Bleach is a long-running shonen anime whose protagonist, Ichigo Kurosaki, is a high school student turned Soul Reaper. This transformation happened literally overnight in Episode 1, and Ichigo’s arc as a Soul Reaper hero truly began. At the time, it seemed Ichigo’s new friend Rukia would just be a token supporting character, and she was horribly weak in combat, too.Rukia Kuchiki wasn’t just a token female character — far from it. She was weak at first because Ichigo already had the clarity of mind to begin his story arc as an action hero, while Rukia’s mind was clouded with insecurities, grief and guilt. Over the course of Bleach, Rukia overcame her personal demons and became mentally stronger, and her outward strength scaled up accordingly. To slay Hollows, Rukia first had to master herself.
How Rukia’s Personal Fears Held Her Back in Bleach

Many of Bleach’s best characters are forced to face their inner demons and overcome their fears, insecurities and doubts. This is doubly true for Rukia, who had a lot of baggage weighing her down when Bleach first started. Ichigo didn’t know it at the time, but his reverse-isekai friend was burdened with immense guilt for killing Kaien Shiba, and she also felt terrible that her foster brother, Captain Byakuya Kuchiki, was so cold and distant with her. Rukia also felt bad about her sub-bar swordsmanship, though she could compensate with kido. Rukia had a long way to go before she could conquer her inner demons and achieve clarity of mind, and as a result, she couldn’t even defeat the likes of Fishbone-D when Bleach started.It was partially for plot reasons that Rukia was so weak at first, allowing Ichigo to shine as the shonen protagonist. In-universe, Rukia was drowning in fear, which actually made her somewhat similar to Ichigo after all. Both characters were physically weakened by this fear, to the point where Rukia couldn’t slay any Hollows and Ichigo couldn’t even wound Captain Kenpachi in the “Soul Society” arc, nor could he tame his inner Hollow when it emerged later. These characters lost fights because they couldn’t face their fears, and for Rukia, this problem came up earlier and was even more intense. She couldn’t master combat until she mastered herself, which is what set her true character arc into motion — long after Ichigo’s had already started.
Rukia’s Mental and Physical Power Go Hand in Hand

Ichigo and Rukia both confronted their inner demons and got stronger by conquering their fear, and Ichigo went first when he defeated Kenpachi and learned to tame his inner Hollow as the “king.” Rukia, who was not Bleach’s protagonist, simply had to wait for her arc to take off, and the events of the Soul Society helped set all this into motion. At the time, Rukia was weak and vulnerable to the point of being a damsel in distress, but then she and Byakuya both fought and won some mental battles to change all that. Byakuya had a change of heart and embraced Rukia and vice versa, and no doubt the two Kuchikis talked this over in great depth to fix their relationship. That, combined with Rukia’s brave apology to Kukaku and Ganju Shiba over Kaien’s murder, helped clear Rukia’s head.At the same time, Rukia physically powered up from the Soul Society’s ambient spirit energy, so when the “Arrancar” arc began, she had the clarity of mind and strength of will she needed to fight the Arrancars and win. Her mental and physical power scaling were closely connected, with Rukia being braver and more confident at the time than Ichigo was, and she proved it with the use of her shikai. Ichigo was still wrangling with his inner Hollow, while Rukia, empowered by her fixed relationships and her fading guilt, had a total glow-up and defeated D.Roy Rinker with ease. Later, Rukia erased the last of her guilt after she defeated Aaroniero Arruruerie, who had imitated Kaien’s form, and Rukia grew even closer to her foster brother by the beginning of the “Thousand-Year Blood War” arc. At the same time, the reality of the Wandenreich’s immense power shook Rukia and the other Soul Reapers out of their arrogant complacency, and Rukia felt braver and more self-assured than ever. She used brand-new ice powers of her own invention to fight As Nodt, then activated her brand-new bankai to finish the job.However, what made Rukia happiest was not the victory itself but Byakuya’s emotional support, proving that her mental state is the real key to her power as a Soul Reaper. In that way, Rukia’s personal arc and her arc as a fighter went hand in hand, and of course, she started at zero when Bleach began. Like Ichigo, she had everything to gain, and her true strength could only come from within.
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