
  • Masashi Kishimoto, creator of Naruto, has many favorite characters in the series, including Naruto himself.
  • Shikamaru and Killer Bee are also favorites of Kishimoto, with unique qualities that make them stand out.
  • However, Sasuke Uchiha is Kishimoto’s all-time favorite character, with a complex design and intriguing personality.

Masashi Kishimoto is the creator of the Naruto series and he is certainly one of the most iconic mangaka to have ever lived. Kishimoto has created a fascinating world in Naruto and, over the years, given fans countless impeccable characters to enjoy in his story. While Naruto is no longer ongoing, the story has already taken a special place in the hearts of millions of people all over the world.

The characters in the story are beloved to many and Kishimoto himself holds quite a lot of them very close to their heart, as is expected of the creator of these amazing characters. There has been quite a lot of debate as to who Kishimoto’s favorite Naruto character is, and he clearly hasn’t provided a direct answer. However, he has certainly given many hints to the fans, and piecing together the many interviews, there are quite clearly a few favorites that he has.

Kishimoto’s Many Favorites


When it comes to Kishimoto’s favorite characters, there are quite a few. The main character in the story, Naruto Uzumaki is certainly one of his most beloved characters. This is expected because Kishimoto made Naruto the main character and gave him a very unique personality. As far as main characters go, Naruto is quite special indeed, and not only was he able to befriend countless people in his world, but he also touched the souls of countless fans.

On other occasions, Kishimoto has mentioned the likes of Shikamaru being one of his favorite characters. Shikamaru is quite a unique character in the sense that he is very loyal but also very smart and knows when to fight and when to give up. This is what sets him apart from the other characters in the series and makes him a very level-headed person. Shikamaru also has a human element attached to his character, which quite a lot of other powerhouses simply do not have. Perhaps, this is yet another quality that makes Kishimoto like him a lot.

Killer Bee is yet another incredible character in the story that Kishimoto was certainly enjoying writing during the Ninja War. Bee served the role of Naruto’s very own teacher and he also played a significant role in the war. His strength was impeccable and, as the war continued, his character was certainly very fun to witness. However, out of all these characters, there’s one that might just be Kishimoto’s all-time favorite in the story, and that is none other than Sasuke.

Sasuke Uchiha – One Of Kishimoto’s Biggest Favorites


Sasuke Uchiha is one of the main characters in the Naruto series and, one could even go on to say that he is almost on the same level as Naruto himself. This is something that Kishimoto has confirmed himself in the past. He has likened Naruto and Sasuke to Yin and Yang and mentioned that when one progresses, so does the other. Sasuke has been in Kishimoto’s plans from the very beginning of the series and right from when he had lofty ambitions about avenging his clan by murdering his brother, Kishimoto attached a special importance to this character. In fact, Kishimoto fell in love with Sasuke right from the very beginning, when he was drawing the character design for him and, even though it was quite complex, as Kishimoto describes it himself, that is an aspect of why Sasuke became one of his very favorites. This is what Kishimoto has to say about Sasuke:

“This was the original design for the character of Sasuke. It’s hardly changed at all over time.

The main difference is the absence of the talisman he wore around his neck. In general, whenever I come up with a new character, my initial impulse is to use as much line and ornamentation as possible until the visual concept is in danger of becoming lost amid the busy, little details. This is especially true of principal characters. I get so caught up in what I’m doing with them, I make things much too difficult for myself; until I finally have the sense to step back and ask myself, “Am I really going to be able to draw such a fussy, complicated character over and over, panel after panel, and issue after issue, week in and week


There was far too much going on visually with Sasuke, and too many lines overall, so I simplified him into a good, basic contrast to Naruto’s visual image.

Sasuke is a particular challenge for me to draw even now, because he is a young and rather pretty boy, but if I’m not careful he loses his youthful quality and I end up drawing him like a much older boy or a grown man. I’ve never had a character like him in one of my comics before, that kind of boy on the cusp of manhood, who’s somehow mature and handsome beyond his years.

Keeping the visual consistently right makes him the character who takes the most work and energy from me. Maybe that’s why he’s become my favorite character.”

Judging by his words, it is quite clear for the fans to see that Sasuke really is one of Kishimoto’s favorite characters. The complexities that he had to go through while designing him and all the things that he has had to keep in mind over the years while drawing Sasuke are major factors and why he has become one of his favorites. However, there’s more to Kishimoto liking Sasuke than just his character design.

Kishimoto has previously also mentioned that Sasuke’s personality is another intriguing reason for it and the fact that he is neither good nor bad is what makes him very appealing. This is what Kishimoto has had to say about Sasuke’s personality in the past:

“Q: What do you think about Sasuke? Good or bad person?

Kishimoto Sensei: Sasuke is basically a very pure person who doesn’t think about whether what he does is good or bad. He just does what he wants to do, which causes trouble for others. He’s very self-centered, only concerned with himself. Some people might think what he’s doing is good, like avenging his parents or trying to realize his brother’s ideals. But he is troubling others in his pursuits, so that aspect is bad. So it’s hard to say with clarity, but it’s all about whether it’s right or wrong to be so self-centered with your goals. I’d say he’s not good or bad, he’s just pure.”

Of course, fans know very well that Kishimoto is a mangaka who doesn’t just have one favorite. Over the years, his answers on who his favorite character in Naruto has changed dramatically. However, Sasuke has been one constant there and he has mentioned him as a favorite on more than just one occasion. It is clear that Sasuke is quite high up the pecking order when it comes to Kishimoto’s favorite characters and, overall, he might just be his biggest favorite.