Attack on Titan is among the most celebrated anime of recent memory. Unlike many of its predecessors, the story focuses on nuance between heroes and villains, with the lines between them becoming increasingly unclear throughout the narrative.

Many compelling characters have made a name for themselves, thriving from the ambiguity of Paradis’ struggles and becoming favorites among the story’s dedicated fanbase. These characters excel due to their relevance in shaping the world, fascinating personal outlooks, and growth from their initial debut. Regardless of popularity, the anime would not be the same without their outstanding influence and memorable actions.

10 Mikasa Ackerman

10 Best Attack On Titan Characters, Ranked_0

Mikasa Ackerman is the series’ deuteragonist and Eren’s closest friend. She watched him develop from a scrappy underdog into a ruthless murderer, and devotion prevented her from seeing the truth of his actions.

There are many ways Mikasa proved herself as a worthwhile member of the cast. In addition to being the most physically competent female character, she stood up for the people of Paradis and served as a role model for future Scouts. Mikasa’s only shortcoming is that, based on the aftermath of the Rumbling, she still couldn’t let go of attachments to Eren.

9 Grisha Yeager

10 Best Attack On Titan Characters, Ranked_1

Grisha Yeager may be considered a footnote in the series by some, but his actions shaped the entire world of Attack on Titan. For instance, his failed insurrection attempt was largely the reason why Pure Titans attacked Paradis in the first place.

Similarly, slaughtering the royal family and giving the Attack Titan to Eren made Paradis’ survival possible. Fans also managed a glimpse into Grisha’s personal morals, as he was horrified by what Eren intended to do once he realized the true purpose behind the Founding Titan. Grisha was surprisingly memorable for a character who died offscreen.

8 Sasha Braus

10 Best Attack On Titan Characters, Ranked_2

Sasha Braus stood out from the Scouts for how her sense of optimism never failed. Whether smuggling meat from a pantry or ignoring Ymir’s curt derision, her personality was a necessary contrast to most of the dour cast.

Sasha didn’t slack when performing on the battlefield. She was capable of outmaneuvering Pure Titans on horseback, defeating them with arrowheads, and even shooting down numerous opponents far better armed than she was. Sasha’s death demoralized the Scouts, with many attributing blame to Eren for forcing the attack on Liberio prematurely.

7 Kenny Ackerman

10 Best Attack On Titan Characters, Ranked_3

Despite only appearing for a season, Kenny Ackerman substantially enriched Attack on Titan. In addition to providing context for Levi’s incredible fighting skills, he was also one of the few antagonists to formidably utilize ODM gear.

Crass and vain in nature, Kenny worshiped the notion of dedicating his life to a hobby and justified that it was the only way a person could find fulfillment. His decidedly individualistic attitude is in unique contrast with almost every other character in the series, regardless of their affiliation to Paradis or Marley.

6 Historia Reiss

10 Best Attack On Titan Characters, Ranked_4

Historia Reiss enjoyed an incredible arc and arguably had even greater development than Eren. Ymir’s death compelled her to rise from the shadows and claim her birthright as Paradis’ queen despite the many risks that would be involved.

Even before Historia’s identity was revealed, the other Scouts adored her, even going as far as to compare her to an angel. Defeating Rod Reiss provided validity to her succession and built upon her already sterling reputation. Historia’s only flaw is that she was forgotten about in the series’ final acts and when the Yeagerists mounted a violent coup against the country.

5 Eren Yeager

10 Best Attack On Titan Characters, Ranked_5

Eren Yeager was the main protagonist of the series and a remarkably polarizing individual. From the beginning, his aggressive campaign to destroy enemies distinguished him from typical shonen heroes and better-solidified Attack on Titan‘s tone.

Eren’s scrappy attitude and desire for freedom at any cost made him a fascinatingly tragic character who ultimately faced off against the same friends he fought to protect. He is responsible for some of the series’ most iconic moments, such as the showdown with Annie in Trost, defeating Bertholdt at Shiganshina, and declaring war against the entire world during the battle for Liberio.

4 Floch Forster

10 Best Attack On Titan Characters, Ranked_6

Floch’s personal transformation was stunning for the brief time it took place. Though the least willing to charge the Beast Titan, he took after Erwin’s example and imitated him when leaving the Yeagerist movement.

Unlike Eren, Floch was entirely consistent in his goal to put the Eldian people first. He did not attempt to justify his actions by creating a martyr of himself or pretend as if he cared about any higher moral objective. Although Floch is greatly controversial with the series’ fanbase, his consistent stances and combat skills are worthy of commendation.

3 Levi Ackerman

10 Best Attack On Titan Characters, Ranked_7

Levi Ackerman embodied the best aspects of a soldier. He was loyal, thoughtful, and extremely skilled at cutting down the enemies of Paradis. One of the last members in Erwin’s old guard, Levi’s legacy alone inspired hundreds of recruits to join the cause.

While Levi protected Eren as vigilantly as Mikasa, he didn’t delude himself about the Attack Titan’s nature or what he could do if left unchecked. Although Levi consistently disciplined Eren throughout the series, hardship, and trauma eventually made him impossible to bridle. Nonetheless, Levi’s personality is almost unimpeachable, which made his survival of the Rumbling, particularly satisfying.

2 Erwin Smith

10 Best Attack On Titan Characters, Ranked_8

Erwin Smith was the leader of the Scouts and an incredibly charismatic political figure. He proved capable on the battlefield and in Paradis’ courts, as seen when negotiating for Eren’s freedom and hatching a plan to overthrow the corrupt Eldian monarchy.

For much of his life, Erwin’s curiosity dictated his actions. It was largely responsible for his interest in the Scouts and even resulted in his father’s disappearance. However, Erwin put Paradis’ future first when sacrificing himself against the Beast Titan. He wanted Eldians to have a future even if he could not be a part of it.

1 Reiner Braun

10 Best Attack On Titan Characters, Ranked_9

Reiner may have failed to make an impression in his first few appearances, though he became an increasingly captivating character as the series progressed. Despite resenting himself for being an Eldian, he appreciated his comrades within the Scouts and even developed a split personality that wanted to save them.

Despite Reiner’s personal demons, he never stopped protecting those he cared about. Whether standing against Eren at Marley or fending off an onslaught of Pure Titans in the final battle, Reiner illustrated true grit and resilience. He kept moving forward no matter the cost, embodying the anime’s core theme by doing so.

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