The following contains spoilers for Episode 5 of Beast Tamer, available for streaming on Crunchyroll with English subtitles.

The last episode of Beast Tamer ended on a cliffhanger, as Rein’s current party ran into Rein’s former party: the Hero’s party. Led by Arios, who kicked Rein out of his group because he thought he was weak, the group later regretted this decision because Rein was much more useful than they initially realized.

Scenes that cut away from Rein’s party often focused on Arios’ party’s slow realization, eventually culminating in them acknowledging that they need Rein to return for them to continue their quest. Thinking little of Rein, the group thought they could bully Rein into rejoining them, but they couldn’t have been more wrong, as a fight between both parties broke out not too long after their run-in.

Rein Kept His Cool for as Long as He Could

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Up until now, Rein has never been shown to lose his temper, let alone get mad at anything. When Arios’ party was trying to coerce him to rejoin, he simply shrugged them off, hardly giving them the attention they wanted. When they mentioned that they needed his help to find an artifact needed to defeat the Demon King, and by playing on Rein’s traumatic past, he relented and offered to help.

However, Kanade and Tania weren’t having any of it. They demanded a wholehearted apology from Arios for being mean to Rein, but the Hero refused, talked down to them and insulted the duo by calling them nothing more than Rein’s pets. Needless to say, Rein wasn’t happy about this, knocking the Hero to the ground and sparking a duel between the parties.

Unfortunately for Arios’ party, the trio of Rein, Kanade and Tania are far more powerful than they might otherwise seem. Despite being members of the ultimate species, they don’t exactly look menacing, which could be where they got their false confidence from. However, once the battle began, it was a completely different story.

The Ultimate Species Live Up to Their Name

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Kanade was matched against Aggath, the Hero party’s heavy hitter, and she channeled her inner Frieza as she put the hurt on her opponent, mocking him by saying she wasn’t even using half of her strength. Aggath was quickly dispatched as the scene changed to the face-off between Tania, Mina and Lin. Lin and Mina were completely outclassed by Tania, as their spells were completely ineffective against the dragonoid.

Effortlessly snapping her fingers and deleting their strongest magics, the pair of mages had nothing to offer against the fiery redhead. Summoning her ultimate magic, Tania threatened to erase both of them from existence but relented after seeing how scared they were, saying she was just kidding. Her joke was enough to get the job done, incapacitating the black and white mages.

Lastly, Rein was left to face Arios. Arios proved much more capable than his allies, landing several attacks on Rein with his sword and keeping him on the defensive with his blade technique, even forcing Rein to use the magic he learned from Tania in the previous episode. Rein was eventually victorious when he used not Kanade’s strength or Tania’s magic but his own powers as a beast tamer. Summoning an Ahrbee from the nearby forest, it stung Arios and paralyzed him, granting the victory to Rein and signaling the end of the duel between the parties.