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One Piece: The Straw Hats’ Adventures Have One Unfortunate Downfall

One Piece has captivated audiences around the world with its vibrant characters, epic battles and intricate world-building. At the center of this sprawling story are the Straw Hat Pirates, a ragtag group of individuals who dare to dream big and are led by the happy-go-lucky Monkey D. Luffy. The crew has gone through a lot together, so it would be a great shame if their adventures are lost at the bottom of the ocean. Unfortunately, that may have a pretty good chance of happening — especially since their crew doesn’t seem to be filling a crucial position.

It’s no exaggeration to say the Straw Hats have made great contributions in molding One Piece’s world as fans know it today. They’ve saved numerous kingdoms and countless lives, all the while taking down big-named pirates, Marines and royalty, and their adventure is still far from over. There is, however, one unfortunate drawback to their epic quest. Since they don’t have anyone jotting down their journey, it is bound to be forgotten. Worse, they seem destined to be painted in a very bad light.

One Piece’s Straw Hat Pirates Don’t Have a Chronicler

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A chronicler is a person who records and documents events, particularly historical or notable ones. In storytelling, this is often the character who narrates the story — either in the first or third person — and acts as a witness to the events that unfold. In the context of One Piece, a chronicler would be an in-universe character who records the Straw Hats’ adventures and preserves their legacy for future generations.

A chronicler is important because they serve as a bridge between the past and the present. By documenting events as they unfold, they ensure that the memory of those events will be preserved and passed down through time. This is particularly important for historical or legendary events, which can be lost or distorted over time without a reliable record. Given that most of the Straw Hat Pirates’ feats are bound to have lasting effects on history, a chronicler would be essential in ensuring their heroic acts and accomplishments are not forgotten or misrepresented. This work can ensure their legacy will live on even after they are gone.

The Straw Hats May Be Facing an Inevitable Doom

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The Straw Hat Pirates don’t have a chronicler on board at present, and none of its members seem to be filling the role. Even if someone who matches the job description eventually ends up joining the crew, there won’t be much chronicling to do. As One Piece has already started its final saga, it is safe to assume the Straw Hat Pirates’ journey is coming to an end sooner than later. All that could be written at this point is probably how the crew members achieve their individual dreams. Not that those events aren’t notable, but most of their adventures will remain undocumented — and that’s where the problem lies.

A major consequence of the Straw Hats not having a chronicler is that their accomplishments and heroic acts may be forgotten or distorted over time. Without a reliable record of their adventures, the crew’s legacy will slowly fade in the annals of time. This is particularly problematic given the many large-scale organizations they’ve offended. Their actions often have profound impacts, and without documentation, those impacts are likely to be accredited to others. The fact that they are pirates also doesn’t help their cause.

One Piece Has Many Instances of History Being Altered or Deleted

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No matter how good they are, pirates are bound to be painted in a bad light, and One Piece fans have already witnessed this on various occasions. Interestingly, the World Government is one of its frequent offenders. The organization has literally erased certain events from history — the period of time known as the Void Century — and has made studying them a grave criminal offense. This isn’t just an empty threat, either. The World Government went as far as putting a 79-million bounty on an eight-year-old girl — and it’s much stricter for pirates.

It is well-known across the world that the Pirate King Gol D. Roger met his end at the hands of the Marines. While that is correct in essence, the reality is that he surrendered himself to them. That isn’t the only alteration they’ve made to Roger’s narrative. Like the Straw Hat Pirates, the Roger Pirates didn’t only do criminal acts. In fact, Roger is half of the reason why the Rocks Pirates met their eventual end. But since a pirate can’t be known as a good person, Garp received all the positive recognition.

The Straw Hat Pirates Are Bound to Be Painted in a Bad Light

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Like Roger and his crew, the Straw Hat Pirates are bound to receive the same treatment from the World Government. In fact, they already have. The Straw Hats freed the Kingdom of Alabasta from Crocodile’s hands, yet it was the marine officer Smoker who benefited from their actions. Another character who helps slur their reputation is the famous “Big News” Morgans. The journalist openly admits altering news stories to make them sell better, like when he made it seem as if the Straw Hats were declaring war with the World Government by kidnapping Dr. Vegapunk.

Without someone to chronicle their actions and counteract false narratives, the crew are likely to be targeted and blamed for things they didn’t do. They will then be forever lambasted as vile, heartless criminals by the world’s citizens. Of course, that’s not to say the truth will be easily buried — at least, not entirely. There will always be the accounts of those they have saved. Unfortunately, those accounts are spread across the world and are likewise not exempt from alteration. So unless someone as dedicated as Nico Robin or obsessed as Bartolomeo compiles the Straw Hats’ heroic legacy, One Piece’s main heroes may only be remembered as cruel villains.

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