- Negators in Undead Unluck possess unique abilities that contradict the rules of the universe, affecting either others or themselves.
- The Union is an organization of Negators that takes on quests from a mysterious book called Apocalypse to combat UMAs and uncover the truth.
- Failing a quest introduces a new “Rule” to the world, highlighting the importance of the Negators’ actions in shaping the reality of Undead Unluck.
The following contains spoilers for Undead Unluck, available on Hulu.
The Undead Unluck world is particularly interesting as it throws viewers into the mix without explaining much about itself. One of the major elements of interest in Undead Unluck is its presentation of “Negators”, the resident ability-wielders of its universe who play a significant role in the developments that give rise to the state of the world itself.
Along with the Unidentified Phenomena or UMAs that give rise to the various fundamental laws of the Undead Unluck universe, the Negators are perhaps the series’ most important agents. So, just who or what are the Negators in Undead Unluck?

In essence, Negators in the Undead Unluck universe are individuals with highly specialized abilities that uniquely disrupt, subvert, or eliminate specific rules integral to their world. These abilities, denoted by the prefix “Un-” (or “Fu-” in Japanese), possess the inherent trait of negating or denying particular rules within the universe. The term “Negator” is derived from the Japanese word 否定者, “hiteisha,” meaning “denier” in the context of denying the established rules. Consequently, each ability features the “Un-” prefix, effectively imposing contradictory rules on the target, bypassing the otherwise unalterable rules governing reality. These abilities often come with intricate activation conditions.
There are two categories of Negators: external-targeting types, whose abilities affect others, and self-targeting types, whose abilities have a personal impact.
The initial Negators introduced in the series are Fuko Izumi, the protagonist, and the enigmatic “Andy,” nicknamed “Unluck.” Fuko’s ability, “Unluck,” triggers incidents of misfortune inversely proportional to her positive emotions for the target. This power, a source of trauma for Fuko, caused her parents’ death and captures the attention of the undying Andy, who seeks a final and satisfying death. The narrative later unveils the existence of the Union, an organization of Negators with mysterious objectives that become clearer as the main characters become part of their ranks.
United We Negate

The Anti-Unidentified Phenomena Control Organization, comprising ten members, is introduced as a group tasked with hunting down any Negator not affiliated with the Union, labeling them as Unidentified Mysterious Abilities (UMAs). Initially, the Union’s objective was to capture Andy and eliminate Fuko, but a strategic shift occurred after their confrontation resulted in the deaths of two Union members, prompting a collaboration between the two parties. The Union’s primary function is to undertake quests assigned by a mysterious talking book named Apocalypse, the first “Artifact” discovered on Earth. This sentient book possesses extensive knowledge of the world and directs the Union to combat powerful phenomena known as “UMAs.”
While most of the Union members’ abilities remain shrouded in secrecy, Shen’s ability is revealed during a battle with the zombifying UMA called “Spoil.” The Union’s overarching goal is to continue completing quests, hoping to uncover the identity of the mastermind behind these phenomena and ultimately defeat them.
Each Union member is assigned a Roman numeral corresponding to their ranking, which improves based on the number of quests completed. Currently, the top-ranked Negator in the Union is Juiz, recognized by the numeral 1. Quest rewards occasionally include information about the whereabouts of other Negators. Notable mentions include the elusive Unburn, linked to the capture of the UMA “Eat,” and the formidable Unrepair, associated with defeating the UMA Spoil. The enigmatic Unseen is also teased. Some quests offer opportunities for the Union to expand their ranks, allowing them to recruit additional Negators and enhance their standings.
To partake in a quest, a Negator must possess a Union emblem, signifying their membership. Although only a few Negator abilities have been revealed, the anime has showcased three abilities beyond those of Andy and Fuko while teasing several more.

In Undead Unluck, Negators are compelled to undertake and successfully complete quests because failure to do so would introduce a new “Rule” into the world. According to Union leader Juiz, Rules have been added to their world 98 times in the past. These Rules are fundamental aspects of existence, such as sex, death, and sickness. Conversely, UMAs represent concepts that, if defeated, would result in significant changes, like the establishment of a single global language by overcoming the concept of languages.
Undead Unluck’s narrative is captivating due to its setting, which unmistakably resembles Earth but features striking differences, including the existence of monstrous UMAs, individuals with extraordinary abilities, and a night sky with only the sun and moon visible. The concept of a galaxy is presented as a potential UMA that could take effect if the Negators fail one of their quests, as revealed in Undead Unluck episode 5.
The unique aspect of the story lies in how the Negators’ actions or inaction directly influence the world’s nature. In a strict sense, the Negators of Undead Unluck can be seen as reality warpers, as their engagement with quests becomes the driving force behind the world’s peculiar characteristics. The narrative thus explores the consequences of the Negators’ choices and their impact on the very fabric of reality within the story’s universe.
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