Spy X Family is one of the most prominent manga and anime franchises of the last few years, and each new chapter and anime episode causes the show’s fanbase to grow even more. One reason for this is that the show is full of fascinating mysteries, and currently, the biggest unknown is who is behind the horrible experiments performed on Anya and Bond. One possible (and popular) answer to this question is that the main antagonist, the mysterious Donovan Desmond, is bankrolling the experiments, but does the series back this up?

Fans Spotted an Interesting Detail

<a href=Spy x Family Theory: Donovan Desmond Funds the Group Behind Anya & Bond’s Experiments_0″ class=”lazyload” data-src=”https://static.animeranku.com/i/images/news/2023/6/14/spy-x-family-theory-donovan-desmond-funds-the-group-behind-anya-bond-s-experiments_0.png”/>

This fan theory originates from Tumblr blog, The L Reads. This eagle-eyed blogger noticed that two glasses-wearing scientists, a tall man, and a shorter bald man, are seen in both Anya and Bond’s flashbacks to their time in the lab. While this could be written up as Tatsuya Endo recycling designs, the taller of the two has a distinctive hair curl in the center of their forehead, which seems too deliberate of a visual flourish to accidentally use twice, making it very likely they are the same character. If this is true, it means these experiments took place in the same lab and are part of a grander, unified conspiracy, which raises interesting questions about who is behind them.

The manga hasn’t given explicit evidence linking Donovan to the experiments performed on Anya or Bond. The character hasn’t been seen very often, meaning there have been few chances to confirm information on him, forcing readers to rely on hearsay. Despite this, a few details could hint toward a link.

Is Donovan Desmond Behind Anya’s Powers?

<a href=Spy x Family Theory: Donovan Desmond Funds the Group Behind Anya & Bond’s Experiments_1″ class=”lazyload” data-src=”https://static.animeranku.com/i/images/news/2023/6/14/spy-x-family-theory-donovan-desmond-funds-the-group-behind-anya-bond-s-experiments_1.png”/>

One obvious connection is that Desmond and the scientists seem to share a similar philosophy when it comes to dealing with children. While talking with Loid, Donovan says that children are “essentially strangers” to their parents before adding that “people will never truly be sympathetic with each other.” If we compare this to the lab flashbacks, it’s clear that the scientists who worked on Anya and Bond have a similar outlook. For instance, they treat Anya poorly and tell her they “don’t have time for tears.” Something that would never be said by someone who understands and empathizes with children.

Interestingly, when Loid meets Donovan, viewers are shown a close-up of his face, revealing that he has scars on either side of his head. Readers who return to Bond’s lab flashback will spot that Donovan’s marks line up with two of the electrodes placed on Bond during the electroshock experiment, which could suggest that Donovan has undergone a similar process. Also, Donovan’s sudden transformation into a recluse could suggest he was given similar powers to Anya, as she struggles in crowds, becoming overloaded due to being unable to turn her mind-reading off. If WISE is correct, and Donovan does want to start a war, then gaining mind-reading and precognition powers would help him immensely with this goal.

Plus, running experiments like the ones we’ve seen and keeping them a secret would require a massive amount of money and influence. Donovan is the only character in the cast outside of WISE and Garden who would possess the resources and the clout needed to recruit the scientists to get the project off the ground while keeping it a secret.

The idea that Donovan is behind Anya and Bond’s powers also becomes more likely when you look at how the story is structured. Solving the mystery of what Donovan is planning has been pushed as the central goal since the very first chapter, so it would be strange to introduce a second antagonist down the line and keep Anya and Bond’s stories separate, as the main theme of Spy X Family is people coming together to form a unit. It should also be noted that the plot seems keen to make sure Donovan does not meet Anya, as she falls asleep just before Donovan comes to Eden Academy, making it feel like Tatsuya Endo is holding back the two meeting in person for a later date, suggesting that it will trigger a revelation when it happens, likely that Anya remembers Donovan from her time in the lab or learns something of her past from Donovan’s internal monologue.

We don’t know if Donovan is linked to Anya or Bond at the current time. However, untangling this character’s history and true motives will be a massive part of Spy X Family’s future chapters. The details spotted by The L Reads show that, while the plot is moving slowly, Tatsuya Endo has been laying the groundwork and planting seeds for a big reveal since the manga began, meaning fans are in for a rollercoaster ride.