The Winter 2023 season has given viewers a delightful romance/fantasy anime titled Sugar Apple Fairy Tale, based on the light novels by Miri Mikawa and illustrated by Aki. The series stars Ann Halford, who has dreams of becoming a Silver Sugar Master like her mother. Ann travels to the capital to fulfill her dream and is accompanied by Shall Fen Shall, a warrior fairy she purchased as a bodyguard.

There haven’t been many fairy-based anime in production lately, but fans of the Winter 2023 gem will likely also enjoy 2008’s The Earl and the Fairy. The latter is set in Victorian Britain and focuses on the adventures of Lydia Carlton and Edgar J.C. Ashenbert, also known as the “Legendary Blue Knight Earl”. Lydia aids Edgar in his quest to find his beloved family’s heirloom, a sword said to be passed down from generation to generation. Here’s why The Earl and the Fairy is the perfect next anime for Sugar Apple Fairy Tale viewers.

Identical Perspectives on Fairy Treatment & Whimsical World-Building

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Sugar Apple Fairy Tale and The Earl and the Fairy share a dark perspective on fairies. Western folklore often has them characterized as mischievous, nature-loving and lighthearted. However, these two anime spotlight them as “property”, treated poorly by humans despite having mystical powers. Despite being a mighty warrior fairy, Sugar Apple Fairy Tale’s Shall is considered inferior to humans. As a fairy, he cannot sit at the table with his master Ann, but she doesn’t mind his presence even though others find it offensive.

In The Earl and the Fairy, Raven — Edgar’s servant — is belittled by others around him due to having a sprite living within him. These anime cast a dark shadow over fairies, breaking classic stereotypes by showing discrete discrimination against them despite being masked in a feminine and visually pleasing aesthetic.

Both series ground themselves in a world where humans and supernatural entities exist, introducing viewers to a variety of western mythical creatures. Yet in The Earl and the Fairy, Edgar and Lydia travel to different worlds and interact with other supernatural creatures. However, they are treated as inferior and must abide by the supernatural realm’s rules — an inversion of the classic scenario where non-human characters are forced to abide by humans’ social rules. As these dynamics play out, it sends a message to fans that, human or fairy, it’s important to always treat others in a kind and respectful manner.

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale and The Earl and the Fairy Star Similar Leads

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The Earl and the Fairy’s leads also have similar traits to those in Sugar Apple Fairy Tale. Both female protagonists are fairy enthusiasts and constantly try to help those in danger. In Sugar Apple, even though Ann purchased Shall as “property” and can use the wing she possesses to control him, she treats him as an equal. Rather than making demands, Ann politely makes requests of Shall and gives him the freedom to do as he pleases, even if society looks down on it. Likewise, Lydia treats fairies and other supernatural entities with respect. She is often the mediator between them and humans, as the two species often do not get along.

Furthermore, Ann and Lydia are both career-oriented, independent women whose mothers inspired them to pursue their dreams. Ann wants to be a Silver Sugar Master and gain acknowledgment from fairies and society as a sugar confectioner. Lydia, meanwhile, aims to be a “fairy doctor” who can help supernatural entities. Both characters’ career goals involve the well-being of fairies, which is looked down upon by society since many humans either do not believe in fairies’ existence or view them as inferior. Even so, Ann and Lydia’s love for fairies characterizes them as compassionate individuals who show great empathy toward those in need.

As for the male protagonists, Sugar Apple Fairy Tale’s Shall and The Earl and the Fairy’s Edgar have glamorized the mysterious and “bad boy” male persona. Edgar is a womanizer and constantly tries to pursue Lydia romantically; though Shall may not seem to care for Ann’s well-being, he always protects her in the end. These men are the definition of chivalry as they protect their female counterparts when in danger. Their personalities are a highlight in their respective series, attracting a strong female audience. Thus, anime fans who are enjoying Shall in Winter 2023’s Sugar Apple Fairy Tale will likewise enjoy Edgar J.C. Ashenbert in The Earl and the Fairy.