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Game Of Thrones: The Bond Between Direwolves And Starks, Explained

Quick Links

  • Are The Starks Wolf-Blooded?
  • The Stark Children Adopt Direwolves In Game Of Thrones
  • Robb Stark & Grey Wind’s Bond
  • The Stark Sisters’ Direwolves: Sansa & Lady; Arya & Nymeria
  • The Younger Brothers: Bran & Summer; Rickon & Shaggydog
  • Jon Snow & Ghost’s Bond

The bond between Starks and Direwolves runs deep. Each of the Stark children, including Jon Snow (who has dual Stark-Targaryen heritage), adopts a Direwolf in Game of Thrones season 1, episode 1 “Winter Is Coming.” The six orphaned pups find a home in Winterfell, as the Direwolf is the sigil of the Starks. Based on this, Ned lets his children bring the litter home. Jon Snow, believed to be Ned Stark’s bastard, receives “the runt of the litter,” whom he names Ghost.

Just as the Targaryens claim they have the blood of the dragon, many Starks in Game of Thrones lore are described as wolf-blooded. Jon’s grandfather, Rickard Stark, ascribed Lyanna’s wildness to “the wolf blood,” while Petyr Baelish commented that the Starks have “quick tempers and slow minds.” Starks mirror certain Direwolf traits, and often use the wolf as a metaphor. As seen in Game of Thrones, the Stark children’s identities are inextricably intertwined with their Direwolves.

Are The Starks Wolf-Blooded?


Notable Starks in Game of Thrones lore, such as Lord Cregan (an upcoming House of the Dragon character), have “wolf” in their nicknames. Cregan is known as the Wolf of the North, King Rickard Stark as the Laughing Wolf, and King Theon Stark as the Hungry Wolf. The Starks have traits and qualities of the Direwolf, but to suggest that the blood of the wolf runs through their veins is to put a wrong interpretation on the phrase “wolf-blooded.” Furthermore, just as the Dance of the Dragons has a bearing on the Targaryen dragons, the War of the Five Kings has an impact on the Stark Direwolves.

The Stark Children Adopt Direwolves In Game Of Thrones


In the series’ first episode, “Winter is Coming,” upon returning from executing a Night’s Watch deserter, Ned and his entourage come upon a dead Direwolf, and a vulnerable litter of pups. As Ned removes a stag’s antlers from the dead animal’s throat, he says the litter should be put to the sword:

Better a quick death. They won’t last without their mother.

This is where Jon reminds him that his family was meant to have the pups:

The Direwolf is a sigil of your House.

The Stark children are each given a pup. Robb’s wolf is named Grey Wind; Sansa raises Lady; Arya has Nymeria; Bran has Summer; and Rickon has Shaggydog. The pups go wherever the Stark children go. It is easy to notice that they share traits such as loyalty, quick temperaments, intelligence, and wildness. Ned likes to use the metaphor of the wolf while stressing unity among his children:

When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.

Robb Stark & Grey Wind’s Bond


In Game of Thrones season 1, episode 8, “The Pointy End,” Grey Wind attacks Greatjon Umber. He snarls at Greatjon and bites off two of his fingers, without so much as a signal from Robb. He is alerted by a commotion and rushes to deal with the threat, proving he is an intelligent animal.

Grey Wind is with Robb during the War of the Five Kings, traveling from one encampment to another. He plays a decisive part in the Stark victory at the Battle of the Whispering Wood, killing a dozen men and a dozen horses. The victory at the Oxcross belongs to Grey Wind. Before Robb and his cavalry make their movie, the Direwolf sneaks up on the Lannister guards at nighttime, leading to sudden loud noises that frighten the Lannister horses.

Sadly, Robb’s unconquerable Direwolf suffers the same tragic fate as his master during the Red Wedding at the Twins. Four Frey crossbowmen put down Grey Wind from outside his kennel, and later, sew his head onto Robb’s corpse. The figure is then paraded throughout the territory of the Twins.

The Stark Sisters’ Direwolves: Sansa & Lady; Arya & Nymeria


Sansa loses Lady early on in Game of Thrones. She and Arya bring their Direwolves with them to the south, once Ned accepts Robert Baratheon’s offer of the King’s Hand. The royal entourage makes a pit stop at the Inn at the Crossroads, where Sansa walks Lady and Joffrey approaches her. Sansa asks her pet to stay, while Joffrey asks her for a walk along the riverbank. The following events change the trajectory of the Stark girls and their pets’ lives.

Sansa and Joffrey come upon Arya and her friend, the butcher’s son Mycah, sword-fighting with clubs. Joffrey gashes Mycah’s cheek with his sword, prompting Arya and Nymeria to spring into action. When Joffrey threatens Arya, Nymeria bites him, and Joffrey is unable to defend himself. In the end, Arya has to drive her Direwolf off:

You’ve got to go. They will kill you for what you did to Joffrey. Go on.

Sadly, that is not the end of the tale. Cersei Lannister forces Robert to order Lady’s execution in place of Arya’s missing wolf. Sansa pleads for Lady’s life, but Ned kills her with his dagger on Robert’s orders.

In Game of Thrones season 7, episode 2 “Stormborn,” Arya briefly reunites with Nymeria in the Riverlands. But this time, her old pet leads a pack of wolves. Arya leaves her be, as it’s clear that Nymeria would rather be where she is than accompany her former mistress north.

The Younger Brothers: Bran & Summer; Rickon & Shaggydog


Bran’s Direwolf, Summer, saves him from the Catspaw assassin in season 1, episode 2 “The Kingsroad.” While asleep, Bran experiences Summer’s actions and movements in the Godswood of Winterfell. Bran is the only one among the Stark children who can warg into Summer (and Hodor).

When Theon takes the Stark seat, the little lords, Bran and Rickon go into hiding with Osha and Hodor. Summer and Shaggydog lead the way when Bran and Rickon leave Winterfell as it burns. Osha promises Maester Luwin to protect the boys. After their home is sacked, they walk through the ruins of their home and reunite with their Direwolves in season 2, episode 10 “Valar Morghulis.”

Shaggydog, Rickon, and Osha separate from the group on Bran’s orders in season 3, episode 9 “The Rains of Castamere.” They are ordered to head to the Last Hearth to remain under the Umbers’ protection. Later in the series, Summer dies protecting Bran when the wights invade the cave of the Three-Eyed Raven. ​​​After Greatjon Umber’s death, his son, Smalljon, defects to the Boltons and presents Rickon and Shaggydog’s severed heads to Ramsay at Winterfell.

Jon Snow & Ghost’s Bond


Ghost is the only Direwolf who lives through the War of the Five Kings and fights in the Great War. He accompanies Jon to the Wall and gives him unconditional support, love, and protection throughout GoT.

At the end of Game of Thrones, Ghost leaves Castle Black with Jon, Tormund Giantsbane, and the Free Folk to disappear into the Haunted Forest. He is an animal of the real north, and the south of the Wall is no place for him.

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