Longtime anime fans know the different art styles of various manga and anime artists. Some even have a preference for a particular style, based on their favorite series or writer. Although anime art styles are known to vary widely, many tend to fall under the four most common types: kawaii, realistic, chibi and moe. The similarities between characters from different series have become nearly impossible to miss, especially among popular shonen anime.

However, some art styles are simply incomparable, and the first that comes to mind for most is the artist who delivered the beloved Soul Eater and the popular new-gen shonen series, Fire Force. From the emphasis on geometrical shapes to unconventional nose shapes, Atsushi Ohkubo’s art has arguably one of the most distinctive and eccentric styles among all manga artistry. His use of quirky silhouettes and idiosyncratic face structures gives his characters a particular look and design that is unforgettable.

Captivating Eyes in Fire Force & Wonky Body Proportions in Soul Eater

What Makes Fire Force Manga Artist Atsushi Ohkubo's Art Style So Unique?_0

Ohkubo’s characters are notable for their peculiar designs, highlighted by their lanky body types and wide range of facial expressions. By including various eye shapes and pupil designs that reflect the non-physical traits of each character, he adds further detail to their individuality. This is seen especially among Fire Force characters such as Princess Hibana with her four-leaf clover eyes, or Shinmon Benimaru with his signature “X” and “O” pupils.

The versatility shown throughout Ohkubo’s art style is emphasized by the way he contorts the proportions of his characters in certain scenes to depict dramatic emotions. The mangaka takes an atypical approach to illustrate his characters during their most chaotic or emotional moments by constructing their facial features geometrically. Resembling graphic design imagery, his art style works to capture the viewers’ full attention in a way that has caused many to describe his drawings as “loud”.

Unconventional Nose Shapes & Ohkubo’s Attention to Cultural Detail

What Makes Fire Force Manga Artist Atsushi Ohkubo's Art Style So Unique?_1

Unlike the more traditional nose shapes seen in manga and anime, the noses of Ohkubo’s characters are recognized for their lack of detail. Rather than mapping out the distinct lines and curves of a character’s nose, Ohkubo draws attention to the contour of the shadow cast right below the base of the nose. This particular detail, or lack thereof, is simple yet effective and remains consistent across all his characters in both Soul Eater and Fire Force.

One of the most admirable aspects of Ohkubo’s artistry is his ability to depict characters from different ethnicities without relying on stereotypical features or traits. This is shown as early as Chapter 1 of the Soul Eater manga with the debut of Kilik Rung, and it continues with characters like Ogun Montgomery in Fire Force. His depiction of culturally accurate hairstyles and clothing, as seen with Mira Naigus’ locks and Maka Albarn’s Japanese schoolgirl uniform, underscore his attention to detail.

The art style of Soul Eater and Fire Force is unlike any other, yet it’s so well-received and appreciated by manga and anime fans worldwide. Ohkubo’s art is nothing short of remarkable and will undoubtedly go on to serve as inspiration for future artists willing to push the boundaries with characters of their own.