- Android 16, a stoic and nature-loving character, never won a fight in Dragon Ball and failed to defeat Imperfect Cell as well as self-destruct to stop Perfect Cell.
- Nail, the personal bodyguard of the Grand Elder Guru, fought Frieza to buy time for the Earthlings, but unfortunately, he was overpowered and left on the brink of death.
- Chiaotzu, a master of martial arts and psychic techniques, has never won a major fight in Dragon Ball and lost against Krillin and Taopaipai, while his attempt to self-destruct against Nappa failed to injure him.
Dragon Ball is one of the most popular anime and manga franchises of all time and a huge influence on shonen battle manga. The series features superhuman powers, intergalactic battles, and high-intensity martial arts action that is rarely seen anywhere else.
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Dragon Ball naturally has a lot of fights, as well as a large cast of characters that end up participating in them. While most characters manage to squeak out a win at some point, some characters have never won a fight despite being powerful warriors. Here are some characters who have never won a fight in the Dragon Ball anime.
6 Android 16

- Failed to defeat Imperfect Cell as he was trying to absorb Androids 17 and 18
- Tried to self-destruct while restraining Perfect Cell, but couldn’t
The stoic, nature-loving Android 16 was a calm foil to the more mischievous Androids 17 and 18, following them as they did as they pleased while on their hunt for Goku. Though he had great strength, he preferred not to use it, often staying out of fights if there was no need for him.
Unfortunately for him, the only times he saw fit to use his strength were moments when he lost. Android 16’s first-ever fight was against Imperfect Cell, who was attempting to absorb Androids 17 and 18. Though he did a good job of holding him back, he ultimately failed to keep Cell from reaching his goal. Later on, during the Cell Games, Android 16 would also try to use the bombs within his body to destroy Perfect Cell, unaware that Bulma had taken them out when she performed maintenance on him. He was ultimately incapacitated and later killed by Cell.
5 Nail

- Fought Frieza to buy time for the Earthlings
Nail was the personal bodyguard of the Grand Elder Guru, and the most powerful Namekian alive at the time of the Namek Saga. He was a noble warrior and a friend to Dende, and when Frieza came to interrogate the Grand Elder, Nail tried to stop him for as long as possible.
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Unfortunately, Nail never got the chance to demonstrate his strength. Though he was powerful, Frieza easily overpowered him, leaving him at death’s door. Were it not for the arrival of Piccolo on Namek, Nail would have died, but he manages to live on as part of Piccolo.
4 Raditz

- Lost to a combination attack by Goku and Piccolo
Raditz’s appearance on Earth changed everything about Dragon Ball in a single moment. He revealed Goku’s Saiyan heritage and was even his own blood brother. He was also an incredibly powerful fighter, as shown by how he easily knocked Goku and Krillin away when he kidnapped Gohan.
When Piccolo showed up and the real fight began, however, Raditz ended up losing to Goku and Piccolo’s combined tactics. A surprise attack by Gohan ended up sealing the deal, and while Goku was forced to sacrifice his life to take out Raditz, it was worth it due to the threat he posed to them.
3 Chiaotzu

- Lost against Krillin in the World Tournament
- Blew himself up against Nappa, but failed to injure him
Tien Shinhan’s erstwhile companion, Chiaotzu is not only a master of martial arts but also powerful psychic techniques. Though his small stature makes him seem childlike compared to the other fighters, he is nevertheless a friend the others can count on.
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Unfortunately, Chiaotzu has never managed to win a major fight in the Dragon Ball anime. He lost against Krillin in the 22nd World Tournament, while his loss against Taopaipai meant he couldn’t even advance to the finals in the 23rd. He was killed easily by Demon King Piccolo as well, and though he tried to kill Nappa by self-destructing, he failed to even faze him. Chiaotzu ultimately dropped off as a fighter after this loss, never engaging in battles compared to the other characters.
2 Most Of The Ginyu Force

- Guldo stopped Krillin and Gohan with his powers but ultimately lost his head to Vegeta
- Burter and Jeice put up a good fight but were no match for Goku and Vegeta
The Ginyu Force were some of Frieza’s most elite men, led by the illustrious Captain Ginyu. Ostentatious, flashy, and quirky, the group was nevertheless incredibly powerful. Ginyu and Recoome in particular managed to be deadly foes for the Earthlings, and though Goku’s arrival evened things out, they still caused quite a bit of trouble.
Despite this, most of the Ginyu Force end up losing without ever winning a fight. Guldo started strong by stopping Krillin and Gohan with his time manipulation but was killed by Vegeta before he could land a finishing blow. Burter and Jeice tried to fight against Goku but weren’t even a match for his new strength, and Vegeta ended up killing both: Burter after he was incapacitated by Goku, and Jeice in a one-on-one fight.
1 Gotenks

- Lost against Majin Buu in his first fight
- Couldn’t beat Super Buu before his fusion ran out
Gotenks is the fusion of Goten and Trunks, two young Saiyans who’ve obtained power far beyond their youth. To fight Majin Buu, Goku taught the two the fusion technique so that they could become even stronger, and the results certainly did not disappoint.
Unfortunately, this did not translate into actual victory. Gotenks flew out to fight Majin Buu immediately after his first successful fusion, only to lose easily. He then trained to do a better job against Super Buu, but while he managed to put up a fight, he could not finish Buu off before his fusion ran out.
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