Kayo Hinazuki (雛月 加代)


Kayo Hinazuki is a ten-year-old girl and the first victim of the serial killer/kidnapper. She went missing on the 2nd of March 1988. Her body was found a few days later once the snow had thawed.

Due to this abuse, she's a social outcast at school, preferring to distance herself from other people, hoping that if she wears the mask of apathy long enough, it will become real. After school, she spends her time mostly alone at a local park until 6 P.M., to avoid going home and facing her mother.

This time around, she spends the 2nd of March with Satoru celebrating both his and her birthday and consequently does not get kidnapped. However, she still dies the following day.

She had been beaten near to death and locked inside a storage room. Her killer took her out of the storage room after she stopped shivering, placed her inside an industrial freezer and sprayed her with water until she froze to death, the killer waited until resuscitation was impossible and returned her body to the storage room. This was where she was discovered.

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