Yuusei Fudou (不動 遊星)


Yuusei is a new and main character in this series. He is considered a rare duelist riding a Duel Runner. Yuusei is familiar with machine and computer, so he assembles Duel Runner by himself. His personality is very different from Judai in GX series but similar to Mutou Yugi. He looks cool and smart with hot heart especially in a duel and always thinks about his friends. After fighting Jack Atlas, the Mark of the Dragon appears on his arm and makes him become a [Signer ~ シグナー].

The story mainly focuses on Yuusei. As people live in gorgeous Neo Domino City, he lives with his scums in the old Satellite plant. Yuusei assembles his D-Wheel from any material he can get from this junk place. This is the source of his deck's concept of Junk (ie. Junk Warrior). Yuusei plans to have a decisive battle with Jack because Jack stole his D-Wheel and ace card.

Season 2

Together, they conquered the areas of Satellite with rival gangs. During the last battle; Yuusei was pulled from the roof of a building, saved by Kiryu. But shortly after that time; Yuusei saw a different side to Kiryu after he killed a Security officer. After a brief struggle, Security arrived on the scene to arrest Kiryu. Lately, Kiryu appears before Yuusei and Crow again, forcing Yuusei into a duel. Facing Kiryu's Earthbound God, Ccapac Apu; Yuusei's D-Wheel reached its limits. Yuusei himself was injured when something lodged itself into his abdomen, Crow escorted Yuusei to what seems to be the orphanage where his injury is looked over.

Shortly afterwards, Yuusei is dragged back to the city by Aki's father in hopes that he can save her after he defeat by the hands of Misty Lola. When she awakens, she challenges a duel which results in finally getting her onside with the other Signers. Godwin invites the group to explain about the Dark Signers, explaining that they are individuals that have passed on, leaving Yuusei to blame himself for Kiryu's death. Coming to terms with reality, Yuusei makes Godwin promise to finish the construction of Daedalus Bridge when the battle against the Dark Signers is over. The group depart to the orphange for a brief reunion with Martha and the kids, hearing about Crow and the others' disappearance. Rudger - the leader of the Dark Signers - appears and duels Yuusei. During the duel, Rudger reveals his identity and Yuusei witnesses both Martha sacrificing herself in order to save Tayuka - one of the orphans that followed Rudger, Yuusei and Aki - and Rally who becomes Yuusei's opponent, sacrificing himself for Yuusei's sake.

Fuelled by the sacrifices, Yuusei later faces Kiryu once again, focusing on their past as half of Team Satisfaction before combinig the power of the Birthmarks in himself to summon Saviour Star Dragon, destroy Ccapac Apu and save Kiryu at the time of his friend's death. As the duel ends and Yuusei mourns the loss of his once-leader, Rudger challenges him. Knowing if he can destroy Uru defeat Rudger, Martha wil be saved; Yuusei heads to Old Momentum - the place where his parents died. Facing Uru's terrifying power, Yuusei hears Rudger's recollection of what happened between Yuusei's father and him. Yuusei voices his guilt over the events of 17 years ago - that his father unintentionally began the chain of events that created Satellite and robbed Jack and Crow of their parens. After hearing what Crow has to say, Yuusei fights back with Stardust to defeat Rudger, the Dark Signer leader self-destruct, sending Yuusei falling into the pit of Momentum where he finds his father in Hell.

After meeting his father, Yuusei is sent back to Old Momentum and leads the others to the Lizard tower where he confronts Divine in order to show Misty the truth. But the duel ends after sunset - the time Rudger mentioned that the four towers had to be sealed to prevent the King of the Underworld from rising. The Condor geoglyph appears and the Crimson Dragon transports everyone to the Sky Temple where they learn Godwin is the final Dark Signer, hoping to surpass the two warring Gods in order to break the cycle. Yuusei, Jack and Crow face him in one last Dark Riding Duel.

Crow and Jack both come off their D-Wheels as a result of Wiraquchasca's effect while Yuusei stays on. Speaking of the bonds that connect everyone, overpowering the full Birthmark that Godwin has forged, however Yuusei's Tail Birthmark becomes the Head. Yuusei is then able to draw Savior Dragon, Synchro Summoning Savior Star Dragon in order to destroy Wiraquchasca. As the duel ends, Yuusei sees the Dark Signers unconscious and the Godwin Brothers move on to the afterlife. Savior Star takes on the power of the Crimson Dragon and kills the King of the Underworld, releasing the Dark Signers and allowing them to live again.

Some time after the final batte; Yuusei, Jack and Crow stand in Satellite in the shadow of the bridge connecting Neo-Domino and Satellite around Daedalus Bridge. Together, they can ride together towards the bright future ahead.

Season 3

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