- Gogeta, a powerful character in the Dragon Ball series, has an arsenal of devastating moves that make him a formidable opponent even for the strongest enemies.
- Gogeta’s moves include the Invisible Eye Blast, a simple attack that can knock back powerful foes like Omega Shenron.
- Other powerful moves in Gogeta’s arsenal include the Big Bang Attack, Super Kamehameha, Stardust Fall, Meteor Explosion, Ultimate/Full-Force Kamehameha, Big Bang Kamehameha, and Stardust Breaker.
In the entire Dragon Ball series, very few characters come close to Gogeta in terms of raw power. Though his appearances within the franchise have been very brief, he has been called to the forefront whenever the enemy the Z-Fighters were facing proved too much for even Goku and Vegeta to handle, causing the two Saiyans to fuse by performing the Metamoran Fusion Dance.
Despite the love fans have for him, not much is known about Gogeta’s move set. One of the reasons that Gogeta is seen as a deterrent for even the most powerful of enemies in Dragon Ball is due to the vast arsenal he has at his disposal, as the moves that he uses are some of the most powerful in the entire series.
8 Invisible Eye Blast
A Simple Attack That Was Powerful Enough To Knock Back Omega Shenron

- Debuted in Dragon Ball GT: Episode 60 – “Super Saiyan 4 Fusion” /” Fu–sion!! The Ultimate Super Gogeta”
Back when Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta made his debut during the airing of Dragon Ball GT, he was by far the strongest character that fans had ever seen. This is because he had the power to simply play with and mock Omega Shenron, a character that even Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Vegeta were powerless against.
The difference in the strength of the fusions was evident from Gogeta’s first move, where he merely opened his eyes and let out a blast that sent Omega Shenron reeling backward. This was the first and only usage of the Invisible Eye Blast, an extremely simple, but powerful output of Ki that Gogeta fired by simply opening his eyes.
7 Big Bang Attack
Vegeta’s Signature Move Has Nuclear Power

- Debuted in Dragon Ball Z: Episode 130 – “No. 20’s Defiant Smile… The Secret of Dr. Gero”
Vegeta’s Big Bang Attack is one of the most iconic moves in the entire Dragon Ball franchise and, like most of his attacks, is intended to be a finishing move.
The attack itself takes the form of a massive blue ball of Ki that is released from one hand at a time and is meant to completely incinerate an opponent, and, though never explicitly seen, Gogeta can use the Big Bang Attack as he is known to mix it with Goku’s Kamehameha to form the destructive Big Bang Kamehameha wave.
6 Super Kamehameha
Goku’s Main Attack Can Erase Enemies

- Debuted in Dragon Ball: Episode 144 – “Unleashed! The Ultimate Super Kamehameha”
Arguably the most iconic move in all of anime, Goku first used Master Roshi’s Kamehameha in the very early stages of the Dragon Ball franchise.
However, it wasn’t until Goku’s fight with Piccolo Jr. in the tournament that he would perfect this Ki blast into the first Super Kamehameha that he has been using ever since. Gogeta is seen to use this move at the end of the Broly movie, as well as joining it with Vegeta’s Big Bang Attack in GT.
5 Stadust Fall
An Unending Wave Of Powerful Ki Blasts That Destroy Everything In Their Path

- Debuted in Dragon Ball Super: Broly
Dragon Ball Super: Broly brought a ton of new and exciting moves to the attention of fans and set a new benchmark for the strength of characters within the series.
Stardust Fall was one of the brand-new moves that Gogeta used against Broly where, after going Super Saiyan Blue, he initiated a very one-sided beatdown. This attack consisted of a stream of immensely powerful Ki Blasts that completely covered Broly and did a lot of damage to him and the surrounding area, making a dome of energy beams that Broly couldn’t escape from.
4 Meteor Explosion
Gogeta’s Rush Attack Ends With A Devastating Explosion

- Debuted in Dragon Ball Super: Broly
Towards the end of the movie, Gogeta unveils his incredibly powerful rush attack called Meteor Explosion. Starting with a single, Ki-infused punch, this attack threw Broly into the air. Gogeta then dashed right in after him to deliver even more hits.
From there, Gogeta would deliver a final punch to Broly’s stomach, incapacitating him and following it with an upward kick. Gogeta then screams and lets out an extremely powerful shockwave from within Broly that is so strong that it causes the Legendary Super Saiyan to revert forms.
3 Ultimate/Full-Force Kamehameha
A Kamehameha Released By Gogeta That Could Have Completely Erased Broly

- Debuted in Dragon Ball Super: Broly
Right after delivering his incredible Meteor Explosion rush attack to Broly, Gogeta gets in a stance to charge up a Kamehameha. However, just as he started, fans would notice that there was something different about this Ki blast due to Gogeta’s demeanor just before firing it.
As Broly recovered from the Meteor Explosion, it could be seen that he was no longer in a frenzied state and was fearful of what was going to come next. If he had gotten hit by this Kamehameha, he probably would have been erased like Perfect Cell.
2 Big Bang Kamehameha
The Most Powerful Move In Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta’s Arsenal

- Debuted in Dragon Ball GT: Episode 60 – “Super Saiyan 4 Fusion”/”Fu–sion!! The Ultimate Super Gogeta”
The amalgamation of the signature moves of Goku and Vegeta, the Big Bang Kamehameha comes when Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta takes the power of the Big Bang Attack and the Super Kamehameha and mixes them to form an ultimate blast.
This attack was powerful enough to do great damage to Omega Shenron, as a single hit caused him to lose the Dragon Balls that gave him his immense power, knocking him back into his base form. Another one of these would have easily killed him, but the time for the fusion ran out before this could happen. The Dragon Ball video games introduced an even stronger version of the attack called Big Bang Kamehameha x100.
1 Stardust Breaker
Gogeta’s Ultimate Attack That Eliminates All Evil

- Debuted in Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn
The fusions ultimate attack, Stardust Breaker, is a move that targets the souls of Gogeta’s enemies, which is also why it is also known under the name of Soul Punisher. Ever since its debut in the Fusion Reborn movie in 1995, it has only been used twice, with its second appearance shown in the Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie in 2018. These movies are also the perfect examples of how this move works and why it is so powerful because, on top of its initial explosive damage, it does extra damage to an enemy based on the amount of evil in their souls.
This was best seen when Gogeta used the move on Janemba and completely erased him from existence, but the same erasure didn’t work on Broly. This is because Broly was in a frenzied state and didn’t have any evil intentions in his soul; instead, he was just a misunderstood person. Stardust Breaker also looks and functions differently from other moves due to its rainbow-colored hue, relatively slow speed when thrown, and the star-like appearance it takes after being crushed in one’s hand.
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