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HT2. Two Teenagers Mock Poor Old Lady on the Bus until Voice of Homeless Man Interrupts Them

Mary, an elderly woman, struggled as she climbed the steps of the bus, her frail body making it difficult for her to manage. Just when she needed it most, she felt a strong hand grip her elbow, offering support. But when she turned to express her gratitude, her smile quickly faded into discomfort.

The Kind Stranger, Timothy

The hand belonged to Timothy, a tall, thin man who looked homeless and unkempt.
Image Credit: Unsplash

The hand belonged to Timothy, a tall, thin man who looked homeless and unkempt. Mary instinctively pulled her arm away, responding stiffly, “Thank you.” Timothy, however, merely smiled sadly. He was used to rejection, but that didn’t change who he was. Watching Mary fill two bus seats reminded him of his own mother, who would have also been ashamed to see him in his current state. Timothy made his way to the back of the bus, sitting alone.

Timothy’s Heartbreaking Past

eaning back and closing his eyes, Timothy’s thoughts drifted to his daughter, Daisy.
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Leaning back and closing his eyes, Timothy’s thoughts drifted to his daughter, Daisy. He couldn’t stop thinking about how she had clung to him, even after their lives had fallen apart. Two years earlier, his wife Valery had been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Despite pouring every penny into treatments, Valery passed away, leaving Timothy devastated.

The Fall into Homelessness

After Valery’s death, Timothy’s world crumbled.
Image Credit: Unsplash

After Valery’s death, Timothy’s world crumbled. He lost his job due to frequent absences while caring for her and was forced to sell their home to pay off debts. He and Daisy moved into a dingy one-bedroom apartment in a decaying building. Soon after, Child Services took Daisy away, deeming the conditions unfit. Now homeless, Timothy’s only solace was a bus ticket to visit his daughter at her group home.

Teens Target Mary

Timothy was jolted from his thoughts by the loud, mocking voice of a teenager.
Image Credit: Unsplash

Timothy was jolted from his thoughts by the loud, mocking voice of a teenager. “Looky here, driver! This lady should pay for TWO tickets!” the boy slurred, clearly drunk, while pointing at Mary. His friend joined in, ridiculing her for taking up two seats. Mary clung to her purse, trembling, as the other passengers averted their eyes, unwilling to help.

Mary Faces Intimidation

The first teen poked Mary in the chest, demanding she move from her seat.
Image Credit: Unsplash

The first teen poked Mary in the chest, demanding she move from her seat. Despite the fear gnawing at her, Mary lifted her chin and calmly said, “Young man, there are plenty of other seats empty.” But the second teen wasn’t satisfied. He moved closer, his breath reeking of alcohol, and insisted that Mary give up her seat.

Timothy Steps In

Just as the situation was about to escalate, a firm voice cut through the tension.
Image Credit: Unsplash

Just as the situation was about to escalate, a firm voice cut through the tension. “Get your hands off that lady, or you and I are going to tango!” It was Timothy, the homeless man. The teens spun around, startled to see him towering above them, looking much more imposing than before.

Read More: Rich Woman Learns Her 10-Year-Old Daughter Goes to Abandoned Building Every Day after School — a Short Story

The Teens Back Down

Timothy stood confidently, his voice steady as he told the teens to leave the bus.
Image Credit: Unsplash

Timothy stood confidently, his voice steady as he told the teens to leave the bus. The boys hesitated for a moment but were clearly unnerved by Timothy’s presence. Picking on an elderly woman was easy, but facing a strong, determined man was another story. As the bus came to a stop, the teens hurried off, casting nervous glances back at Timothy.

Mary’s Gratitude

Once the teens were gone, Timothy approached Mary gently, asking if she was okay.
Image Credit: Unsplash

Once the teens were gone, Timothy approached Mary gently, asking if she was okay. With tears in her eyes, Mary expressed her gratitude, thanking him for stepping in. She then asked if he would accompany her home, to which Timothy kindly agreed.

An Unexpected Offer

When they arrived at Mary’s apartment, she insisted that Timothy come inside for some coffee and apple pie.
Image Credit: Unsplash

When they arrived at Mary’s apartment, she insisted that Timothy come inside for some coffee and apple pie. As they shared a meal, Mary learned about Timothy’s tragic past and the loss of his daughter. Moved by his story, she pulled out her phone and made a call.

A Glimmer of Hope

Mary’s son owned a farm, and by a stroke of luck, his right-hand man had recently quit.
Image Credit: Unsplash

Mary’s son owned a farm, and by a stroke of luck, his right-hand man had recently quit. Mary offered Timothy the opportunity to work on the farm, despite his lack of experience. She assured him that her son was willing to take a chance on a hardworking man, and Timothy, with his newfound hope, accepted the offer with tears of gratitude.

A New Beginning

With a steady job, a cottage to live in, and insurance, Child Services deemed Timothy fit to care for Daisy.
Image Credit: Unsplash

Six months later, Timothy was thriving on the farm, and his hard work paid off. With a steady job, a cottage to live in, and insurance, Child Services deemed Timothy fit to care for Daisy. Just as Mary had predicted, Timothy was reunited with his daughter, and together they started a new, brighter chapter of their lives.

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