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Princess Rhaenys Targaryen’s Meleys
Aegon The Younger’s Stormcloud
Prince Jacaerys Velaryon’s Vermax
The hatred that stemmed within House Targaryen and catapulted into war has had a spillover effect, and most of Westeros is ravaged by it. Come House of the Dragon on June 16, and the realm will be split between the Greens and the Blacks and their respective dragons. King Aegon II Targaryen leads the former, while Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen leads the latter.
Key figures in the realm will become the casualties of the war. The Dragonriders’ dragons will bear the brunt of this kin-strife. Since the highly anticipated House of the Dragon Season 2 covers the opening of hostilities, and the beginning of the war, a few dragons are likely to perish in the Dance. Here are the ones that are least likely to make it through.
Princess Rhaenys Targaryen’s Meleys

Meleys is one of the formidable beasts in the arsenal of dragons at the Blacks’ disposal. Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, or the Queen Who Never Was, rides the she-dragon in House of the Dragon and in the books. Meleys is also known as the Red Queen, and she is the fourth-largest dragon, right after Vhagar, Vermithor, and Caraxes.
In the ranks of the Blacks, Meleys ranks third in number after Vermithor (who is unclaimed) and Caraxes. Meleys will breathe her last at Rook’s Rest while combating the Greens’ Vhagar and Sunfyre. It is pertinent to mention that King Aegon II rides Sunfyre, while Aemond Targaryen rides the largest dragon in the Seven Kingdoms, Vhagar.
What Will Happen In The Battle At Rook’s Rest?

Ser Criston Cole of the Greens leads the march from King’s Landing and subjugates Houses Rosby and Stokeworth. The Greens’ host is approximately 3000 strong by the time they reach the friends of the Blacks, House Darklyn of Duskendale. Cole beheads their Lord, Gunthor Darklyn, and adds a few surrendering household knights to his host. The rest choose death over betrayal.
Together with an army of knights, sellswords, and men-at-arms, the Greens march on to Rook’s Rest. In the ensuing siege, the Lord of Rook’s Rest, Staunton, pleads to Queen Rhaenyra for aid. The Queen forbids Princes Jacaerys and Joffrey from flying to Rook’s Rest, and Princess Rhaenys and Meleys step up nine days later. Meleys sets fire to Cole’s soldiers, only to be trapped next. Vhagar and Sunfyre ambush her and Rhaenys. Although Meleys locks with Sunfyre, she is overpowered when the supremely large Vhagar joins the battle and pounces on her.
The three dragons tumble down, and Meleys’ body is broken. Aemond and Vhagar are are unharmed, and Princess Rhaenys’ dragon is roasted. The fall of Rook’s Rest, which is the seat of House Staunton, is a significant victory for the Greens. Meleys’ head is paraded in a cart throughout the capital city of King’s Landing, to strike fear in the hearts and minds of all.
Does Meleys Kill Sunfyre?

Though Aegon II and Sunfyre survive the Battle at Rook’s Rest, they are incapacitated. Aegon receives fractures and dragonfire burns, and Sunfyre loses half a wing. While Vhagar survives the fall, Meleys dies and Sunfyre is badly, if not mortally, wounded. He’s as good as dead after the battle, and is rendered flightless.
The Lord Commander of the Greens, Ser Criston, arranges Sunfyre’s recuperation near Rook’s Rest. Criston has his people look after Sunfyre until Walys Mooton, Lord of Maidenpool, goes after the dragon. Mooton and his men die in the hopes of killing the beast. Sunfyre leaves the region after this attack, and due to his misshapen wing, is no longer the most beautiful dragon in the Seven Kingdoms.
Aegon The Younger’s Stormcloud

Stormcloud is yet to appear in House of the Dragon. However, if the show stays true to the lore of the books, he will die at Dragonstone in the wake of the Triarchy’s ambush. The Greens’ previous Hand, Otto Hightower’s, plans of allying with the Triarchy come to fruition and in 130 AC, ninety warships sail for dominance over the Gullet.
How Does Stormcloud Die?

This development coincides with Prince Jacaerys Velaryon’s plan to send away his half-brothers, Aegon and Viserys, to Pentos until the Queen takes the Iron Throne. Escorted by Lord Corlys’ seven ships, the princes set off on a voyage aboard the Gay Abandon.
The younger Prince Viserys is left behind, but Aegon escapes on Stormcloud in the ensuing ambush in the Gullet. Stormcloud takes multiple arrows and a scorpion bolt in the attack, but manages to land at Dragonstone. The young dragon dies while Prince Aegon delivers the news to his camp.
Prince Jacaerys Velaryon’s Vermax
What Happens In The Battle Of The Gullet?

Rhaenyra’s heir and the rider of Vermax, Prince Jacaerys, flies off to the Gullet when he receives news of the Triarchy’s ambush. Jace, followed by the Dragonseeds, pours fire on the Lysene warships one by one.
How Does Vermax Die?

The enemy had experience of fighting the gigantic Caraxes and his warrior rider, Daemon, at the Stepstones, and is effective at fighting Vermax and Jacaerys. But the Dragonseeds atop Seasmoke, Sheepstealer, Silverwing, and Vermithor cause a scale of unprecedented devastation. Amid the chaos, Vermax flies at a lower altitude and takes either a crossbow bolt in the eye or suffers a mortal grapnel injury. Jace springs free and dies at the hands of Myrish crossbowmen. Vermax and Jace go out with a bang in the Battle of the Gullet.
House of the Dragon Season 2 premieres June 16 at 9/8c on HBO and Max.
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