Vinland Saga is well known for its war and conflict, violence being the driving force behind the protagonist, Thorfinn. After the death of Thors, Thorfinn’s unrelenting desire for vengeance through bloodshed was the backbone of the anime’s development. When Askeladd, the man who killed his father, died at the hands of Canute, Vinland Saga took a drastically different direction, exploring the philosophy of conflict and the consequences of war rather than the immediate outcome that external conflict exposed.

As the conclusion of the minimally violent Season 2 looms, Thorfinn places his newfound philosophy to the test by confronting Canute’s army with pacifism and seeking to speak with Canute directly. He hopes to convince Canute to withdraw with nothing but words as his weapon. This conversation is not only the most important battle within the entire series, but it is also an expression of the entire thesis of Vinland Saga, which was birthed in the first episode by Thors.

Thorfinn Knows the World of Violence Canute Wishes to Bring

Vinland Saga: Why Thorfinn and Canute's Battle of <a href=Ideology is More Vital Than Any Battle _0″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

Due to Thorfinn’s past being drenched in blood, few can match him in the experience of war and death. While many warriors exist within the Viking people, Thorfinn was born again in battle. Because of this upbringing, he has come to understand the consequences of what war can bring — not the riches and collateral suffering Canute envisions, but the cycle of hatred with those who survive and are forced to grow surrounded by carnage. It was a life forced upon him, and once Askeladd died and he came to terms with what he had done, Thorfinn could finally understand the weight of war.

Thorfinn explains Canute’s ambition to create an empire only benefits the majority. It is the concept of peace under the iron fist of dictatorship, where those who wrought the peace may enjoy its fruits. Canute’s ideology has been crafted by witnessing the effects of meaningless violence in how it made Thorfinn a monster warrior and has been twisted through his desire to obtain peace by whatever means. Unification is a noble goal on the surface, but it is contrasted with his wish to battle God, betraying his portrayed just desires with his narcissism.

Vinland is Thorfinn and Canute’s Salvation

Vinland Saga: Why Thorfinn and Canute's Battle of <a href=Ideology is More Vital Than Any Battle _1″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

The thesis of Vinland Saga’s story rests on its expression and conclusion, making this war of words more vital to the story than any of the battles that came before. Season 1 is essentially the foundation of Thorfinn’s ideology and ultimate dream. He would neither have conceived the idea of a place away from war nor birthed the idea of “I have no enemies” if he had not been surrounded by such. The story of revenge is a charade; it is a plot about seeking freedom from the shackles of human nature. Vinland is a place where Canute cannot reach, and Vinland is also wherever Canute cannot find.

Thorfinn and Canute’s dreams are ultimately similar, but the method they wish to reach said dreams is vastly different. Even so, their confrontation lays Vinland Saga bare for all to understand its narrative purpose and message. Domination is not the answer; pure pacifism is not the answer. A balance makes the world whole.