- Trunks showcases his Saiyan strength in epic battles against formidable foes like Kogu and Android 14.
- Trunks’ fight against Mecha Frieza solidifies his status as a legendary warrior in the Dragon Ball universe.
- Trunks achieves redemption by defeating Androids 17 and 18 with confidence and unmatched strength.
Dragon Ball Z is best known for its well-crafted and choreographed fight scenes, depicting the greatest fighters of the universe going head-to-head with the next greatest threat to humanity. Every new arc is chock-full of training for another battle, fists clashing, and new forms being achieved. Though the focus is primarily placed on two Saiyans in particular, Goku and Vegeta, the Dragon Ball franchise still has a roster full of capable fighters, including the next generation of Saiyan warriors fathered by the aforementioned two.
Known as the son of the Prince of Saiyans, Trunks first appeared in Dragon Ball Z as an unknown fighter from the future. With his lilac-colored hair and cooler-than-ice wardrobe, it didn’t take long for Trunks to reveal himself as a Saiyan to the cast watching in awe. Eventually revealed to be the future son of Vegeta, Trunks would go on to take part in many memorable battles, both as an ally to the main group and as the focus point in his own story. Though some fights outshine others, Trunks’ best battles have added up over the decades.
10 Trunks Versus Future Dabura
The Prevention Of Future Majin Buu

- Dragon Ball Super, Episode 49: “A Message From the Future The Incursion of Goku Black!”
In Episode 49 of Dragon Ball Super, an alternate timeline, Future Trunks makes his way to the main cast in an attempt to flee his impending doom. In this Future Trunks’ timeline, a menacing presence that goes by the name Goku Black is terrifying Earth, wiping out any human life. Once Future Trunks becomes acquainted with this timeline’s Goku, Vegeta, and friends, he re-tells the events leading up to the arrival of Goku Black.
Similar to their motivations in the original run of Dragon Ball Z, Dabura and Babidi arrive on Earth in hopes of collecting as much energy as possible to awaken Majin Buu. They appear the same as they did in the past and possess the same powers, including Babidi’s energy-gathering lamp and Dabura’s use of saliva, which can turn anything it touches into stone. Thankfully, Trunks is well-equipped to handle the threat, making short work of Dabura by deflecting his spit and ending him with one ki blast. The fight was short-lived and told through a flashback story, making it one of the less notable fights.
9 Trunks Versus Kogu
Battle Against The Galaxy Soldiers

- Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound
In Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound, Trunks receives some room to shine in a lengthy battle against Kogu, one of the Galaxy Soldiers taking part in the Intergalactic World Tournament. Despite the rules stating that no opponent shall kill the other, Kogu’s methods of fighting indicate he has every intention of destroying Trunks. Wielding a sword, Kogu swings at the Hybrid Saiyan with malice, coming close to striking on several occasions. The two even race on water in an attempt to gain the upper hand on one another.
Despite the power balance slightly favoring Kogu, the Galaxy Soldier manages to reach a new form thanks to the power of an amulet around his neck, exponentially raising his power level to turn the fight into a slaughter. Trunks was in base form throughout the fight, but once he turned Super Saiyan, Trunks was able to deflect the sword with his arm, shattering it into pieces, before delivering one punch that impaled his opponent. The only downside to this battle is a missed opportunity at a sword fight, utilizing Trunks’ ability to wield the same weapon Kogu was using in their tilt.
8 Trunks Versus Broly
Mayhem Against The Legendary Super Saiyan

- Dragon Ball Z: Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan
In the original introduction of Broly as a character, the Dragon Ball Z: Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan film welcomed the Legendary Super Saiyan as the son of Paragus, and the child that harnessed unbelievable strength. Though he appeared at first as dormant and gentle, his anger would shatter and turn him into the monster fans would grow to love. Such a threat meant that the Saiyan warriors would be required to team up to match his strength. Trunks would team up with Goku and Gohan, and then later joined by Vegeta, to take on the dangerous Broly in a four-on-one battle.
The magnitude of the fight was clear as Broly made easy work of anything and anyone that got in his way. Trunks never got much offense in, being subject to several clothesline blows and thrown around like a ragdoll, never backing down from the threat. While the best he could do was serve as a distraction for Goku to wield the necessary power to defeat Broly, Trunks maintained his part in the fight. Had he received more of a dominant role in the sequences he appeared in, Trunks’ battle with Broly may have ranked slightly higher.
7 Trunks Versus Android 14
The Return Of The Mechanical Monsters

- Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13!
Continuing the trend with the Dragon Ball Z films, this one may hit a little closer to home when it comes to Trunks’ background with androids. In Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13!, the cast of Saiyans and Z-Fighters face off against a trio of new androids, which were secretly being worked on in an underground bunker. Androids 13, 14, and 15 eventually show up in West City, with 14 and 15 creating havoc similar to the destruction caused by Androids 17 and 18. This eventually sets the stage for the Saiyans, alongside Piccolo, to counter the new trio of Androids.
While Goku and Piccolo oppose Android 13, who appears to be the leader of the trio, Trunks and Vegeta take on Androids 14 and 15, respectively. Comically, Vegeta makes quick work of Android 15, slicing his head clean from his body and ending his existence in a big explosion. Wielding his sword, Trunks also makes things look easy with Android 14. As the two clash in midair, a trickle of blood falls down Trunks’ face before Android 14 turns and runs towards him, splitting in half and exploding before he can reach Trunks. A nice homage to Trunks’ constant battle with Dr. Gero’s androids, and an excellent indication of how much stronger he had become.
6 Trunks Versus Goku Black
Turning The Tables On The Timeline Villain

- Dragon Ball Super, Episode 57: “A God with an Invincible Body The Advent of Zamasu”
The Future Trunks Saga in Dragon Ball Super may have been ill-received due to the crash landing in the finale, but it still brought some memorable moments and characters in Goku Black and Zamasu, who are highly regarded as positives for the series. In this alternate timeline, Trunks is one of the few survivors in the path of destruction led by Goku Black, an alternate incarnation of Zamasu who used the Super Dragon Balls to switch bodies with Goku. The unfortunate difference in power level forced Trunks to leave his timeline and flee to the main timeline and request help from Goku and Vegeta.
The two had fought before this clash, with Goku Black easily gaining the upper hand, but this time around it was different. Despite Trunks giving up an early advantage to his foe, he manages to unleash a fury of rage, achieving an angered version of Super Saiyan, with pure white eyes and blue electricity flowing through his glowing ki. The new level of power was enough to stand up to Goku Black and match his strength temporarily, but not enough to outright win. A flashbang grenade from Mai allowed Trunks to escape and fight another day.
5 Trunks Versus Perfect Cell
Humiliation Despite Achieving New Form

- Dragon Ball Z, Episode 162: “Trunks Ascends”
After achieving his perfect form in Dragon Ball Z, Cell set his sights on obliterating all the world’s strongest fighters in a tournament to determine the fate of the planet. Before he could begin his plans, Trunks intercepted Cell and indicated his plans to take him down and end him right then and there. Despite Cell’s new form and increased power level, Trunks had a trick up his sleeve to balance the playing field: the Ultra Super Saiyan form. Buffing up his appearance to a more muscular and intimidating look, Trunks showcased a higher level of confidence in the face of fear.
This is where Akira Toriyama does his best work, as he underscores the heightened level of power and, at the same time, throws the episode back to Goku and Gohan during their training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. The audience learns that while the Ultra Super Saiyan form increases the user’s power, their speed becomes more limited. As a result, they’re unable to take advantage of their increased strength. This is shown when Trunks’ best efforts don’t leave a dent in Perfect Cell, who makes it clear to Trunks that he can’t hurt him. It’s a moment of growth for a character desperate to defeat the android that caused his timeline great peril.
4 Trunks Versus Fused Zamasu
The Introduction Of The Spirit Sword

- Dragon Ball Super, Episode 66: “Showdown! The Miraculous Power of Unyielding Warriors”
Leading up to the final episodes of the Future Trunks Saga in Dragon Ball Super, Goku Black and Zamasu had achieved their final form by fusing and creating the Fused Zamasu character. This evil new persona was the greatest threat the team had encountered in the series up to this point, and no matter what they threw at Fused Zamasu, nothing could keep him down forever. This includes the return of Vegito when Goku and Vegeta brought back the fusion and went a step further by going Super Saiyan Blue. Thankfully, this would be Trunks’ moment to shine, and it would be one of his grandest moments in the series.
Similar to Goku’s Spirit Bomb, where the Saiyan gathers the energy from all living matter on the planet and channels it into one giant ball of energy, Trunks puts that focus on his sword. While it was previously shattered in an earlier altercation, Trunks harnessed the energy of everyone in his timeline, creating the Spirit Sword. Leaping into action, with the fate of his timeline on his shoulders, Trunks swiped at Fused Zamasu and split the creature in half, temporarily bringing an end to his chaos. Trunks ultimately did not earn the win, thanks to Zamasu returning briefly, but his Spirit Sword remains a highlight of the saga.
3 Trunks Versus Mecha Frieza
Destroying The Galactic Emperor

- Dragon Ball Z, Episode 120: “Another Super Saiyan?”
Trunks’ introduction in Dragon Ball Z came at a pivotal time and created one of the greatest debuts of a character in fiction. Returning from the brink of death, Frieza and his father, King Cold, arrive on Earth following the events on Namek. Frieza appeared slightly different, donning a mecha form that pieced him back together after his fight with Goku. The sight of Frieza and the absence of Goku lead the remaining fighters to fear for their lives and the fate of Earth. However, the tide is turned on Frieza, King Cold, and their army, when a new face makes his way to the scene.
Sporting a purple jacket, black pants, and a sword attached to his back, Trunks’ arrival in Dragon Ball Z has many superb moments layered into one episode. From the slicing down of Frieza’s army to the Super Saiyan transformation that throws Frieza into a frenzy, Trunks was unlike any other fighter to appear up until this point. Overwhelming Frieza with his power, Trunks launched a ki blast to distract Frieza before jumping into the air and slicing Frieza into small pieces. With one final blast, Trunks brought an end to the hated emperor and created one of the most epic episodes in anime.
2 Trunks Versus Future Cell
Back To The Future Stronger And Faster

- Dragon Ball Z, Episode 194: “Free The Future”
After returning to the future, Trunks and his newfound power were enough to give him the confidence he needed to overcome the atrocities he faced. Future Cell had once killed Trunks and used his time-traveling pod to go back into the past and become Perfect Cell. Thanks to the time he spent in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and the training he endured while under the wing of his father, Vegeta, Trunks had the necessary strength to overcome Cell and put an end to his treacherous ways.
It’s the perfect culmination of revenge and emotion. Once he returned to the future, Trunks immediately encountered Cell and embarrassed him in hand-to-hand combat, juggling him in the air and sending him crashing back down into the dirt. Trunks deflected any ki blasts sent from Cell, and ultimately ended him from the timeline by throwing him into the air by his tail and blasting him to dust. With his mission fulfilled, Trunks could look forward to a future of peace.
1 Trunks Versus Androids 17 & 18
Achieving The Ultimate Redemption

- Dragon Ball Z, Episode 194: “Free The Future”
The main reason Trunks went back to the past was to warn Goku, Vegeta, and the rest of the Dragon Ball Z crew about the threat of two androids and their eventual destructive ways. Thanks to his intervention, the team was able to train ahead of the fight, albeit their strength was nowhere near the levels of Androids 17 and 18. Over time, the focus of the threat was placed on Perfect Cell, who achieved his final form by absorbing the two younger androids. However, the story of Androids 17 and 18 strikes Trunks differently, as he watched his world burn as a result of their actions, and the death of his mentor, Gohan.
After overcoming the Cell saga in the past timeline, Trunks returns to handle the Cell of his future, along with Androids 17 and 18, who were not as redeemable as the pair in the past. Oozing with confidence, Androids 17 and 18 smirked at Trunks upon his return, not realizing his increase in strength. This led to their quick downfall, as Trunks mocked the pair of androids that once did the same to him as a younger boy. Taking both on at the same time, Trunks left no room for offense and blasted away Android 18 before turning his attention to Android 17 and destroying him as well. The peak of Trunks’ character, and the blank tanktop appearance, make for the best Trunks battle in Dragon Ball Z.
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