In the Boruto franchise, fans were always expecting Kawaki to break bad, given how the story began with a flash-forward of him as a villain. Still, no one expected him to do so in such a brutal manner, and at such a young age. He quickly imprisoned Naruto and Hinata in a space-time pocket, while pushing Eida to rewrite reality to ensure Boruto got blamed.

His actions have left many wondering if Naruto and his wife would die in that dimension — or if their son would have to beat Kawaki senseless in order to find them a way out. Borruto is training with Sasuke while on the run, so this remains a possible means of resolution; however, there’s ample reason for Boruto’s sister, Himawari, to save the day, making up for a big mistake from the Naruto days in terms of equal representation.

Himawari Could Evolve Her Byakugan

<a href=Naruto‘s Savior Won’t Be Boruto – It’ll Be [Spoiler]_0″ class=”lazyload” data-src=””/>

Kekkei Genkai is a trait that’s been passed down to Himawari through her mother’s Hyūga heritage. They’re descendants of the Otsutsuki aliens, so with Himawari possessing these eyes, it’s easy to see her evolving the dōjutsu. The Boruto series will have a time-jump as well, so Himawari could well hone her talents in the interim. The series has hinted she’s got unlimited power, so it feels like the right time to explore her potential.

Her eyes can see chakra in ways no other can, and can even resist genjutsu. Thus, it’s easy to envision Himawari realizing they’re all living in Eida’s fake world. More relevant, she could theoretically sense her parents’ chakra and where they’re trapped. Of course, getting Eida to reverse the spell and Kawaki to free Naruto and Hinata won’t be easy, but Himawari can use the talk no jutsu to convince them to atone for their sins.


The key to Naruto and Hinata’s freedom could also be the Byakugan: Kaguya used it to peer into a target’s mind to determine their thoughts and feelings, or to look through their memories. This ability sets Himawari up to probe Kawaki and Eida’s minds. She can extract the necessary info and speak to them about undoing their work. Even if Kawaki refuses, Sarada has her Sharingan, so they can work on opening a portal to Kawaki’s prison. Once they have the destination, that’s half the work done

Himawari Getting Her Due Increases Female Visibility

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Admittedly, the Boruto franchise has been all about Naruto‘s son, relegating Himawari to cameos. It repeats the error made with sidelining female characters in the past, such as the cases of Sakura and Hinata. Seeing as the series has had spinoffs with Mirai, it’s clear the writers are trying to course-correct. As such, having Himawari be this key to opening the door gives her the perfect chance to shine, and plays on that sibling bond with Kawaki. She considers him more of a big brother than Boruto in Konoha.

Ultimately, this would be a most human resolution, with Himawari reminding Kawaki of the vow he made to protect her. Establishing Himawari as the one to save Naruto and Hinata reinforces this emotional connection, while building on a natural rivalry. It would also add a feminist edge and begin undoing the male-centric gaze of the series. Seriously, it’s time to stop painting women as victims in this series — both characters and audiences deserve increased representation, diversity and inclusivity.