The Naruto series is known as one of the most popular anime of all time. Naruto is so iconic and recognizable because of its unique elements. The series has so many different plot lines and arcs, it’s easy for smaller details to slip under the radar, and many of these smaller details are odd, to say the least.

The anime originally started airing around 20 years ago, meaning that many of these weird details have largely been forgotten. After re-watching older episodes, many of these interesting elements are entertaining to notice. From similarities in character designs to unique character traits, the older Naruto episodes include many random tidbits that could cause viewers to do a double-take.

10 The Same Music Always Play During The Weirdest Scenes

10 Weirdest Details In Old <a href=Naruto Episodes_0″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

The iconic soundtrack that plays during the scenes where Naruto utilizes his Sexy Jutsu is used in more scenes than expected. In Season 1, Episode 22, this music played when Gai was dishing out hilariously over-the-top punishments for Lee’s challenging Sasuke to a fight.

This music continues to be used in random comedic scenes throughout the series, making many appearances during Season 4, Episode 21 when Team 7 attempts to unmask Kakashi. This theme is so often associated with Naruto‘s well-known jutsu that it’s hard to believe it was used in other situations.

9 The Konoha Twelve Are Inspired By Each Other’s Moves

10 Weirdest Details In Old <a href=Naruto Episodes_1″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

During the Chunin Exams Arc, Sasuke had his first experience going up against a stronger genin. His fight with Lee exposed his arrogance and pushed him to learn more techniques, including Lee’s Primary Lotus Jutsu. After first witnessing the attack while going up against Lee, Sasuke developed it into the Lion’s Barrage Jutsu and performed it during his chunin exam match.

Later on, Naruto adapted the same attack into his own Naruto Uzumaki Barrage. Their attacks are all based on the same motion, but each one is slightly changed based on the performer’s abilities. Considering how different Lee, Naruto, and Sasuke are, it’s interesting to see the similarities in their taijutsu that came from their observations of each other.

8 Hiruzen Underuses His Telescope Technique

10 Weirdest Details In Old <a href=Naruto Episodes_2″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

One of Lord Third’s lesser-known abilities is his Telescope Technique which allows him to monitor others by watching them through a glass ball. He initially uses the ability to track Naruto after an important scroll is stolen. However, despite knowing Naruto‘s location Hiruzen doesn’t tell the other shinobi where to find Naruto and the scroll.

Even after the fact, Hiruzen still doesn’t use this ability much. Oftentimes, he’s caught unaware by intruders despite him having the ability to wirelessly surveil different parts of the village. So much tragedy could have been avoided if Hiruzen just used his Telescope Technique more often.

7 Sasuke’s Black Outfit Includes Bandages Similar To Lee’s

10 Weirdest Details In Old <a href=Naruto Episodes_3″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

Sasuke’s fight with Lee at the beginning of the Chunin Exam Arc marked a drastic change in his personality. After seeing the speed Lee gained from his intense training, Sasuke was inspired to put more effort in. Later during the chunin exams, Sasuke starts wearing a black outfit and a bandage on his left arm that’s similar to the ones Lee wears.

Both Lee’s and Sasuke’s bandages were revealed to be covering the injuries from their intense training. This detail is so interesting because it symbolizes Sasuke’s character development as he began to take his goals more seriously like Lee.

6 Itachi Knocks On Naruto‘s Door Before Kidnapping Him

10 Weirdest Details In Old <a href=Naruto Episodes_4″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

In Season 4, Episode 3, Itachi and Kisame tracked down Naruto in an attempt to kidnap him for his Nine Tails’ Chakra. They both followed Naruto to a hotel room, and Itachi knocked on the door to get Naruto‘s attention. After knocking, the two ronin patiently waited for Naruto to open the door instead of breaking in as would be expected.

Despite the urgency of their mission, Kisame and Itachi decided to knock and wait for Naruto‘s response before they engaged. In an odd example of courtesy, they waited for Naruto‘s permission before entering his hotel room, even though they were intending to kidnap him.

10 Weirdest Details In Old <a href=Naruto Episodes_5″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

Although it’s not often talked about, the symbol on Jiraiya’s forehead is a Chinese character that translates to “oil.” Earning his alias as the Toad Sage, Jiraiya uses many jutsu that summon giant toads and incorporate them into his attacks. Jiraiya’s Toad Oil Bomb is a jutsu performed by having a summoned toad spit oil at the enemy.

The Toad Oil Bomb is one of Jiraiya’s most used jutsu, so it makes sense this jutsu inspired the “oil” character on his forehead. While it’s easy to overlook, this detail shows the effort that went into even the smallest pieces of Jiraiya’s character design.

4 Naruto‘s Sexy Jutsu Is Weirdly Adaptable

10 Weirdest Details In Old <a href=Naruto Episodes_6″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

Before Naruto mastered his Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu, he really struggled to pick up ninjutsu techniques. His Sexy Jutsu is one of the few techniques Naruto could perform with minimal effort. This jutsu has helped him escape Ebisu, distract Jiraiya, and even take the Lord Fourth by surprise.

The weirdest unknown detail about this jutsu is the question of how Naruto thought to come with it at his young age. Either way, this raunchy technique has helped Naruto out during a comically wide range of situations. He even goes on to develop this technique into the Sexy Reverse Harem Jutsu, which comes in useful during a later battle.

3 Hiruzen Paid Ebisu To Watch Konohamaru Instead Of Giving Naruto Money To Eat

10 Weirdest Details In Old <a href=Naruto Episodes_7″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

Naruto fans have long been disappointed in the lack of help Naruto received from Hiruzen during his childhood. After the passing of his parents, Naruto‘s well-being was put in the hands of Hiruzen. Despite being the leader of a nation, Hiruzen still couldn’t give Naruto a better childhood due to his own skewed priorities.

Hiruzen hired a jonin-level ninja, Ebisu, to babysit his grandson, Konohamaru, but couldn’t even ensure Naruto had enough to eat. Due to Hiruzen’s negligence, Naruto has missed meals so many times that Teuchi, from Ichiraku Ramen, started giving him an occasional free meal.

2 Konohamaru Wears 70zl5wl” title=”goggle”>Goggles Just Like Naruto Did

10 Weirdest Details In Old <a href=Naruto Episodes_8″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

Since his first appearance, Konohamaru has been known for his admiration of Naruto. From following him around to pestering him for advice, Konohamaru went to extreme lengths to become more like his role model. Even Konohamaru’s outfits were modeled after Naruto‘s fashion taste.

Despite initially appearing in his iconic helmet, Konohamaru soon switched to wearing green goggles that matched Naruto‘s. Konohamaru met Naruto after Naruto switched to wearing a headband, so it’s unlikely that Konohamaru knowingly imitated Naruto. Still, taking after his idol is an endearing detail to notice.

1 There Is No Specific Reason Why Sakura Haruno Is On Team 7

10 Weirdest Details In Old <a href=Naruto Episodes_9″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

Both Naruto and Sasuke have lost their parents, so it makes sense they were paired up with Kakashi, who has experienced the same thing. Yet, this is something Sakura can’t relate to. Excluding Sakura, the Rookie 9 are all from major clans and are matched with sensei who have just as strong of a reputation.

However, Sakura is matched up with Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi, despite her not coming from a well-known clan. Although it’s been stated Sakura was put on Team 7 to balance out Naruto‘s lower grades, the ambiguity behind her placement makes her seem like the odd one out.

NEXT: The 10 Weirdest Episodes Of Naruto, Ranked