The protagonist of the anime Chainsaw Man, Aki Hayakawa, has come a long way in search of the ideal team to slay monsters throughout Asia. In Season 1, he is portrayed as a strict mentor who fears Denji will make a mistake because the stakes are so high. In order to stop the Gun Devil, they need experienced personnel, as evidenced by the fact that he even physically assaulted the teenager.

Fortunately, Hayakawa escaped the ambush that Gun Devil orchestrated after sending enigmatic attackers to assault the Public Safety Unit in Japan. He was now more enraged than ever and eager to kill the tyrant for killing his family and setting off a chain reaction that killed Himeno and her kin. Hayakawa suffers a terrible betrayal, which unfortunately leaves him with a defeatist mindset that is not typically associated with a hero.


Hayakawa, Wielding a Chainsaw, is Facing The Ghost Devil

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Hayakawa collaborates with Power and Denji, who have recently finished their training with Kishibe, after leaving hospice. They confront Samurai Sword and Sawatari at a downtown hotel while being assisted by a Suicide Squad parody that is killing zombies. Hayakawa rushes Sawatari in a corridor as they prepare to exact revenge on all the agents who perished.

Sadly, she releases the Ghost Devil, who is now in her possession. This was Himeno's devil, but in the midst of combat Sawatari's Snake Devil ate it up, corrupting, brainwashing, and enslaving it. Then Hayakawa makes several attempts to sever it with his sword, but each time it succeeds in taking the initiative. When it officially transforms from protector to destroyer, Hayakawa is already being choked out and is about to have his bones crushed, making it clear that there is a mental effect.


Devil Breaks Hayakawa's Ghost of the Chainsaw Man

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The Ghost Devil's timing is what really takes the sting out of Hayakawa's offense. He recalls how Himeno tried to use it to save him in the previous ambush, only for her body to disappear as her contract with it expired. In addition, he'd later get love letters from Himeno's sister, realizing she was in love with him and that he should have separated work from his personal life a bit, and taken a chance on her.

Despite the Future Devil's warnings that all roads lead to certain death, he was instead consumed by his sense of duty. As a result, as he is being crushed by Ghost Devil, Hayakawa laments the fact that a significant portion of his life was wasted. Himeno was an opportunity for him to begin to mend, which is why he sobbed and thought about his depression while in the hospital. Simply put, the fight in Episode 11 brings to the surface inner demons, regrets, and pain.

That's why the Ghost attack was so coincidental—he didn't know he could fall in love once more. It stands for both his salvation and a symbol of his anguish, creating a dichotomy that pierces his very soul. Ultimately, this unique, emotional weapon is what causes him to appear to give up, passing out as he feels bad that Himeno died. Hayakawa, meanwhile, is abandoned and forced to live by herself in Chainsaw Man's gloomy world.