The following article contains spoilers from Punisher #6, on sale now from Marvel Comics.

In the new Punisher run, Frank Castle has finally realized he signed up with the wrong crew. He initially thought the Hand would provide the army he needed to bring order to the world, but in time, he saw the High Priestess as a cruel dictator. Frank hated how she was willing to punish their own soldiers by killing them and their families, so he rebelled.

Unfortunately, Frank learned if he tried to leave the Japanese Citadel, his revived wife, Maria, would die again. It led to Frank falling back in line, only for his mission immediately after to leave him near-death. However, as issue #6 (by Jason Aaron, Jesús Saiz, Paul Azaceta, Dave Stewart and VC’s Cory Petit) hints Frank’s return might be the worst possible thing to happen to him.

The Hand Just Brought [SPOILER] Back From the Dead - But Why?_0

Frank went off to fight Ares, who was wearing the Punisher skull logo to taunt Frank. He wanted Frank to embrace the Punisher once more, and forget what the Hand turned him into. This angered Frank, but while he gave Ares a good fight, the God of War was too much. Ares battered Frank and left him for dead, but before he could pass on, Frank woke up back at the Citadel. It turns out, the Priestess and her minions found Frank, and used a mix of science and magic to revive him, although the process wasn’t fully completed. No matter what, they couldn’t let their beloved leader, the “fist” as they so aptly call him, die.

But while Frank’s main concern was to ensure Maria was safe, and to tend to the failed resurrection of his children, his bosses messing with his body again like that could lead to trouble. The Priestess didn’t like him speaking up or trying to kill her, so to have someone so snide, who knows he’s capable of insubordination, tamper with his body is indeed a risk. Seeing as Frank’s the avatar for the Beast, there’s a chance they gave him mystical upgrades, but fail-safes could also have been put in place to control his mind, body and soul — creating a unified, stronger ninja clan.

The Hand Just Brought [SPOILER] Back From the Dead - But Why?_1

After all, a brainwashed Frank as an instrument of destruction would top what Shadowland did with Daredevil, and the weapon of mass murder Elektra became when she led the Hand. They still had some semblance of agency, but Frank could become a demonic puppet, built to ensure no insurrection could ever occur again. Admittedly, some might see this as karma, but still, one has to wonder about the repercussions. Honestly, Frank as a receptacle will hold a lot of power, and if the Beast ends up possessing him, he could even become a war god himself.

And if that’s the case, it’s uncertain who’ll be able to stop him. His own soldiers cower in fear and question nothing, plus the Priestess knows how to manipulate minds and make people perfect pawns. Thus, it’s hard to see anyone breaking Frank out if he succumbs fully to the will of the Beast, and if he still doesn’t want to give up Maria. Ultimately, while the issue closed with Daredevil arriving hastily to try to shake Frank loose, Matt Murdock may need more help. That’s because one man won’t be enough to help Frank out, especially if his mind has been altered to the point, he’s happy being a pawn, so long as he has Maria with him.