The following contains spoilers for Episode 3 of Mobile Suit Gundam: A Witch from Mercury, “Guel’s Pride,” now streaming on Crunchyroll.

Since Suletta arrived at the Asticassia School of Technology, she has been at odds with Guel physically and philosophically. Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Episode 3 offers a conclusion to Suletta and Guel’s initial conflict with a glorious duel. Their relationship and futures have changed after two impassioned fights, becoming intertwined through an unavoidable connection.

It was inevitable that Suletta and Guel would clash, as Guel’s ties to Jeturk Heavy Machinery and, in turn, the Benerit Group make him a natural opponent for survivors of Benerit’s attack on Folkvangr. However, colliding over a passionate disagreement instead of historical wrongdoing set them on the path to bonding. While their initial interactions are cold, shaky, and uncomfortable, Guel and Suletta could find level ground sooner than later.

Duels Are Dances for Warriors

MSG: The Witch From Mercury: Will Guel Join Suletta and Miorine’s Cause?_0

Suletta and Guel’s first duel ended with an unexpected bang, as Suletta and her Gundam’s presence was not only a mystery to the school but a shocking surprise. Their second duel ran differently because Guel and Jeturk Heavy Machinery knew their opposition was a Gundam. Guel and his father’s company entered the duel with ample preparations.

After his initial anger subsided, Guel’s integrity and passion for dueling led him to embrace the challenge and outcome. Guel’s frustrations peaked after realizing his father had tampered with his Mobile Suit and the dueling arena. Blatantly going against his father’s wishes, Guel smashed the link between his Mobile Suit and the predictive AI Jeturk Heavy Machinery, hoping he would gain the upper hand over Suletta’s Gundam.

Breaking free from his father’s shackles let Guel settle the decisive duel on his terms with his skills. While he also lost this bout, the conclusion carried more relief and passion than the first fight, as Suletta’s Gundam and skills pulled out Guel’s fervor for fair and friendly competition. Overcome with emotion and a sense of freedom, Guel proposed to Suletta after dismounting from their Mobile Suits.

Using Lineage and Social Status to Stir the Pot

MSG: The Witch From Mercury: Will Guel Join Suletta and Miorine’s Cause?_1

The second duel between Suletta and Guel opened the latter’s heart and mind. His presence in the school is close to royalty, as he is related to a vital member of the Benerit Group, a member of the Dueling Committee and a former dueling champion. Blinded by pride and social politics, Guel used this position to force respect from or evoke fear in others.

After this life-changing fight, Guel stands to join Suletta and Miorine as they challenge standards forced into place by Delling and other vital members of the Benerit Group. After embracing the passion inside, inspired by Suletta’s uninhibited joy and excitement, Guel is poised to use his social sway in Suletta and Miorine’s favor. With an impressive social presence, solid battle acumen and ever-growing zeal, Guel will be a remarkable cohort.

MSG: The Witch From Mercury: Will Guel Join Suletta and Miorine’s Cause?_2

Social division within the Asticassia School of Technology stems from classism and the classic Mobile Suit Gundam division between Earth and Space Colonies. Guel will be a handy linchpin for gaining buy-in from those Suletta doesn’t initially impress. Bringing more unity to the students and adding solid numbers to a potential resistance group are just a few perks of Guel’s membership.

It is unlikely that Guel and Suletta will get married, but this isn’t to say that he won’t help Suletta obtain specific goals or dreams, like going on a date. The dynamics from a redeemed Guel extend beyond his benefits to the growing team — the dialogue and social dynamic that would emerge if he’s more present would be delightfully wild. Guel will be one of the first vital students to choose sides and help change humankind’s culture and future.