May was an interesting addition to the Pokémon anime. Not only was she replacing Ash’s longtime female traveling companion Misty, but she also took a more proactive role in the overarching plot of Advanced Generation. However, this might be difficult to imagine considering her initial feelings about Pokémon.
At first, May had no particular interest in catching or raising Pokémon. She only used becoming a Trainer as an excuse to leave home and see the world. When someone brought up the topic of challenging the League, she’d avoid giving straight answers. It’s one thing for a character of the day to not like Pokémon, but to give that trait to a main character was a bold move.
What Narrative Purpose Did May Not Liking Pokémon at First Serve?

What made May’s initial disinterest in Pokémon especially risky was her position in the franchise at the time. Misty was one of the main characters of the series and, therefore, one of the most beloved. Whoever was replacing her would have to be at least as charming, likable, and goal-oriented as her. In this context, May openly stating to the audience that she wasn’t into Pokémon could have easily come off as a bad first impression.
Luckily, the way May was portrayed at the start of Advanced Generation left plenty of room for fans to get to know her. She might not have been passionate about Pokémon like everyone else, but she was still likable in other ways and willing to give Pokémon a chance. Because of this approach to Pokémon, she could be enjoyed as someone with a budding curiosity for Pokémon rather than an obnoxious ingrate.
May learning to like Pokémon endeared her to the audience on two fronts. First, it made her an Expy for the audience members who were just getting into Pokémon and didn’t have the years of experience that others might have had. With May, they had a character to relate to and could learn about the wonderful world of Pokémon at the same pace as her.
To those who were already into Pokémon, seeing May’s interest develop is kind of like watching those newer viewers enter the fandom. It’s like when someone introduces a friend or a family member to their favorite anime in hopes of seeing their reaction; it provides the spectacle of seeing someone get excited about something for the first time. It also welcomes the potential for a refreshing new perspective.
What Does May Love Most About Pokémon?

As it turned out, May did have a refreshing approach to the world of Pokémon. While Ash was into battling and Brock wanted to become a Breeder, May’s passion for Pokémon blossomed in Contests. She would battle with Pokémon, but her main focus was putting on a beautiful performance with her Pokémon to wow audiences. One could certainly argue that her goal of becoming a Top Coordinator was a good one to replace Misty’s goal of becoming a Water Pokémon Master.
May’s dislike of Pokémon at first might have seemed like an annoying step down from Misty at first, but it was necessary for her character. The writers needed someone with a fresh take on Pokémon to welcome newer audiences and introduce older audiences to the concept of Contests. Considering how many fans May has now, it’s safe to say that this gamble with her character paid off splendidly.
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