
  • Onoki’s synthetic humans, the fabrications, were created to protect his village but ended up causing more harm than good.
  • The fabrications, with abilities like Dust Release and Explosive Clay, reflected Onoki’s defiance and tragic fate.
  • Boruto and Team 7’s growth was fueled by the incident, serving as a lesson on the importance of will and friendship in the ninja world.

After the conclusion of the Fourth Great Ninja War in Naruto, the Kage of each nation chose to pass on the mantle to the next generation, and while the Third Tsuchikage followed suit, he eventually went back on his word. The fabrications created under the orders of Onoki represent his defiance of the next Tsuchikage, as he opts to take over once more from the shadows to protect the people of his village.

Despite his pure intentions, Onoki’s synthetic humans ended up causing more harm than good, even leading to his own demise. Capable of using Dust Release and Explosive Clay, these fabrications possessed unmatched potential, even with their frail, withering bodies. The fate of each fabrication, and the Third Tsuchikage himself, was rather tragic, yet the incident served as necessary growth for Boruto and the rest of Team 7.

The Purpose of the Fabrications


First Appearance

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Episode 72, “Mitsuki’s Will”

Debut Date

September 06, 2018

The era of peace left the new generation devoid of the hardships of the ninja world, leading to a decline in their overall prowess. To combat the newer generation’s lack of combat ability, Onoki proposed the idea of utilizing synthetic humans to fight in the place of humans, reducing casualties to a minimum. This idea stemmed from Onoki’s loss of his grandson, who had lost his life five years prior in an attack by rogue ninja.

I created you in order to protect the weak.

The fabrications were a result of using White Zetsu mixed with human DNA, with the very first fabrication, Ku, being a product of Onoki’s own DNA. Four more fabrications were created, with the intended purpose of serving as Onoki’s hands and feet. They were initially believed to be devoid of free will, though Onoki’s speculation proved to be far from the truth.

Akuta: The Original Synthetic Soldiers


Before the fabrications were conceived through a scientist’s help, Onoki created the Akuta — beasts made of stone that have no will of their own. The Akuta were a result of a secret technique that Onoki devised, and after a few tweaks, these beasts were able to serve as powerful soldiers that could easily be on par with regular shinobi.

The Akuta were later entrusted to Ku and the rest of the fabrications to carry out their goal. With the help of the mysterious scientist, the Akuta were produced at unprecedented rates. Due to their limited lifespan and wits, these creatures eventually disintegrate, yet they possess the ability to regenerate as long as their mask is intact.

The Strength of Each Fabrication

The five fabrications — Ku, Kokuyo, Kako, Kirara, and Sekiei — possessed strength far beyond regular shinobi, with some even boasting rare Kekkei Genkai abilities. As a mirror image of Onoki himself, Ku had access to the Atomic Dismantling Jutsu, a technique capable of turning anything it touches to dust. Kako possessed Particle Style as well, though his technique was rather limited, as he could only use the jutsu once every twenty seconds.

Kokuyo was devoid of ninjutsu, yet he made up for such a weakness through sheer strength and mastery over taijutsu. Sekiei also had access to a forbidden technique, the Explosive Clay technique that Deidera of the Akatsuki once used. Lastly, Kirara eyes were empowered with a genjutsu that could control the actions of others through a mere glance.

The Fate of the Fabrications


These synthetic humans had a limited time span of mere weeks to months, forcing them to recruit Mitsuki to use his synthetic body as a sample to create a heart for themselves. However, Boruto and his friends were able to defeat each fabrication one at a time, eventually leaving Ku as the final remaining synthetic. However, he was able to use the scientist’s heart and implant it within himself, returning his body to a near-perfect condition.

It was only after Onoki’s intervention that Ku was overpowered and defeated. However, the toll of using Particle Style at his age drained his chakra, killing him in the process. The incident left the Hidden Stone Village in a state of turmoil, and the loss of the Third Tsuchikage furthered their grief. Moreover, the origins of the fabrications were never revealed, as the corpse of the scientist who helped Onoki was never found.

The Significance of the Incident


The incident with the Third Tsuchikage’s fabrications may not have affected the Hidden Leaf Village, yet it served as a major catalyst for Boruto and Team 7’s growth. Mitsuki’s reasoning for joining the fabrications was to merely understand himself better, and to ascertain whether he actually possesses a will of his own. Boruto also realized the worth of his friendships, as he was willing to go to any lengths just to bring Mitsuki back. It was even reminiscent of Naruto’s own struggle to bring Sasuke back.

Burn this into your memory. This is the final Dust Release by Onoki the Fence Sitter.

The incident also saw the first of the original Five Kage to fall, which was truly a first within the Boruto series. However, Onoki was able to impart his wisdom to Boruto before he passed away, and his character later reflected this very growth. The fabrications may have all perished, yet they left behind a lesson for the characters, one that taught them the meaning of their own will.

Boruto is available to stream on Prime Video.