Hi no Tori (1967) (Phoenix) - Tezuka, Osamu


From time immemorial to the age of space colonization, there is one legend that has stayed unchanged in every history book—the tale of the immortal bird Phoenix. A being whose blood is said to grant eternal life or wisdom, the radiant figure ensures the continuation of sentient life in the universe as it oversees human civilizations and their development.

Yet, mankind remains a slave to its habits; from happiness and sorrow, to wrath and love, a myriad of emotions continue to play an integral part of human life. Simultaneously, time and time again, certain beliefs and agendas persist over the centuries to disturb the fragile equilibrium of the world's preordained nature and principles. It appears that fate and its dynamic variables can manifest itself in many ways—and oftentimes exhibits a bizarre sense of humor...

[Written by Animeranku Rewrite]
Note: This is an incomplete series due to Tezuka's death.


Hi no Tori was published over the course of 21 years from 1967 to 1988, but was left incomplete due to Tezuka's death in 1989. The first seven chapters were serialized by COM magazine between 1967 to 1971; the remaining chapters were published by Manga Shounen and Yasei Jidai.
Hi no Tori was published in English as Phoenix in 11 volumes by VIZ Media under the VIZ Signature imprint from March 12, 2003 to September 18, 2007. Previous to this, it had had a brief run in the educational publication Mangajin, from May to July, 1992 (issues #17 - #19).

A live-action film following the Dawn storyline directed by Kon Ichikawa was released on August 12, 1978 in Japan and later on in March 30, 1979 in the United States.
