706z87″ title=”akira”>Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball Z is one of the ultimate shonen success stories with a fandom that’s never been more passionate even though the original manga ended nearly three decades ago. Dragon Ball Z has stayed relevant for so long because it’s a series that’s not afraid to experiment with change and continue to expand its scope. Among these changes is the comfort that Goku is always going to be the story’s hero, even when he meets his end or appears to be out of the picture.

Many of Goku’s greatest achievements are experienced in Dragon Ball Z, yet audiences continue to claim that Goku is at his strongest in the original series and that Dragon Ball Z is when the character begins to regress. Goku’s triumphs in the original Dragon Ball shouldn’t be minimized, but there’s no denying that Goku becomes a deeper, more nuanced character in Dragon Ball Z. Goku is hardly perfect in Dragon Ball Z and when he fails he does so spectacularly, but he’s still at his best in this chapter of the franchise, rather than his adventures that become before or afterward.

He Grows As A Father

Goku Was At His Absolute Best In <a href=Dragon Ball Z_0″ class=”lazyload” data-src=”https://static.animeranku.com/i/images/news/2023/7/6/goku-was-at-his-absolute-best-in-dragon-ball-z_0.png”/>

Goku experiences substantial growth over the course of the original Dragon Ball. He comes a long way from the isolated introvert who knows little of the outside world, but Goku is still limited in some major areas. The most fulfilling relationship that Goku is able to serve in the original Dragon Ball is his role as a friend and pupil. His unintentional engagement with Chi-Chi at the end of the series even highlights Goku’s naivety.

Dragon Ball Z gives Goku some much-needed responsibility in the form of fatherhood. Goku learns how to put his children above himself and he completely becomes the type of selfless guardian that would make Grandpa Gohan proud. Goku even becomes a grandfather himself during Dragon Ball Z’s final chapters once Gohan has his own daughter, Pan. Dragon Ball Z tends to get lost in the combat and action, but it’s important not to undervalue the ways in which the series chronicles Goku’s growth as a human being and adult.

He Discovers & Processes His Saiyan Heritage

Goku Was At His Absolute Best In <a href=Dragon Ball Z_1″ class=”lazyload” data-src=”https://static.animeranku.com/i/images/news/2023/7/6/goku-was-at-his-absolute-best-in-dragon-ball-z_1.png”/>

Another drastic change that Goku is forced to deal with early on in Dragon Ball Z is the bombshell news that he’s actually a Saiyan. Goku is certainly unusual in the original Dragon Ball, but there’s no indication that he’s an extraterrestrial, let alone one from a warrior race that’s designed for destruction. Goku doesn’t always speak his mind, but the news of his Saiyan heritage is difficult for him to accept.

Goku initially denies his roots in favor of the life that he’s made for himself on Earth. However, this Saiyan gradually finds a balance where he’s able to honor his Saiyan heritage, but in a way that makes sense to him. It’s a touching way to highlight how much the Saiyan have evolved over time as well as Goku’s ability to make the best out of a bad situation. None of this internal conflict is present in Dragon Ball.


He Masters His Most Powerful Techniques & Transformations

Goku Was At His Absolute Best In <a href=Dragon Ball Z_2″ class=”lazyload” data-src=”https://static.animeranku.com/i/images/news/2023/7/6/goku-was-at-his-absolute-best-in-dragon-ball-z_2.png”/>

Goku establishes an excellent foundation for the franchise in the original Dragon Ball through mastering energy attacks like the Kamehameha as well as the fundamentals of martial arts. Goku would never be able to accomplish what he does in Dragon Ball Z without learning what he does from Master Roshi and his experience in the battlefield. That being said, these breakthroughs mean much less when viewed in the context of Dragon Ball Z. Dragon Ball clearly opts for a more grounded perspective and Goku even spends the bulk of the series unable to fly. Dragon Ball Z adopts a more heightened approach, which isn’t for everyone, but it’s still fundamental to Goku’s development as a fighter.

Goku’s Super Saiyan transformations become gamechangers that have permanently changed the series’ scope. However, Goku still learns other crucial techniques in Dragon Ball Z even if Super Saiyan transformations are taken off the table. The Kaio-Ken Attack, Spirit Bomb, fusion, and Instant Transmission have all helped save the planet on multiple occasions. There’s nothing in Dragon Ball GT or Super that’s able to match these heights.

He Inspires & Trains The Next Generation Of Heroes

Goku Was At His Absolute Best In <a href=Dragon Ball Z_3″ class=”lazyload” data-src=”https://static.animeranku.com/i/images/news/2023/7/6/goku-was-at-his-absolute-best-in-dragon-ball-z_3.png”/>

Goku overcomes many personal milestones in Dragon Ball Z. However, a proper hero is someone who can do more than just fight evil, but also inspire others to rise to the occasion. There are extended periods in Dragon Ball Z where Goku is content to take a backseat while he helps train younger Saiyans to make sure that they’ll be able to protect the planet in his absence. This makes sense on a practical level.

However, it’s also satisfying in a character sense as he’s able to become the Master Roshi of his generation. It’s logical for Goku to train his own children and friends, but he fully steps out of his comfort zone when he recognizes Uub’s raw talent and drops everything to help him refine it. In the original Dragon Ball, Goku brags over his growing strength, if anything. He’s more prone to competitive instincts than helping others grow.

His Character Regresses In Dragon Ball GT & Super

Goku Was At His Absolute Best In <a href=Dragon Ball Z_4″ class=”lazyload” data-src=”https://static.animeranku.com/i/images/news/2023/7/6/goku-was-at-his-absolute-best-in-dragon-ball-z_4.png”/>

Dragon Ball Z pushes Goku to greater and more satisfying heights than the original Dragon Ball, but one could argue that this is inevitable in any sequel series. Toriyama’s Dragon Ball breaks this assumption with both Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super. Goku achieves new transformations in these series, like Super Saiyan 4 or Super Saiyan Blue, but his character also heavily regresses. In Dragon Ball GT, Goku passively accepts his fate stuck in his childhood body. Reckless behavior also actively results in the end of the Dragon Balls. Dragon Ball Super does elevate Goku to godly power levels, but he repeats too many past mistakes and fails to learn his lesson. Goku’s forgiveness with Moro or his cavalier attitude that initiates the Tournament of Power both reflect the worst aspects of Goku’s personality.

Goku’s journey is far from other in Dragon Ball and the latest manga chapters have tested his character in unique ways. It’s possible that future story arcs will prove that Goku’s best self is in Dragon Ball Super. As it stands, the character’s best and purest state is in Dragon Ball Z. It’s the version of Goku that everyone associates with the iconic character.