
  • Chained Soldier’s first episode sets a promising start for the anime adaptation, carrying forward the manga’s legacy.
  • The relationship between Yuuki and Kyouka defies the typical master-servant dynamic in this world dominated by female warriors.
  • Yuuki’s transformation into a Chained Soldier grants him power and purpose, as he joins Kyouka in her quest to become a supreme commander.

Chained Soldier’s first episode got things off to a great start. The anime adaptation seems promising to take its manga’s legacy forward. Imagine stumbling through a portal into a demon-infested realm, a chaotic landscape overflowing with monstrous, vine-wreathed beasts known as Shuuki. Yuuki Wakura, an ordinary high school graduate, in the gripping story of Chained Soldier. Thrust into the heart of the Mato, an alternate dimension accessible via gateways, also known as doors. Teeming with bizarre threats, Yuuki’s life takes a shocking turn. Faced with death, he makes a desperate choice – becoming a Chained Soldier, a slave bound to a powerful female warrior named Kyouka Uzen.

But their relationship doesn’t showcase a typical master-servant dynamic. In this world dominated by female warriors empowered by mystical fruits called peaches, men like Yuuki are rare commodities. His enslavement grants Kyouka access to his untapped physical potential, transforming him into a formidable weapon against Mato’s monstrous inhabitants. Yet, his slavery comes at a peculiar price, a series of rewards that push the boundaries of intimacy.

Yuuki’s Unexpected Journey From Zero to Hero


Being disappointed with his ordinary lifestyle, Yuuki, a recent high school graduate working an ordinary job and living a mediocre life, good for nothing except his extraordinary housekeeping skills, suddenly finds himself in an alternate dimension called Mato. As soon as he realizes that he has been stuck in the Mato Mishap, he knows that he is doomed. There are three simple rules to follow if a citizen happens to be stuck in a Mato mishap. First, stay right where you are and wait for the Demon Defence Force to rescue you. Second, if, unfortunately, you are spotted or attacked by the vile creatures called Shuuki, run as far as you can and prioritize your safety over anything. The third one is quite different from the previous ones, which says ‘Shut your mouth.’ All three rules were addressed by Kyouka Uzen, commander of the 7th elite squad of Demon Defence Force, to Yuuki Wakura during his rescue.

On the brink of death, Yuuki desperately wishes not to die here, not like this. He realized he hadn’t lived yet, and he still had to find a place where he could make a difference and add meaning to his life. Amidst Yuuki’s thoughts, Kyouko arrives just in time to rescue Wakura. While being grateful, he also felt a little shy, as he had never been close to any girl his entire life. On the way to the 7th Squad dorm, which is said to be a safe place, Yuuki and Kyouka found a kid who was under attack by Shuuki. Without wasting a second, Kyouka saved that kid as well. A battle between tons of Shuuki and Kyouka emerges, in which Kyouka demonstrated her might. Despite being powerful enough to handle almost dozens of Shuuki at the same time, Kyouka found herself conflicted between saving lives and fighting demons. In a desperate attempt, while being overwhelmed by the number of Shuuki demons, Kyouka proposed Yuuki to be her slave in order to save everyone around.


Yuuki’s desperate attempt to save the child from Shuuki’s attack, even after being powerless, impressed Kyouka. That is one of the reasons she proposed him to be her slave, maybe because she saw his willpower and good heart. Yuuki, without giving it much thought, accepted Kyouka’s offer to be her slave because he knew in the real world he was good for nothing; he lacks in academics and sports as well. Initially, Kyouka was hesitant to use her powers on Yuuki as she never tested her powers on any man, but after using her powers on Yuuki, she was surprised as he transformed from a skinny-looking guy to a war machine. Yuuki, with Kyouka, destroyed every last Shuuki in their surrounding without breaking a sweat.

The power Kyouka possesses is due to the fruit called peach that exclusively grows in the Mato. The peach fruit grants extraordinary powers upon eating it, but here is the catch: it only grants powers to females. Meanwhile, for men, it is useless. Kyouka’s power comes with a twisted price; after each task, she must fulfill her slave’s desires, and her body is bound to reward her slave however they please. After finishing up Shuukis, Kyouka rewards Yuuki with some intimacy. However, it was beyond her control as her body moved on its own to fulfill the desire of her slave. So it is clear what Yuuki was thinking about her.

Yuuki’s Fate as Chained Soldier


Yuuki’s newfound powers as a Chained Soldier seem like an opportunity for Kyouka. As she dreams of becoming a supreme commander, she must acquire the power it takes to be one. Yuuki’s power promises a potential that could allow Kyouka to run for supreme commander. In selfish intent, she asked Yuuki to become her permanent slave. Yuuki, on the other hand, agreed to join her as he found a place where he is useful and can make a difference, not just a mediocre person living his life without meaning. To become a hero, he agrees to join Kyouka in her quest.

Excited, Yuuki found his new home, the 7th elite squad’s whereabouts. Unfortunately, he was given caretaker responsibilities within the whereabouts due to his exceptional housekeeping skills. Outside this whereabouts, he is a formidable Chained Soldier belonging to Kyouka, ready to wipe out every single adversary that potentially threatens mankind.