The Naruto anime is an iconic shonen action series, and many of its scenes, characters, and episodes are legendary in the anime fandom. Looking back, many fans focus on the best sequences in Naruto Shippuden, where the characters are older and stronger, but the original Naruto series also has some excellent episodes that stand the test of time.

A handful of pre-Shippuden episodes have aged quite well, aside from their low-def visuals, because they represent famous and pivotal scenes in the story that no fan will forget. Those episodes also feature incredible fight scenes on par with anything that My Hero Academia and Demon Slayer can offer, and some of these episodes are still debated and discussed by Naruto fans today.

10 Episode 5: “You Failed! Kakashi’s Final Decision”

10 Old <a href=Naruto Episodes That Still Hold Up_0″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

In the earliest Naruto episodes, Team 7 finally took shape, but their first battle was rough. Their jonin mentor, Kakashi Hatake, challenged them to steal two bells, but Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke stood no chance. Then Sakura cheated and gave Naruto part of her lunch, and Kakashi caught on.

What’s memorable about this episode is not the fight, but Kakashi’s unexpectedly warm reception to Team 7’s cheating. Instead of failing them, Kakashi applauded his genin charges for standing up for one another, even if it meant breaking the rules.

9 Episode 19: “The Demon In The Snow”

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The Land of Waves storyline introduced the villainous pair Zabuza Momochi and Haku, and during the final fight on Tazuna’s unfinished bridge, both sides unleashed their deadliest weapons. Haku seemingly killed Sasuke with his ice crystals and mirrors, and Naruto went berserk.

That was exciting, but the best part was seeing an injured Zabuza turn on his cruel client, Gato, for relatively heroic reasons. Zabuza died in that fight, but he died happy by Haku’s side, a touching moment that ended the Land of Waves story on a bittersweet note.

8 Episode 47: “A Failure Stands Tall!”

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The chunin exam still stands as one of anime’s best tournament arcs, including the ferocious duels that took place in that forest tower. Naruto‘s fight against Kiba was soon overshadowed by Hinata and Neji’s own duel, with Neji verbally abusing his cousin until Naruto spoke up.

Naruto fans still fondly remember the dandere Hinata Hyuga taking Naruto‘s words to heart, and she attacked Neji with renewed courage and aggression. Hinata lost the match, but it was a turning point for her character arc, all thanks to her friend and crush, Naruto Uzumaki.

7 Episode 50: “The Fifth Gate: A Splended Ninja Is Born”

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The taijutsu specialist Rock Lee boldly took on the sinister Gaara of the Sand right after Neji and Hinata’s match, and it remains one of the most exciting, brutal, and heartbreaking fights in the original Naruto anime. The fight reaches its climax in Episode 50, and fans won’t soon forget it.

Rock Lee opened his inner Gates to perform a devastating taijutsu attack, but it didn’t work. Gaara struck back, and the exhausted Lee was helpless as Gaara’s sand crushed him half to death. Even so, Rock Lee’s unconscious body got up anyway, which both concerned and impressed a tearful Might Guy.

6 Episode 62: “A Failure’s True Power”

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Episode 62 concluded one of Naruto Uzumaki‘s best and most personal fights late in the chunin exam story arc. In that episode, Naruto desperately scraped together his remaining strength to keep fighting the mighty Neji Hyuga, and then Naruto shocked everyone with Kurama’s chakra.

Naruto used that chakra and a shadow clone to fool Neji, then strike from underground and knock Neji out with a single punch to the jaw. Naruto won the fight, and he savored the sound of the entire audience cheering on the jinchuriki they once feared and hated.

5 Episode 64: “Zero Motivation: The Guy With Cloud Envy!”

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The genius Shikamaru Nara fought the Sand kunoichi Temari in one of Naruto‘s cleverest but also silliest fights. Shikamaru’s bizarre combination of extraordinary intelligence and overwhelming laziness was on full display, and Temari wasn’t quite sure what she was dealing with.

Temari was smart, but Shikamaru was thinking several moves ahead, and captured his Sand opponent with his shadow possession jutsu. Then, to everyone’s shock and disappointment, Shikamaru conceded the match, admitting that he didn’t have enough chakra to continue.

4 Episode 80: “The Third Hokage, Forever…”

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Episode 80 did have the Third Hokage’s somber funeral, but that’s not why it’s a must-watch episode in the Naruto fandom. Most of all, Episode 80 showed Naruto using his best instance of “talk jutsu,” speaking to Gaara after they fought each other to a standstill.

Naruto tearfully empathized with Gaara, since both boys knew what it was like to have a monster inside and be unfairly hated for it. The pain of loneliness is what brought them together, and when Gaara was carried away, his redemption was already beginning.

3 Episode 95: “The Fifth Hokage! A Life On The Line!”

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By Episode 95, Naruto and his new mentor Jiraiya had met the wandering Tsunade, who refused at first to become the next Hokage. Then Orochimaru and Kabuto Yakushi showed up, and Tsunade was forced to make a decision – and she chose well.

Episode 95 was a legendary Naruto moment because it showed Tsunade face her fears and assume the mantle of Hokage. She embraced the shonen-style power of hope and courage, and helped her new allies fight off Orochimaru and Kabuto in a titanic clash of summoned animals.

2 Episode 108: “Bitter Rivals And Broken Bonds”

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Episode 108 was a dramatic and breathtaking phase in the pre-Shippuden storyline. This episode concluded the rooftop duel between Naruto and Sasuke, and Kakashi Hatake tried and failed to talk Sasuke out of seeking revenge against Itachi.

In this essential Naruto episode, Sasuke made his final decision, and vowed to abandon the Hidden Leaf Village to seek more power. That was when the Sound Four arrived to first test Sasuke in battle, then offer to take him back to Orochimaru.

1 Episode 134: “The End Of Tears”

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Episode 134 is the pinnacle of pre-Shippuden Naruto, and some fans may say this episode beats most of Naruto Shippuden’s material, too. Episode 134, “The End of Tears,” contained the electrifying and dramatic conclusion to the Naruto vs Sasuke duel at the waterfall, and fans can’t get enough of it.

Both ninjas used their strongest jutsu and darkest powers in that moment, and they angrily shouted one another’s names as they went. Their brotherly bond was truly broken after that, with an injured Sasuke trudging away, unswayed by Naruto‘s heartfelt words.

NEXT: 10 Most Emotional Naruto Episodes, Ranked