
  • Nami’s loyalty towards her friends is stronger than her love for money, and she is willing to fight for them at any time.
  • Nami’s relationships with Hatchan, Haredas, and Lola, are all significant and show different sides of her character.
  • Nami’s role as a navigator and her trust in Luffy’s dream of becoming the Pirate King are central to her character development.

Upbeat and easygoing, it’s no surprise that the Straw Hat Pirates’ cheerful navigator Nami would have little trouble making friends. At various moments in One Piece, it has been shown that Nami’s loyalty towards her friends has trumped even her love for money, much to the shock of her crewmates.

RELATED: One Piece: The Funniest Nami Scenes

Regardless of the size of their wallets, however, Nami is very protective of those she cares about and is more than willing to fight for them at any given time. Though others would say her true love in life is money, it is these particular friends and loved ones whom Nami would risk her life to protect at all costs.


Nami’s Ex-Adversary


At his first appearance in the series, Hatchan (also known as Hachi) was a loyal member of the Arlong Pirates, indirectly making him Nami’s adversary and an obstacle to her dream of freeing Cocoyashi Village. While he was never shown abusing her himself, Nami was still wary of Hachi when he unexpectedly appeared during the Straw Hat Pirates’ time in the Sabaody Archipelago.

It was only after getting shot by a World Noble that Hachi revealed his earnest intentions to repent for what happened to Nami in the past, which instantly cleared his name not only with Nami but for the entirety of the Straw Hats. Since then, Hachi has proven himself to Nami and the rest of the crew by defending the Thousand Sunny for two years, when Bartholomew Kuma defeated the crew.


Nami’s Two-Year Mentor


Nami’s relationship with Haredas of Weatheria was also volatile initially (though not nearly as volatile as Nami’s relation with Hachi). With Nami’s single-minded goal of returning to her crew and her theft of Weatheria’s technology, she earned the ire of Weatheria’s residential scientists, except for Haredas, who was very patient with her despite Nami’s constant abuse and thievery.

RELATED: Things You Didn’t Know About Nami’s Clima-Tact

After learning of Luffy’s ordeal and the call to reunite in two years, Nami became much more open with Haredas, her primary mentor during the two-year time skip. Having taught her what she knows about the New World’s unpredictable climate, Haredas felt lonely upon Nami’s return to her crew, and as such helped the reunited Straw Hats escape Sabaody by weakening the Marines pursuing them.

Charlotte Lola and Chiffon

Nami’s Twin Acquaintances


During her travels with the Straw Hat Pirates, Nami has interacted with many people from many islands, including Charlotte Lola from Thriller Bark. Initially meeting her as a zombie, Nami recognized Lola after the latter’s shadow was restored. Nami received a Vivre Card from Lola should Nami ever need help from Lola’s mother.

It was her positive relationship with Lola that earned Nami the trust of Lola’s twin sister, Chiffon, who told Nami the truth about their mother Big Mom. Naturally, Nami was horrified when she realized Lola’s life was in danger and agreed to aid Chiffon however she could, while refusing to reveal Lola’s location to the rest of the Charlotte Family.


Nami’s Admirer


Aside from the new people she meets throughout her travels, Nami is also noted to have a soft spot for children, as shown by her continuous doting on Momonosuke when he was still a child. Unbeknownst to her at the time, however, many of Momonosuke’s child-like mannerisms were merely a ploy for Nami to hug him against her body.

RELATED: One Piece: How Momonosuke Has Developed as a Character

Despite some of his lecherous tendencies, however, Momonosuke does genuinely rely on Nami to keep him safe during their travels through the New World. In turn, Nami showers Momonosuke with great affection and berates others who either frighten or threaten him, though now that Momonosuke is an adult, this is no longer necessary.

Nico Robin

Nami’s Archaeologist and Close Friend


Being one of the more mature members of the Straw Hat Pirates, Nico Robin is often the first person Nami turns to when the rest of the crew’s silly antics get the best of her. Like most of the crew when they first met Robin, Nami was wary of her due to her connections with the Warlord Crocodile and his criminal syndicate, Baroque Works, but this wariness dissipated when Robin gave Nami a sack of Crocodile’s gems.

When Robin was abducted by CP9, it was Nami who took it the hardest, even more so when she found out about Robin’s plans to sacrifice herself for the Straw Hats’ sake. Upon Robin’s rescue, Nami was overjoyed to the point of tears; it should be noted that Nami shares Robin’s motherly-like behavior towards the younger crew members and children in general.

Monkey D. Luffy

Nami’s Captain


When first meeting Luffy, Nami initially wrote him off as just another self-absorbed and stupid pirate. However, her first impressions of Luffy quickly changed upon witnessing his leadership skills during his fight against Buggy, a trait that furthered Nami’s trust in Luffy when he defeated Arlong and helped her free Cocoyashi Village.

RELATED: One Piece: Powerful Quotes By Luffy

As the series progresses, Luffy and Nami have shown nothing but absolute trust in each other, with Luffy relying on Nami’s navigational prowess and Nami having the utmost faith in Luffy’s dream of becoming the Pirate King. Despite this, Luffy bears the brunt of Nami’s angry outbursts due to his silly antics and actions.

Nefertari Vivi

Nami’s Companion and Polar Opposite


Before Robin joined the crew, Nami was also very close to Princess Nefertari Vivi, whom she originally agreed to protect due to the billion Beri reward for doing so. However, after leaving Whiskey Peak, the two women develop a sister-like bond with each other, with Nami being the one to reassure and protect Vivi when things go awry; the two even team up with each other during their confrontation with Baroque Works at Little Garden.

In moments of levity, it is Vivi who tolerates the sillier aspects of the Straw Hats, while Nami often yells at the more immature members to quit goofing off. Regardless, Nami holds Vivi in high regard and is more than willing to put herself in harm’s way to protect her; after Vivi leaves the crew, Nami is deeply saddened, even more so when she learns of the recent murder of Vivi’s father.


Nami’s Father Figure


Having known Nami since her childhood, Genzo is one of three very important people from Nami’s past, the other two being Nojiko and Belle-mere. Although he partly watched over Nami and Nojiko due to Belle-mere’s mischievous reputation preceding her, he nonetheless wanted nothing more than to see the girls happy, even after Nami became a pirate under Arlong.

After Luffy defeats Arlong and accepts Nami back into his crew, Genzo threatens to kill Luffy if he ever does anything to make Nami sad, showing a fierce, father-like devotion to Nami. As an homage to Genzo’s role in her life, Nami’s current tattoo consists of a pinwheel with a tangerine, the former part being a reference to a pinwheel Genzo wore to make Nami laugh when she was little.


One Piece

Release Date
October 20, 1999

Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy


Toei Animation

Eiichiro Oda