The following contains spoilers for One-Punch Man through Chapter 176 “Take It Outside” by One, Yusuke Murata, John Werry and James Gaubatz, available in English through Viz Media.

While One-Punch Man is typically a comedy and battle manga, events from the latest chapters have brought out the vocal members of a slightly different fanbase. In Chapter 176, Saitama accompanies Hellish Blizzard to a visit an imprisoned Psychos deep under the Hero Association. Soon, a full-on esper battle commences featuring Terrible Tornado, Blizzard and an unnamed male esper; by the end of it, Saitama must interfere in order to prevent Tornado from wiping out the entire Blizzard group.

Saitama’s interactions with both the Psychic Sisters in the last few chapters have ignited discussions between shippers on whether a romantic plot line is being set up for the future, and which sister best complements Saitama. What kind of interactions has Saitama had with both Tornado and Blizzard recently and in the past, and is there any kind of spark there that can be further explored? Even if there might be, it makes fans wonder if a quest for love really fits in with the rest of One-Punch Man’s story.

Saitama’s Relationship With Blizzard

One-Punch Man: Should Saitama Have a Love Interest?_0

Hellish Blizzard, ranked first among the B-class heroes, met Saitama on less than friendly terms. While she originally came to him to gauge his strength and put him in his place as a hero below her, she soon discovered Saitama’s incredible power and his connection to S-class heroes such as Genos and King, and decided to recruit him for her Blizzard Group. While their interactions have been sparse since then, Blizzard has warmed up to Saitama since their first encounter, often coming to his house to convince him to join her group and trusting him enough to bring him along to visit Psychos.

In One-Punch Man Chapter 176, Saitama expressed his thoughts on his current relationship with Blizzard to her curious sister, calling her not a friend or a companion, but a mere acquaintance. Blizzard’s clearly disappointed reaction to this comment caused many shippers to speculate on Blizzard’s potential romantic feelings being rejected. This is pretty unlikely, however — Blizzard and Saitama have had maybe three or four conversations total in the manga, and Blizzard seems far more concerned with her relationship to her sister than she is in any romantic entanglement.

However, what this reaction reveals is Blizzard’s unspoken respect for Saitama. She has an admiration for his power and heroic spirit that can be compared to her admiration for her sister, and learning that their relationship was much less close than she thought is likely what caused her disappointment. While there is potential for Blizzard to develop feelings for Saitama in the future, they are not on an equal field in terms of their status toward each other, but also haven’t had enough time to be any more than acquaintances.

Saitama’s Relationship With Tornado

One-Punch Man: Should Saitama Have a Love Interest?_1

Saitama’s first meeting with Terrible Tornado was a humorous one, where she berated him for showing up to a meeting meant only for S-Class heroes and Saitama responding by calling her a “sassy lost child.” Up until One-Punch Man’s most recent chapters, the two have had even fewer interactions than Saitama and Blizzard. However, these recent chapters showcase moments that can be interpreted as the beginnings of something more.

While Tornado is currently fighting Saitama to test his resolve for her sister, she’s smiling, laughing and overall seems to be greatly enjoying fighting with someone who can actually take the punishment she can dish out. One-Punch Man Chapter 176 also featured a panel depicting Saitama hugging Tornado close to his chest, and Tornado’s shocked expression ignited many shippers to declare that this was a clearly planted romantic flag.

Saitama and Tornado do in fact complement each other better than Saitama and Blizzard. Both characters are at the top of the power scale (although Saitama is obviously much higher), and understand what it feels like to be the virtual strongest, so they’re much closer to viewing one another as equals. While Saitama struggles with boredom and caring about those around him, he has a relatively sociable personality.

Tornado has more to enjoy in life than just being a hero, but she has issues with her temperament and respecting those weaker than her. Theoretically, Saitama could teach Tornado to relax and take a more laid back approach to life while Tornado could help bring Saitama’s emotions back. However, neither character has had nearly enough time together for these dynamics to form, and it’s yet to be seen whether the manga even wishes to develop their relationship in this manner.

Saitama’s Potential for a Love Life in One-Punch Man

One-Punch Man: Should Saitama Have a Love Interest?_2

At the current stage of both One-Punch Man’s narrative and Saitama’s character arc, there is almost no realistic room for love within this story. He has been slowly rejoining the world and has developed more relationships through the course of the series, but he is still far too detached from his own emotions and has shown little desire for companionship, much less a romantic partnership.

Likewise, both Blizzard and Tornado both need to resolve their problems with each other and grow more as individual characters before it would feel right for them to develop and then act on any attraction or feelings for Saitama. Introducing a genuine love interest and romantic subplot for Saitama at this point wouldn’t fit One-Punch Man’s tone or style, which is currently focused on its main plot and fleshing out its world.

However, the future may see this change. While Saitama is currently detached from his emotions, it’s been a reoccurring theme throughout the story for him to try to find a new purpose and regain his ability to feel. For example, Saitama has most recently felt great anger and frustration over losing Genos to Garo in an alternate timeline. Much later on in the manga when Saitama’s character arc nears its completion, a romantic relationship may be the final capstone to his development that can show just how far he has come.

When this moment arrives, Saitama’s already-developing chemistry with both Blizzard and Tornado could make either of them a possible future love interest. As of now, it’s far too early to try and pair Saitama with a specific character, and all three need much more personal growth before any romance feels earned and in-place with the rest of One-Punch Man’s narrative.