A simple illustration of a boy with a dog who isekai-ed into another world has fans begging for more.

Most isekai stories star a human protagonist who finds themselves transported into another world, but creator psudonym (@/pseudofolio)’s new story gives it a furry twist. “A Good Boy From Another World” revolves around a dog who “ends up getting sent to a world where no one has ever seen a dog” after said dog is hit by a truck that was about to run over its owner. The dog “ends up befriending adventurers and saving the day by being a good dog. Is always trying to find the way home.” The webcomic artist posted an illustration shortly after they came up with the synopsis, sparking a plea for the artist to turn it into a full-length work.

In the illustration, the hooded person, presumably an adventurer, is covered in blood and grasping an equally bloody sword. An arrow sticks out of their cape, indicating how they must have recently come out of a battle. Despite how weary they appear, the pets they bestow on the little terrier are soft as they say, “I will get you home. I promise.”

Psudonym currently does not have any plans of making it into a full series but has not completely shut the door on the idea. They stated, “In all honesty, between a currently running webcomic, a somewhat adult oriented patreon, and dozens of other projects on the back burner, I’m not sure I have the time for another idea. But we’ll see.” Several Twitter users have already become a fan, with one pleading for “someone, give them a lot of money, a team of manga artists/animators, and anything else they might need.” The artist wryly replied with “I’d settle for a lot of money, tbh.”

Psudonym, along with writer Gunwild (@/GunwildPrime), are the two creators of the webcomic Cassiopeia Quinn. Brellom assists with coloring. The story follows “a coupla space-ladies in the space-future having space-adventures.” The series sports a rather large cast with the titular character as “the galaxy’s most popular outlaw” who enjoys “adventure, pantslessness, and her pal Zeke.” Cassiopeia’s partner Zeke is a cowboy in space and “a tin man with a heart of gold.”

Cassiopeia Quinn updates weekly.

Source: Twitter