Game of Thrones has a fun relationship with religion. Westeros primarily worships the all-consuming Faith of the Seven, but while other deities demonstrate power through inarguable magic, the Seven prefer good, old-fashioned political repression. The Great Sept of Baelor represents one of several houses of worship that double as headquarters. The faithful can dominate Westeros without the trouble of inheriting a throne. Septa Unella demonstrates the influence the Faith of the Seven can wield.
Game of Thrones served as a gateway fantasy story for many new fans. Part of its appeal to outsiders came through its perceived willingness to depict the outrageous. Jaw-dropping dramatic moments, shocking character deaths, and hauntingly grim outcomes regularly kept viewers’ attention. One of the series’ most impressive accomplishments was convincing an audience to feel sorry for a monster like Cersei Lannister.
What is a Septa in Game of Thrones?

The septas and septons are the clergy of the Faith of the Seven in Westeros. The Faith’s emissaries are separated by gender, both in name and role. Male septons preside over ceremonies, like weddings and funerals, or serve noble families by maintaining septs within castles and keeps. Septa tend to serve as tutors and governesses, molding the daughters of noble houses into proper young ladies. Both septas and septons are sworn to celibacy and modesty, usually clothed in gray shades. They answer to the elected High Septon, who elects a ruling council called the Most Devout. Mordane is likely the best-known septa in Game of Thrones. She educates Sansa and Arya Stark, struggling to overcome the eldest’s attitude and the youngest’s disinterest. Joffrey has Mordane killed and her severed head displayed on a pike after he declares Ned Stark a traitor, seemingly executing her only to hurt Sansa’s feelings. Most of the septa in the series die.
Who is Septa Unella in Game of Thrones?
Name |
Unella |
First Appearance |
Season Five, Episode Seven |
Last Appearance |
Season Six, Episode Ten |
Played By |
Hannah Waddingham |
Septa Unella is best known as the gray-clad church functionary who walks behind Cersei Lannister, ringing a bell and shouting “shame.” Her early life is shrouded in mystery. Fans meet her as a confessor at the Great Sept of Baelor in King’s Landing. The books imply, without confirming, that she is one of the Most Devout. Her devotion seems to unnerve her fellow clergy, often inciting strong reactions from other septons and septas. Unella’s role in the books is short-lived. She first appears in A Feast for Crows, where she torments Queen Margaery Tyrell. Unella is one of several septas who command Margaery to confess her sins after Cersei Lannister forces a knight to accuse her of infidelity. The knight later brands Cersei with the same charge, landing her in a cell beneath the Great Sept. Unella visits both women every hour to extract a confession, eventually earning one from Cersei. She accompanies Cersei on her walk of atonement and is never seen again.
Unella’s story reaches slightly further in the show. She drags Cersei to the Sept’s underground prison after Lancel Lannister informs the church of his adulterous and incestuous affair with the Queen Regent. Unella bears the brunt of Cersei’s hatred as the septa who put her away. She visits Cersei every hour, offering water in exchange for an honest confession. Cersei spites Unella, assuring the septa that the Queen’s face will be the last she ever sees. Cersei eventually concedes, admits to her affair with her cousin, and takes the walk of atonement. Unella again restrains Margaery Tyrell for false adultery charges but gradually molds her into a more pious woman through her constant readings. Cersei later destroys the Great Sept with wildfire, but Unella survives the attack. Cersei traps Unella on a torture rack beneath the Red Keep, waterboards her with wine, and leaves her with Gregor Clegane for a prolonged death. Her demise never appears on-screen, but she almost certainly perished when Daenerys Targaryen destroyed the Red Keep.
Who plays Septa Unella in Game of Thrones?

Hannah Waddingham portrayed Septa Unella in Game of Thrones. The character appeared in eight episodes. Waddingham is almost unrecognizable in the role, and many fans express surprise when they see the actress’s usual appearance. She’s best known for her award-winning performance as Rebecca Welton in the well-received Apple TV series Ted Lasso. Waddingham recently hosted the Eurovision Song Contest and appeared in films, including Hocus Pocus 2. She’ll enjoy parts in The Fall Guy, The Garfield Movie, and the eighth Mission: Impossible title in the coming years.
Septa Unella is a minor character who gives weight to an incredibly impactful scene in Game of Thrones. Her overwhelming devotion to her faith makes her a dangerous presence in a world dominated by noble dynasties. Though her fate in the books remains unknown, Septa Unella played her part in a few key moments. There’s no shame in having limited screen time.
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