
  • Five Elders finally showcased their powers in Egghead arc, each possessing unique yokai transformation for boosted strength.
  • Elders’ powers remain mysterious – unclear if devil fruits or other abilities; their transformations are eye-catching.
  • Elder Ju Peter’s Sandworm form aids in underground travel and devouring multiple enemies; design, though basic, is powerful.

The Five Elders, or Gorosei, are publicly known to be the leaders of the World Government. They were introduced way before the time-skip, but there was very little information available about their abilities. This led to a lot of speculation, with many people claiming that the Five Elders didn’t have any special powers.

However, they were proven wrong when Oda finally showed the powers of the Five Elders in the Egghead arc. Each member of the Five Elders possesses a unique transformation, which boosts their strength significantly. It is unclear whether the Five Elders have devil fruits or some other kind of power. However, one thing is clear: their yokai transformations are extremely eye-catching.

5 Saint. Shepherd Ju Peter

Sandworm Yokai


Saint. Shepherd Ju Peter came to Saturn’s aid after the latter summoned him along with the rest of the Five Elders. He looks the youngest out of the five, but he is just as loyal as his companions. Ju Peter’s Yokai form is the Sandworm.

The Sandworm has been heavily featured in many sci-fi movies and TV shows. It seems to be inspired by the Mongolian death worm. While transformed, Ju Peter can quickly tunnel underground and travel without any fear of being targeted. Due to his massive mouth, Ju Peter can easily gobble up multiple people at the same time. Ju Peter can use this to his advantage by getting rid of several enemies in a very short time. Despite the power of the Sandworm, the design is rather basic. It looks like a gigantic worm, which is not unique at all.

4 Saint. Jay Garcia Saturn

Gyuki Yokai


Saint. Jaygarcia Saturn was the first of the Five Elders to arrive on Egghead Island. He was accompanied by Kizaru and a fleet of 100 ships. It seemed that he wouldn’t have to get his hands dirty as they had the pirates outnumbered. However, as he arrived on the island, it became clear that he would have to use his powers to beat the pirates and get rid of Dr. Vegapunk.

Jaygarcia’s Yokai form is based on Gyuki, a Yokai from Japanese mythology. It is also called ushi-oni, mainly because of its grotesque appearance. The Yokai form is a combination of an ox’s head and the appendages of a spider. This form is definitely scary, and it can strike fear into the hearts of Saturn’s opponents. This particular transformation can be tricky to deal with as it has multiple limbs, and Saturn can utilize them in various ways. However, the sheer size of the Gyuki makes it rather slow. Overall, it’s not a bad design by any means, but there are others that are better.

3 Saint. Topman Warcury

Fengxi Yokai


Saint. Topman Warcury serves as the Godhead of Justice. He is an extremely strong fighter, as evidenced by his rampage in the Egghead arc. St. Topman Warcury appears to have mastered the use of Haki, which makes it possible for him to hurt other Devil Fruit users.

St. Topman Warcury’s Yokai form is called Fengxi. This particular form is likely inspired by the creature of the same name from Chinese Mythology. In his transformed state, Warcury looks like a massive boar with four tusks. Naturally, he can run amok and destroy buildings with his sheer physical strength. The Fengxi is arguably the most menacing Yokai form, and no sane person would try to fight it head-on. When he combines his Yokai form with Haki, it almost makes him unstoppable.

2 Saint. Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro

Bakotsu Yokai


There were many theories surrounding St. Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro. Many fans believed that he was an elite swordsman, and they were proven correct in the Egghead arc, as he cut down multiple Pacifista with ease. However, he did require the help of his Yokai form.

St. Ethanbaron Nusjuro’s Yokai form is called Bakotsu. It looks like a horse, but it has no flesh, and it is mainly composed of bones. According to Japanese mythology, a Bakotsu is born from the bones of a horse that was burned to death. The concept of Bakotsu is incredible, and Oda did a fantastic job with the design. The ice powers of the Bakotsu are also extremely potent. With his powers, there is a solid chance that he can compete with the best swordsmen. Overall, it is one of the best designs in One Piece.

1 Saint. Marcus Mars

Itsumade Yokai


St. Marcus Mars is the Godhead of Environment. Like all the other Five Elders, Marcus Mars is completely dedicated to protecting the World Government from all sorts of dangers. St. Marcus Mars got involved in the Egghead arc only after Saturn summoned him. Mars is always calm and composed, and he rarely lets his emotions get the better of him.

St. Marcus Mars’ has the Itsumade Yokai. The Itsumade is based on the creature of the same name from Japanese mythology. The Itsumade featured in Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki, a collection made by Toriyama Sekien. According to lore, Itsumade is the vengeful spirit of those who died from starvation or battle. Marcus Mars’ Itsumade form allows him to travel at extremely fast speeds. He can use it to blitz his enemies and land critical blows on them.