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More Than a Married Couple: The Jealousy of Akari Drives Her Closer to Confessing

The information that follows contains spoilers for the current Crunchyroll streaming episode of More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers, “‘Already’ Has Passed, But Not ‘Yet’.”

Fans of the romantic comedy More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers in Fall 2022 are looking forward to Akari and Jiro finally accepting that they have grown to love each other by getting past the complicated emotions that stand in their way. There are only a few episodes left. In Episode 10, Akari comes perilously close to sharing her feelings for Jiro, despite the fact that they haven’t yet addressed their romantic chemistry directly.

They and their friends are staying together by chance at a live-in part-time job on the beach. Shiori used the proximity to get closer to Jiro in Episode 9, causing Akari to be jealous. In keeping with previous episodes, Akari resorts to bravado and seduces Jiro. However, her jealousy-fueled attempt to capture Jiro’s attention in Episode 10 shows significant progress toward their romantic conclusion.


Jiro spends more time with Shiori, Which Makes Akari Jealous

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Though Shiori appeared to suggest that she and Jiro spend some time together at a hotel at the end of Episode 9, the first scene in Episode 10 reveals her true destination: a sandy beach beneath the hotel. Regardless, Jiro is content to spend time with his childhood crush, and Shiori maintains her confident demeanor with her suggestive dialogue.

While Akari could try to use their situation to get closer to Minami, she seems more worried about Jiro than her first crush. Akari becomes more and more envious as she sees Jiro interact so easily with other girls and approach his crush. Although she expresses her support for Jiro’s pursuit of his crush, Episode 10 shows how upsetting it is for Akari to see him with anyone other than her. She has grown accustomed to their relationship at home as part of the marriage practical.


Jiro Is Frustrated by Akari’s Teasing, But It Raises Crucial Issues For Their Future.

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While on the trip, Akari may feel lonely and upset about their separation, but she finds it difficult to express these emotions to Jiro. Akari constantly makes fun of Jiro when the two of them are chosen to get snacks for the group in order to hide her own joy at the prospect of spending time with him. She confronts Jiro later in the episode, trying to explain her feelings about the trip while wearing the skimpy swimsuit she claims is just for him. She teases Jiro once more when he tries to understand the confession, making it unclear as to what exactly she is confessing.

Jiro complains about Akari’s persistent teasing and temptations as the two hide in a cramped area to keep Shiori away. Her teasing only makes him more perplexed as his own insecurities prevent him from truly considering Akari as a viable romantic option. Jiro probably thinks Akari is prepared to part ways with him as a partner in their business. Akari says she wants to know him better after their tense exchange results in a different kind of tension and a mild heat stroke. Jiro considers her words and their implications for the rest of their practice as he is moved by this.

Though some viewers may anticipate an unresolved ending with too many loose ends, More Than a Married Couple’s best girl has the potential to come to terms with her feelings. Depending on how closely the anime follows the manga, the ending may not yet involve Akari and Jiro finally becoming a couple, but fans can still hope for a satisfying ending that leaves room for a second season.

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