

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