
  • Powerful magical objects in Harry Potter have the potential to bring havoc if misused, as every action has consequences.
  • The Mirror of Erised shows people’s deepest desires, but it can lead to delusion and loss of sanity if fixated upon too much.
  • The Deathly Hallows consist of three objects with powerful magical abilities that help Harry defeat the Dark Lord.

There are many magical objects in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. However, not everything possesses special abilities where its power goes beyond humans and wizards’ apprehension. The functions of these items are various, ranging from showing people’s location, taking and creating lights, to literal containers of a soul spread into different objects, making the creator immortal.

These powerful magical objects in Harry Potter are mighty, as they are horrifying, and cautious usage of such items is incredibly important. If misused, these items can bring havoc to their users and the people around them. Many wizards and witches who fail to handle these objects properly have to pay the price, as every action has its consequences.

7 The Mirror of Erised

Shows Desire And Delusion


The Mirror of Erised is an item that holds a mystical power that will show their deepest desire. On the mirror, words are inscribed, “erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi“. When reversed, it’s stated, “I show not your face but your heart’s desire.” This item is first introduced in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, after Harry accidentally stumbled upon his reflection with his parents, alive.

As Dumbledore said, one mustn’t hang onto the utopian reflection too much. In the past, many lost their sanity while looking in this mirror, swallowing themselves into delusion. Nevertheless, this mirror bears an important plot point of the first book and movie, as it helps Harry find the Philosopher’s Stone.

6 Time-Turner

Short-Term Time Travel


This specific item cannot fall into the wrong hands, as cautious usage is extremely important. Although it can only be used for short-term time travel, many wizards who squandered this item fell into their demise. It is said that the time-turner is restricted for a maximum of five hours into the past, following the Croaker’s Law principle, to avoid a crippling effect.

In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Hermione Granger Helps Harry Potter to save Sirius Black and Buckbeak from their unfair death sentences. Hermione herself receives this item from Minerva McGonagall, for her to enroll in several classes throughout the semester, although those classes are happening at the same time. It is later revealed that Hermione gave the time-turner back to McGonagall, as she is exhausted from the overload courses.

5 Deluminator

Remove & Return Light


Remember the very first scene of Dumbledore on Privet Drive? Yup, it is a deluminator. This specific item is not particularly powerful per se, but it is one of the most important plot points that bear sentimental value for the Golden Trio, especially Ron. Invented by Dumbledore himself, this device is used to remove or return light to its sources.

In his will, Dumbledore marked Ron as the receiver of the item, as he believed Ron needed a little extra guidance from him, which turned out to be true. In a fit of rage driven by jealousy and hatred emitted from Salazar Slytherin’s locket, Ron leaves Harry and Hermione distraught. Thankfully for them, the deluminator guides Ron back to them as it also works as an apparition device.

4 Wizard’s Chess

Barbaric Chess Pieces


Although it bears a resemblance to regular chess, Wizard’s Chess is something that cannot be tampered with lightly. Described by Hermione Granger as “barbaric”, the pieces of chess can move and attack their opponents, violently. In every capture made, the winning piece can knock down the captured till it is disfigured.

This item itself is first introduced in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, as Ron shows his chess ability among the first-year students during Christmas. Later on, this skill turns out to be important, as Ron helps Harry and Hermione win the human chess game. Although he wins the chess game, Ron is severely injured as he sacrifices himself for Harry to make his winning move, marking how brutal yet powerful this object is.

3 Deathly Hallows

The Elder Wand, The Resurrection Stone, & The Cloak of Invisibility


The Deathly Hallows consists of three objects that bear powerful magical abilities, derived from a famous tale in the Wizarding World called The Tale of The Three Brothers. The tale tells the story of three brothers who meet Death on their journey. Using their magic, the brothers avoid their demise, and Death grants them three wishes, with ulterior motives of its own.

The first brother asked for the most powerful magic wand called The Elder Wand. The second brother asked for an item to resurrect the dead, which led to the creation of the resurrection stone. And the third brother, the most humble one out of the three, asked for an item that made its wearer invisible, later known as the cloak of invisibility. The Deathly Hallows is proven to be very powerful, as can be seen from how these items help Harry win against the Dark Lord.

2 Horcruxes

Pieces of a Soul, Split Into Objects


Horcruxes are made by their creator from an object to split their soul into an object, protecting them from their demise. Splitting one soul requires them to commit a murder, as this dark magic requires a sacrifice, to rip the soul apart. This method of immortality is chosen by Voldemort, splitting his soul into 7 objects:

  • Tom Riddle’s diary
  • Marvolo Gaunt’s ring
  • Salazar Slytherin’s locket
  • Helga Hufflepuff’s cup
  • Rowena Ravenclaw’s diadem
  • Naginia
  • Harry Potter

In each destruction of the object, a part of the creator’s soul dies with it, as can be seen in Voldemort’s ultimate demise. A Horcrux is very difficult to destroy due to its enchantments. The three known ways that successfully destroy Voldemort’s Horcruxes are the Fiendfyre spell, Basilisk Venom, and the Sword of Gryffindor.

1 Gryffindor’s Sword

For Any Gryffindor House Members Who Are Worthy


This goblin-made sword is not like any other, it only takes in that which makes it stronger. If a Horcrux is a powerful object, then Gryffindor’s Sword must be more powerful, as it can destroy such dark magic. After it absorbs the basilisk venom that Harry killed in the Chamber of Secrets, the sword absorbs the venom’s powerful properties. This sword can only be summoned by a member of Gryffindor’s house in time of need and can be drawn from the Sorting Hat.

If possessed by the wrong wizards and witches, this sword will disappear into thin air, as it defies its true purpose. As the sword is extremely powerful, Ragnuk, the king of Goblin who is commissioned by Gryffindor to make the sword, claims that the sword is stolen and Gryffindor is not its true owner. In the end, the sword only works for the wizards and witches that it initially pledged allegiance to, proving the claim to be false.