
  • House Reed of Greywater Watch is a loyal and mysterious vassal house of House Stark, known for its guerrilla tactics and defense of the North.
  • Their sigil, a black lizard lion on a gray-green field, represents their mastery of the marshy terrain and ability to blend in with their surroundings.
  • The Reeds, led by Lord Howland and his children Meera and Jojen, have played crucial roles in supporting the Starks throughout history, including saving Eddard Stark’s life.

In the expansive world of Westeros, the television series Game of Thrones has enthralled audiences with its intricate plotlines, complex characters, and rich lore. House Reed of Greywater Watch is one of the oldest and most loyal vassal houses of House Stark of Winterfell. They rule over the crannogmen, a distinct group of people living in the Neck’s swamps and marshes, the narrowest part of Westeros.

The Reeds have a long history of defending the North from invaders, using their knowledge of the terrain and guerrilla tactics to harass and ambush their enemies. They have also been staunch allies of the Starks in times of war and peace, sharing their faith in the Old Gods of the Forest and their respect for the ancient traditions of the First Men. House Reed is one of the most mysterious and secretive houses in Game of Thrones, as their castle, Greywater Watch, moves on a floating island and cannot be found on any map.

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House Reed’s Sigil


House Reed in Game of Thrones is known for its loyalty to the Starks and its mastery of the swamps of the Neck. Their sigil reflects their heritage and their strength: a black lizard lion on a gray-green field. The lizard-lion is a fearsome creature that lurks beneath the murky waters, ready to strike at any unwary intruder. The gray-green represents the marshy terrain that the crannogmen call home and their ability to blend in with their surroundings.

The sigil of House Reed has a long and proud history, dating back to the time of the First Men. The Reeds were among the defenders of the North against the Andal invasion, using their sigil as a banner of resistance. They also fought alongside the Starks in many wars, including Robert’s Rebellion, where Howland Reed saved the life of Eddard Stark at the Tower of Joy. The sigil of House Reed is more than just a symbol, it is a statement of their identity and allegiance.

Quick Facts:

  • House Reed’s loyalty to House Stark dates back many generations.
  • They provide critical knowledge of the Neck’s treacherous terrain.
  • The Starks rely on House Reed for defense and support.

Members Of House Reed


Members of House Reed are an intriguing and enigmatic bunch known for their loyalty and resilience. At the helm of House Reed is Lord Howland Reed, the Lord of Greywater Watch. Lord Howland, a close friend and loyal bannerman to Eddard Stark, played a pivotal part in the events that shaped Westeros. During Robert’s Rebellion, Lord Howland bravely came to Eddard Stark’s aid at the fated Tower of Joy, where they fought valiantly against the three Kingsguard of Rhaegar Targaryen. Outnumbered yet undaunted, Lord Howland fought with ferocity and guile, helping turn the tides in their favor. His quick thinking and martial prowess ensured House Stark’s victory that day, saving Eddard Stark’s life.

Another prominent member of House Reed is Meera Reed, the daughter of Lord Howland. Meera is a skilled warrior and a steadfast companion to Bran Stark. Her expertise in combat and survival skills made her an invaluable asset to the Stark family. Meera’s loyalty and bravery are evident as she accompanies Bran on his perilous journey beyond the Wall.

Jojen Reed, Meera’s brother, possesses a rare gift – the sight of greensight that allows glimpses into possible futures. A gentle yet wise soul, Jojen aids Bran in understanding his powerful visions, guiding the young Stark with patience and care. However, Jojen’s sight also shows him his grim fate. When the time comes to fulfill his role, Jojen faces his end with courage and dignity, making the ultimate sacrifice so Bran can escape and complete his mission as the Three-Eyed Raven.

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who doesn’t read lives only one.

House Reed’s Relationship With House Stark


The bond between House Reed and House Stark is one forged over millennia – a sacred alliance rooted in mutual trust and respect. For generations, the crannogmen of Greywater Watch have stood as loyal bannermen to the Kings of Winter, defending the shores of the Neck against any who would threaten Winterfell’s rule. This enduring partnership traces back to the legendary Pact of Ice and Fire, where the First Men joined with the children of the forest to face the coming darkness as one. Ever since the Reeds and Starks have fought side by side, their shared values of honor, duty, and protection of the North formed an unbreakable pact. This stalwart companionship was on full display as the realm descended into chaos, House Reed sheltered the young Bran and Rickon Stark, keeping them from harm’s reach. Later, Meera and Jojen Reed would guide the fledgling Three-Eyed Raven with care and wisdom, ensuring Winterfell’s future was secure even in its heirs’ darkest hours.

House Reed’s enigmatic presence in the North of Westeros remains a testament to their deep-seated loyalty and unique connection to the land. With their sigil proudly displaying the lizard-lion, symbolizing their harmonious coexistence with the marshes of the Neck, and their solid allegiance to the Stark family, House Reed stands as an essential pillar of the Northern power structure as well as the Game of Thrones.


Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones, based on the Song of Ice and Fire book series by George R.R. Martin, tells the sprawling story of warring families in Westeros. This includes the Starks, the Lannisters, the Baratheons, and the Targaryens. Along with human conflicts, Westeros is also threatened by the re-emergence of dragons, and an undead enemy from beyond the Wall.