Naruto is known for a lot of things, especially since it was part of the “Big Three” that defined shonen anime for a generation of viewers. Of course, one of the series’ most notable elements was the infamous “Talk no Jutsu,” which was capable of felling even the most dastardly of villains. While this may have helped Naruto against the foes that he fought, it remains to be seen if it’d be just as effective in the world of Dragon Ball Z.

Dragon Ball Z characterized its heroes and villains in an arguably less sophisticated way than the later Naruto, perhaps at least in part due to it preceding the latter. With how downright diabolical some of Goku’s greatest enemies were, Naruto’s particular way of talking it out might be rendered useless. Here’s why a Kamehameha Wave is far more effective than Talk no Jutsu.

What Is Talk no Jutsu, Naruto’s Most Derided Narrative Element?

Would Naruto's Talk no Jutsu Have Worked on Any of Dragon Ball Z's Biggest Villains?_0

In Naruto, the shinobi employ incredible techniques known as jutsus. These include Naruto’s Shadow Clone Jutsu, known in Japanese as Kage Bunshin no Jutsu. While this might be Naruto’s most popular means of defending himself, one especially criticized “attack” of his employs far fewer fisticuffs. The infamous “Talk no Jutsu” isn’t an official skill in the Naruto universe, but rather a pejorative term used by fans to describe Naruto’s tendency to try to miraculously save the day or change others through talking to them.

Examples of this include him inspiring Zabuza to strike back against Gato and his men by reminding Zabuza of how much he supposedly cared for Haku. The same went for his conversations — heated as they may have been — with both Gaara and the wayward Sasuke. His interaction with the former helped him to turn away from his misanthropic ways and become a more humanized individual. Talk no Jutsu is criticized for being a rather annoying plot device, no different from the “nakama” trope where characters win through the power of friendship. The fact that it was seemingly useful against the series’ greatest enemies only made this trait even worse. That says a lot about how Naruto and other shinobi can have a change of heart after hearing the right soliloquy, but the antagonists of another shonen franchise aren’t so sweet-hearted.

Talk no Jutsu Would Be Useless Against the Villains of Dragon Ball Z

Would Naruto's Talk no Jutsu Have Worked on Any of Dragon Ball Z's Biggest Villains?_1

While even some of the evilest individuals to face Naruto have some degree of humanity, that’s not the case with the most prominent Dragon Ball Z villains. The vile overlord Frieza doesn’t possess a shred of decency, simply worshiping power and lording his own over entire species such as the borderline extinct Saiyans and the Namekians. Even a sense of morality and honor was lacking in him, with the space lizard being as cold-hearted as his name would suggest. The same goes for Cell and even Vegeta toward the series’ beginning, with neither of them having a shred of decency about them. Only the threat of a greater foe was able to force Vegeta into working alongside the Z Fighters, and it would take his marriage to Bulma and fathering Trunks to truly domesticate the Saiyan prince.

Majin Buu, at least his initial corpulent form, might be able to be talked down, though that’s mainly due to him actually possessing a good side. That’s why he’s completely evil in his destructive Kid Buu form. The same goes for the once-human Android 17 and Android 18, with even the completely robotic Android 16 being fairly kind when compared to his killing machine status. These are about the only characters that Talk no Jutsu would have any effect on, as those villains are thematically the closest to the ones from Naruto. Unfortunately for Goku and his friends, settling things through a simple discussion is always passed over in favor of battling it out.