Yuji Kaku’s dark fantasy shonen series Hell’s Paradise has finally been adapted into an anime by powerhouse studio MAPPA. The series follows Gabimaru the Hollow, a ninja sentenced to death after being betrayed by his village. Accompanied by an executioner named Yamada Asaemon Sagiri, the pair travel to a mysterious island rumored to house the elusive Elixir of Life. Should Gabimaru return with the Elixir alive, he’ll be granted a pardon allowing him to live his life freely.

In an interview with CBR, English voice actors Alejandro Saab and Marisa Duran discussed their favorite aspects of Hell’s Paradise, the unlikely friendship between Gabimaru and Sagiri, and what it was like to reunite on a much grittier project after their time on Horimiya.

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CBR: The last time the two of you were paired together, you were the English voice actors for Hori and Miyamura in Horimiya. Obviously, Gabimaru and Sagiri’s dynamic is different from that. What was it like to embody these characters and play this new dynamic together?

Marisa Duran: It is pretty funny. While they are so different, I think there’s this dry humor that bounces back and forth between Sagiri and Gabimaru that reminds me of the banter that Hori and Miyamura had. Obviously, one is a rom-com and on is very dramatic and action-oriented — but there are aspects of comedy in both that read the same to me. It’s been fun to explore that with these characters who are so incredibly different personality-wise from our characters in Horimiya.

Alejandro Saab: I mean, it’s just a reunion! It’s fun banter, you know, they’re just wearing different costumes. [Laughs] No, in all seriousness, it’s fun coming back. [While] working with Marisa on Horimiya, I was like, “Oh! Who is that?” So this time around, I was like, “Oh! It’s Marisa!” [Laughs] It’s always a delight. I had a lot of fun with Horimiya, and this time it’s a different [type of] relationship. It’s friendship over romance. They have a different kind of banter, and I’m all about it.

On your point about this being a reunion of sorts, what was it like finding out that you would be reuniting by playing Gabimaru and Sagiri?

Duran: It was wild. It was an email I was not expecting to get. And then when I found out it was Alejandro, I was like, “What? This is incredible. Our voices just sound really good together I guess.” It was mind-blowing. There was this feeling of comfort knowing that I was going to have a scene partner that I knew I could trust, since we established that kind of relationship. [It’s great] getting in the booth and getting to play knowing that what I’m going to hear in the dub is A+ acting all around.

Saab: Aww. I made the joke that it’s bloody Horimiya, so. Marisa has this very thoughtful answer, and I’m over here like, “Hey it’s the reunion, but it’s bloody!”

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I also wanted to ask, despite how bloody and grim Hell’s Paradise is, it has this ensemble cast of genuinely lovable characters. What do you think makes Gabimaru and Sagiri relatable for audiences despite their circumstances?

Saab: Speaking for Gabimaru, he’s doing it for love. As cheesy as that may or may not sound, it’s such a relatable thing to just get back to the one you love. That’s his whole motive. He’s like, “I’m only doing what I’m doing right now to get back to my wife. That is my whole mindset.” I feel like a lot of people can relate to that. Whether they’re in a relationship, seeking a relationship, or long-distance, you know, sometimes it’s tough. To have that joy with someone, whoever it is, and to be reunited is such a relatable thing.

Duran: As dark and gritty as the show is, I think a lot of what [the story] comes back to is love, and how it manifests for people. Whether that’s love of one’s spouse or a love of one’s community, a love of one’s profession, or even a love of oneself and finally figuring out who you are and what you want in life as opposed to what you’ve been told [you should] want. For Sagiri specifically, that’s fighting gender norms.

She’s trying to subvert those stereotypes that we see so much in anime but also in real life. It’s been incredibly empowering to voice a character that’s so fierce and strong, but also struggles with self-doubt. We see this character arc and journey that I think is incredibly relatable no matter who you are in the world.

Do you feel like, with those qualities in mind, that there’s something that drew you to these specific characters that you can relate to on a more personal level?

Saab: Yeah, finding out that Gabimaru’s whole thing is his wife. I mean, I’ve done long-distance for a lot of my relationship, you know, even being married because of the process of moving and being away from my partner during recording. It’s funny, because with Horimiya it was a very similar situation where I was like, “Oh, I’m at a point in my life where I’m going to propose, and it’s weird, and I’m in love.” Now I am married, and I have to go back and forth for work. With Gabimaru, I know what [his] situation is like.It’s interesting finding my place, where I am in life, and the happenstance of how my career is touching on my life. [Laughs]

Duran: Similarly, I think Sagiri’s independence and stubbornness is something I can relate to. She’s also all about the rules, and I find myself to be like that. I think it comes back to a need for stubbornness and control in a world that’s so crazy right now. It’s been wonderful to be able to voice a character that I relate to so much, and to imbue so much of who I am and what I’ve experienced in this character. It’s very rewarding, and I’m glad to hear that those moments are resonating with the audience.

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By imbuing those personal touches, do you have any favorite aspects about your characters when getting into them, or certain lines?

Duran: There’s a moment in Episode 2 where we see Gabimaru slaughter a group of people, and there’s a shot that cuts to Sagiri, and we see a single tear. That’s the first time we ever see her express emotions. We don’t see her say anything in that moment, but to me, that’s what makes it so powerful. We’re witnessing something so intimate and so important to her character, and it’s all in the animation. It’s not even vocal at that point. That’s a moment that really stands out to me.

Saab: For me, it’s between Episode 1 and 3. Episode 1 where Gabimaru breaks loose because he’s being seen, and he doesn’t understand that he’s being perceived. He thinks he’s being judged and called weak, when that isn’t the case at all. In a similar sense with Epsiode 3, he’s at a vulnerable state where he’s like, “If I don’t buckle up, I’m going to die, and I won’t be able to see the one I love.” I feel like those two moments, for me — apart from Ascetic Blaze, that was a really cool moment. [Laughs]

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Aside from being the voices of Gabimaru and Sagiri, is there anything about the world of Hell’s Paradise as chaotic and violent as it is that drew you into it?

Saab: Without spoiling, when I first got the email that I got [Gabimaru] — I have this friend, Matt Shipman who was like, “Hey, have you read the manga?” I hadn’t. So there was this one day when I binge-read the manga, and just the setting itself — not even the blood, I’m very squeamish, believe it or not. [Laughs] Just everything.

The concept of looking for the Elixir of Life in such a weird way. I started reading at like, three in the afternoon, and before I knew it, it was midnight. I thought, “Oh, this is a problem.” A good problem to have. The world is really enriching and the characters — not just Gabimaru — are all so cool and diverse in their own way.

Duran: I love the animation. It’s so beautiful, and we’re on this fantastical island with all these unique monsters and bugs, but the characters are all so grounded in what they want. I think it’s a really interesting juxtaposition between those two [themes]. We’re in this fantasy world but with real people. I think that makes it very relatable. We get snippets of their backgrounds and I love that we’re not just stuck in the present.

We get to see glimpses of why they became the way that they are. I think it’s incredibly relatable. I think that [there’s something] about every character that someone watching will pick up on and be like, “I feel that. I’m with you on that.” They’ve done a great job adapting this story into an anime.

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What has been some of your favorite moments in the recording booth?

Duran: For me, in Episode 3, in the battle sequence between Sagiri and Gabimaru. Sagiri is starting the sheath the blade again, it’s a very intimate heart-to-heart, and then when Gabimaru’s wife surrounds him with love, and it all clicks for him. You can finally see both of these characters coming to terms with who they are and what they want. It was incredibly powerful, and I found myself getting emotional in the booth saying those same lines to a younger me who really needed to hear it.

Saab: Well, you took my answer. [Laughs] I really liked Episode 2, where Gabimaru is just like, “Ugh, this sucks!” And proceeds to kill and slaughter a bunch [of people]. That was fun. That whole sequence was just like, “Can we just not? We can resolve this. We can figure this out.” And then he resolved it.

Previously you mentioned reading the manga and being a fan of the source material. Without any spoilers, is there anything in the manga that you two are particularly excited to see animated?

Saab: Well, without spoilers, and this is already in the anime, one of my favorite moments is in Episode 4. Yuzuriha tries to seduce Gabimaru to join forces. Gabimaru pins her down and goes, ‘I’m married. I have a wife.” I can’t wait. I love that moment.

Duran: There are some really cool fight sequences coming up that I’m excited about. As someone who does a lot of slice-of-life anime, it’s cool to be able to figuratively flex my muscles, and learn how to fight. It’s very different, and very exciting.

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One more fun question for you guys, is there anything you would want to tell fans of Hell’s Paradise about the show, your experience dubbing it, and what they should be looking forward to?

Saab: Gabimaru is a murderer with a heart of gold. That is Gabimaru to a T. If you like action, if you like adventure and a good ensemble, this is the read for you. It all ties back together. That’s all that I’ll say!

Duran: I know hat it’s dark, and gritty, but the characters are all so relatable. I think there’s something everyone can relate to. And thank you for the warm welcome, and for watching the dub. We are so excited to be a part of this story.

Hell’s Paradise releases new episodes in sub and dub every Saturday on Crunchyroll.