Game of Thrones is a faithful adaptation of George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, at least until they ran out of source material. Unfortunately, any leap to a new medium will come with problems. Some stories work differently in a unique context. When things change, fans will always pick apart those creative choices to determine their favorite version. Some alterations spring forth from practical problems instead of storytelling issues. Such is the case in the show’s treatment of Ser Ilyn Payne and Ser Bronn of the Blackwater.
Game of Thrones features a massive ensemble cast. While stars and young up-and-coming talent filled many roles, the show’s casting agents frequently picked unique figures. Much of the show’s talent became iconic after appearing in the world’s favorite fantasy show. Others returned to their day jobs or found a new direction after a unique experience.
Who was Ser Ilyn Payne?
Ser Ilyn Payne is a knight who served in the Red Keep for many years. His family, House Payne, served House Lannister as one of their most prominent vassals. Little is known about Ilyn’s early life, but he rose through the ranks as a knight to become captain of Tywin Lannister’s personal guard. Tywin became the Hand of the King to Aerys II Targaryen, the famed Mad King. Ilyn once mentioned in a casual conversation that he believed Lord Tywin Lannister represented the real power behind the throne, discounting the Mad King by ignoring his rule. Someone overheard Ilyn’s comment and reported it to Aerys II. The Mad King had Ilyn’s tongue violently extracted with hot pincers for daring to question him. Ser Ilyn Payne was mute for the rest of his life, aside from a distinct clattering laugh and choking rattle.
After Robert’s Rebellion, the new King, Robert Baratheon, named Ser Ilyn Payne the King’s Justice. He gave Ilyn the gig, partially to soften the blow Aerys II dealt him and partially as a gift to Tywin Lannister, who recently gave Robert his daughter’s hand in marriage. The King’s Justice is the royal executioner, charged with ritualistically killing those who earn a death sentence from the King or his Hand. Ilyn performed his duties with aplomb, maintaining his massive two-handed greatsword with more care and discipline than he showed his chambers. Ser Ilyn never botched an execution, almost always beheading his charges in a single stroke. Many fear Ilyn Payne, both for his silence and his role in the Red Keep. He spends most of his scenes standing around menacingly or killing helpless victims. Tyrion Lannister summed him up like this:
He had been too young to have known Ser Ilyn before he’d lost his tongue. He would have been a different man in those days, but now the silence is as much a part of him as those hollow eyes, that rusty chainmail shirt, and the greatsword on his back.
Ser Ilyn Payne’s biggest scene is his execution of Eddard Stark. After Robert Baratheon’s death, King Joffrey keeps Ilyn around as the King’s Justice. As killing seems to be Ilyn’s only reason to live, he cares little about which master he serves. He decapitates Ned Stark on Joffrey’s orders, then takes his Valyrian steel sword, Ice, for himself. Arya places his name on her list but hasn’t taken her vengeance yet. He appears in several scenes but rarely adds anything. He guards Sansa and Cersei during the Battle of the Blackwater, offering security or a quick death if Stannis Baratheon’s forces break through. Aside from occasional executions, Ilyn’s best scene is with Jamie Lannister. After Jamie loses his sword hand, he must retrain to fight one-handed. He spars with Ilyn, finding him an agreeable partner because of his silence. He even shares details of his relationship with Cersei, confident that the illiterate executioner can’t spread the news. Fans may not recall that scene in Game of Thrones for a unique reason.
Who played Ser Ilyn Payne?

Dr. Feelgood guitarist Wilko Johnsson portrayed Ser Ilyn Payne in Game of Thrones. The late, great musician never acted before or after the show. The producers saw him in a documentary and selected him for the role. Johnsson appeared in four episodes of the series, but his character would be mentioned a few more times. His electrifying fingerstyle guitar technique made Dr. Feelgood a pioneer of English punk rock throughout the 70s. Unfortunately, Johnsson developed pancreatic cancer in 2013. He initially refused treatment, prompting doctors to give him ten months to live. He later relented and underwent an eleven-hour operation to remove a massive tumor, saving his life. Wilko Johnsson lived another eight years, passing peacefully in his home in 2022. He is remembered fondly by an adoring fanbase that still sings his praises.
Why was Bronn in Sir Ilyn Payne’s scenes?

Ser Bronn of the Blackwater became a fan favorite through his beloved dynamic with Tyrion Lannister. Bronn enjoyed several scenes he didn’t receive in the books. His role in the Battle of the Blackwater was escalated, letting him fire the arrow that ignited the wildfire. Bronn forms an unofficial buddy duo with Jamie Lannister, which starts with the sellsword teaching Jamie how to fight left-handed. Johnsson’s absence left that opening, which Bronn filled. The show also invents a journey to Dorne to put Jamie and Bronn together again.
Ilyn Payne is a minor figure who enjoys two major scenes. He never occupies the spotlight. Instead, he’s a tool of other characters’ will. Payne is a silent observer and a living guillotine. His scene with Jamie is fun in the books, but Wilko Johnsson’s absence creates a new dynamic and elevates another minor character. These unique changes prove that adaptation is all about execution.
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