Oshi no Ko has dominated the Spring 2023 anime season and for good reason. The show is one heck of a roller coaster ride, and its success is proven by its staggering viewership. Even before the heat of the first season rubs off, the production behind the show has already announced that a second season is already on its way. Given that the first season has left a lot of questions for the viewers to mull, the second season certainly can’t be lacking in content. After all, all the first season has done is dish out one mystery after another.
Oshi no Ko follows the story of the mysterious Hoshino twins, the product of the superstar Ai Hoshino’s teenage pregnancy. They are, however, more than that. The twins are actually two other individuals who have been reincarnated as their favorite idol’s children. Not only that, they actually also know each other in their previous lives, though they are yet to discover that truth. When Ai Hosino met her untimely end, the twins have also decided to follow in her legacy in their own ways. Ruby wants to become a superstar idol like her mother, while Aqua wants to unravel the mystery of Ai’s death. But at the end of season one, both of them have only stepped into their respective paths.
Aqua Investigating Their Father’s Identity

After Ai’s death, Aqua has dedicated his life to solving the case of Ai’s murder. He is convinced that somebody is pulling the strings behind the scenes, so even if Ai’s stalker already took his own life, Aqua’s search is still far from over. And his prime suspect is his biological father. After all, only he could have known Ai’s whereabouts and biggest secrets, which gave the stalker enough reason to commit murder. Aqua’s dedication is also no joke. He has been grasping at straws as he grows, even taking on the harsh showbiz industry in order to get leads. At the end of Season 1, he finally gets a crucial hint. He learns from Kaburagi that Ai met their father at a theater troupe known as Lala Lai Theatrical Company.
Kaburagi also agrees to introduce Aqua to them, making him a step closer to achieving his goals. As Aqua has shown so far, he won’t be stopping any time soon. He will certainly juggle his acting responsibilities as he gathers information and evidence for his investigation. Given that his main culprit can be hiding within the troupe and even possibly a co-actor of his, it is interesting to think what steps Aqua will be taking in order to locate his father. However, his lead is still far from conclusive. It is still possible that his elusive father isn’t or is no longer part of Lala Lai. It can even be that Lala Lai is just another stepping stone in his long and perilous investigation. That is, however, not to say that his upcoming project is without worth. After all, it’s the perfect stage for Kana and Akane to finally face off.
The Love Triangle Between Aqua, Kana, and Akane

Oshi no Ko is an expert when it comes to tackling numerous genres, and that includes romance. There is an ongoing love triangle in the series, and fans are pretty much divided between the two sides. The show has been priming the Aqua and Kana ship, especially in the episode wherein Aqua pretended to be Pieyon just to help B-Komachi prepare. However, Akane’s side isn’t to be overshadowed. Their relationship has also been developing, though more on Akane’s side than Aqua’s. Since they’ve announced their business relationship, they must at least let the show continue for a few more months. Incidentally, that coincides with their upcoming live-action adaptation of a renowned manga series.
This upcoming series will not only involve Aqua and Akane, but Kana as well. Not only that, all three of them are playing the main roles in the play. They will certainly have a lot of opportunities to face off against each other, with the two actresses trying to win over Aqua’s affection. After all, Aqua is yet to truly reveal how he feels toward the two. He seems to keep pushing Akane away while trying to reel in Kana, yet his actions contradict his intentions. To make things more interesting, the two actresses are also previously acquainted. They are rivals not just in love but in work as well. They’ve been trying to one-up each other since their childhood years. That being said, the upcoming play will certainly be quite eventful.
B-Komachi On the Way to Stardom

Ruby has always been set on becoming an idol. Even at the beginning, she isn’t going to let anybody — not even her twin brother — get in the way of achieving her dreams. She eventually manages to convince Aqua to support her, and her efforts finally revive B-Komachi’s name. After stringing along Kana and Mem-Cho, the three of them have officially debuted as B-Komachi at the end of season one. The public’s reception of them is also quite notable. They even manage to re-convert former B-Komachi fans into supporting their group. Most of all, Ruby finally gets to show the world what she’s got, especially with how bright she shines on stage.
While B-Komachi’s debut can be considered a success, it is still just the first step toward their ultimate goal — stardom. They are yet to plant their feet in the industry, and they are yet to establish their own fanbase. However, their debut is still a huge milestone. With Mem-Cho in their group and the Strawberry Production’s support, it’s only a matter of time before they establish their digital presence. And with their combined presence, they will certainly captivate more hearts in their future activities. That is assuming they will be given screen time in the second season of Oshi no Ko. Season 1 mainly focuses on Aqua’s exploits, and Ruby has mostly been cast aside. Hopefully, Season 2 will break that trend.
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