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My Hero Academia’s Todoroki Family Drama Reaches Its Emotional Conclusion

The following contains spoilers for My Hero Academia Chapter 390, “Shoto Todoroki Rising,” by Kohei Horikoshi, Caleb Cook and John Hunt, available in English from Viz Media.

Since very early on in My Hero Academia, the Todoroki family’s internal conflict has been one of the most interesting plot points and generated a lot of fan interest in the series. The stakes of their shared story only continued to get higher with each new revelation and the surprise bombshell related to the family, but in Chapter 390, the Todoroki family drama finally reached an epic and emotional conclusion with every member present.

Toya Todoroki, more popularly known as Dabi, was always been a thorn in the Pro-Heroes’ side, but never more so than in MHA’s ongoing final war. After suffering an initial defeat at Shoto Todoroki’s hands in Kamino Ward, he was transported by Kurogiri to the main battlefield at Gunga Villa. There, he began preparing to perish in a blaze of glory by concentrating all his firepower in a compressed ball within his chest, planning to release it all in an explosion that would destroy everything within a five-mile radius. Even the combined efforts of Endeavor, Rei, Fuyumi and Natsuo’s Ice Quirks weren’t enough to avert this explosion, but help was on its way.

Shoto Todoroki Shows Off His Quirk’s Full Potential in MHA Chapter 390

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Shoto Todoroki and Tenya Iida’s race from Kamino Ward to Toya’s location at Gunga Villa was nothing short of legendary. The real hero is, of course, Iida’s Engine Quirk, but he would never have been able to achieve these supersonic speeds without Shoto’s assistance. By using his ice to create a structure that improved their aerodynamics and heating the air in front of them to decrease friction, Shoto allowed Iida to achieve supersonic speeds exceeding that of even fighter jets. Making this feat even more impressive, Shoto managed to achieve this fine manipulation of his surroundings’ temperature while protecting both himself and Iida from the worst of Toya’s heat.

Shoto arrived at his family’s location at almost the exact moment that Toya’s explosion was about to be set off. Before his brother could cause even more destruction, Shoto used Great Glacial Aegir once again, immediately neutralizing Dabi’s heat for a second and final time. Forever unassuming, he immediately began to downplay his achievements thus far by acknowledging that Toya’s heat had reached a level that might forever be inaccessible to him and appreciating the rest of his family for being present, as even his greatest ice super move might not have been enough to stop Toya.

Endeavor Finally Apologizes to Dabi and His Entire Family

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One bone that the Todorokis, Natsuo especially, still had to pick with Endeavor was that he’d never fully taken responsibility for destroying their family for his own goals. Upon realizing that the entire family had survived the threat of Toya’s explosion, Endeavor broke down and began to make the restitution that was long overdue. Even as he lay dying himself, Toya managed to spit out some final abuse against his father, prompting Endeavor to begin sobbing as he apologized to his long-lost son for abandoning him to his death at Sekoto Peak.

Toya wasn’t the only one who received an apology. Evidently, Endeavor has finally grown out of his self-centeredness and identified how his behavior has affected each family member individually. He apologized to Rei for demanding the impossible of her and exacerbating her existing health issues, to Fuyumi for abandoning the responsibility of holding the family together, and to his eldest daughter and Natsuo for completely rejecting their existence due to their lack of Flame Quirks. These late apologies certainly don’t make up for his years of abuse and neglect, but it’s a good start for Endeavor and an important step on his road to atonement.

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