Makoto Shinkai's upcoming fantasy adventure film, Suzume no Tojimari, is set to be his third collaboration with Radwimps and Tanaka, following the success of Your Name (2016) and Weathering with You (2019). The story of Suzume no Tojimari is inspired by the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami and follows the journey of two teenagers, Suzume Iwato and Souta Munakata, as they join forces to prevent a series of disasters across Japan.
Is 'Suzume' Connected to Your Name or Weathering with You?
When the Suzume teaser first released, viewers expected another dramatic relationship with a magical filled romance, similar to the previous two films. If not, they expected the casts of Your Name and Weathering with You to appear in Suzume, as Taki Tachibana and Mitsuha Miyamizu did in Weathering with You.
Many fans are now wondering whether is Suzume connected to Your Name or Weathering with You (Shinkai's previous films). Although there is no confirmation that all three movies take place in the same universe, fans have speculated about is Suzume a sequel to Your Name or many fans guess that is Suzume part 2 of Your name and others think Your name is prequel Suzume. Suzume, on the other hand, experienced nothing of the sort.
Instead, for the most recent movie, the director used a different style of direction. Although Shinkai had previously emphasized nature and spirituality, employed expansive scenery to depict the ties between characters, and tackled environmental issues, this time around he placed greater emphasis on the protagonist's character growth.
Suzume also revolves on two young people who become involved in a mystical journey, just like You Name and Weathering with You. The director has concentrated on the growth of the protagonist's relationships with the other characters, as opposed to the previous two movies, which showed a romance between the two characters.
While Your Name tackled the aftermath of the 2011 Japan earthquake, Weathering with You emphasized the concerns surrounding climate change. The two films also attempted to cover societal issues, adding depth to the storylines. Moreover, fans noticed some crossovers between the two films, with a cameo appearance by Your Name's Mitsuha and Taki in Weathering with You.
In light of this, fans are eagerly anticipating whether Suzume no Tojimari will also have similar themes and crossovers with its predecessors. The trailer for the film hints at a possible continuation of the environmental theme that was prominent in both Your Name and Weathering with You. As such, fans can expect a thought-provoking storyline that touches on contemporary issues facing the world today.
If the previous films are anything to go by, it is likely that Suzume no Tojimari will also delve into social issues that are relevant to the modern world. The combination of stunning animation and a compelling storyline has been a hallmark of Shinkai's films, and it is no doubt that Suzume no Tojimari will not disappoint in this regard.
While it remains to be seen whether there will be any crossovers with the previous films, the possibility of a cameo appearance by Hodaka and Hina's future or older versions has already piqued the interest of fans of Weathering with You.
Character development and the fact that each character had a significant tale to tell propelled the new Shinkai film. Aside from that, the new film is about finding meaning in a tragic circumstance. This contrasts with Your Name, in which the supernatural link between the two lovers was severed at the end, and Weathering With You, in which the characters opted to stay together rather than preserve the dying world.
In conclusion, although there is no official confirmation that Suzume no Tojimari is connected to Your Name or Weathering with You, fans can expect a captivating storyline that addresses contemporary issues and resonates with audiences worldwide. With its release set for later this year, fans of Shinkai's work eagerly await the next masterpiece from the talented director.
Related: Suzume by Makoto Shinkai: A Story of Overcoming Grief Through Personal Sacrifice