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Konosuba: Megumin’s Biggest Wins


  • Megumin’s dedication to explosive magic is unwavering, despite its limitations and physical toll on her body.
  • She continually trains to strengthen her powers, even going against warnings to stop firing explosions.
  • Megumin’s antics, from challenging rivals to annoying Kazuma, bring humor and unexpected outcomes to the party’s adventures.

Megumin is the third member of Kazuma’s party, and she basically threatens Kazuma to let her join in the first place. Kazuma and Aqua desperately needed money and more people in their party so they could go on more quests, and after putting up a sign, Megumin shows up in all her Crimson’s glory. At first, Kazuma wanted her on board, but after discovering how useless she was after using her explosive magic once, he did not want her anymore.

One thing about Megumin is her unwavering dedication. She has dedicated herself to explosive magic and will not use any other type of magic, regardless of what the situation calls for. She was also dedicated to joining Kazuma’s party, and she made sure she got in.

7 Practicing Her Explosion Magic Every Day On An Abandoned Castle

She Knew Her Powers Needed Work, So She Dedicated Herself To Training


Megumin’s explosive magic is quite powerful, but the only downside is that she can only use it once. This is because of how much energy it requires; she physically cannot use it more than once because, after, she is too weak, can barely stand, and needs someone to carry her away. However, she decided quite early in the anime to train every day so that her powers could be stronger.

She did not stop even after Verdia, a general to the demon lord, warned her to stop firing explosions at his castle. Kazuma stopped going with her, thinking she would stop, but she got Aqua to accompany her instead. Fans later see that in season two, she and Kazuma resume training, and she goes back to fire explosions every day, regardless of the season.

6 Convincing Kazuma To Let Her Join His Party

She Saw An Opportunity And Was Not Willing To Let It Go


At first, Kazuma had intentions of letting Megumin join Aqua and him, but after taking her on a quest that required them to kill giant toads, he changed his mind about wanting her in his party. During the quest, Megumin used her explosive magic and was quickly rendered weak, as she could only use the power once. She ends up getting eaten by a toad alongside Aqua, which frustrates Kazuma.

Kazuma carries Megumin, who is all covered in frog slime, on his back and tells her he cannot let her join his party. Megumin starts begging Kazuma and causes a scene where passersby look at him and whisper about him being a pervert. Megumin takes the chance to scream about how Kazuma is a pervert, and he shuts her up and allows her to be a member of his party, making her feel very happy and accomplished.

5 Using Explosion Magic Twice In One Day

Her Constant Training Paid Off


Megumin started training in episode four of Konosuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World!, hoping to make her explosions more powerful and get her body to outgrow the effects of using explosive magic. By episode ten, all her training had paid off, as she was able to use her explosion magic twice after using it the first time alongside Wiz the Lich to stop the destroyer.

Megumin uses her explosion magic once more to prevent the destroyer from self-destructing, and she saves the city alongside her party members.

4 Defeating Her Self-Proclaimed Rival, Yunyun, Once Again

She Secretly Enjoys Their Duels


Yunyun and Megumin attended the same academy, where Megumin constantly used to steal Yunyun’s lunches because of her lack of finances. Yunyun treats Megumin as her rival, and Megumin acts accordingly, because Yunyun has no friends and is lonely. At Wiz’s shop, Yunyun challenges Megumin to use their powers to activate the friendship crystal and determine who has the greater casting spell. They channel their powers to the crystal, and it begins to project, showing Kazuma, Aqua, and Wiz their memories, especially the embarrassing ones. They notice this, and out of shame and humiliation, Megumin breaks the crystal.

While Yunyun was trying to establish who the winner was, Megumin claimed to be done with the childish games. She suggests to Yunyun that she is in an intimate relationship with Kazuma, saying that they bathe together. This statement freaks Yunyun out, and she accepts defeat. Yunyun does not have that kind of relationship, as she struggles to even make friends. After she runs out of the shop, Megumin brings out a book where she keeps scores of their duels, and with a coy look, she announces that she wins again.

3 Using Her Explosion To Defeat Vanir

She Frees Darkness From Vanir’s Possession


After Vanir possessed Darkness, it was difficult to get his mask off her face and him out of her body. However, Kazuma and his party were not ready to give up on her. Kazuma urges Megumin to use her explosion on Darkness so that it can make Vanir weak, giving them an opportunity to remove Vanir’s mask from Darkness’s face.

In this episode, Megumin acknowledges that her power has greatly increased due to her constant training, and she is scared to unleash it on Darkness, as the impact might kill her. After being convinced by Kazuma, she agrees and uses her explosion on Darkness, allowing them to defeat Vanir. Their collective efforts as a party are how they defeated Vanir, but Megumin’s explosion power, which had grown stronger, was a last resort, and it worked out well for them. However, while her explosion did not kill Darkness, it left her in a bad state.

2 Naming Kazuma’s Sword

She Successfully Managed To Annoy Kazuma With This Action


Kazuma gets a new sword, but to him, it is more like a partner than a weapon. Unfortunately, his sword is smaller than what he initially wanted because of its impracticality. Kazuma cannot carry a long sword because it keeps getting in the way and knocking things over, so he grudgingly settled for a smaller and less cool-looking sword. Determined to love his sword regardless, he tries to name it but is unsuccessful, but Megumin comes to save the day.

While accepting a quest to defeat the lizard runner, Megumin announced that the name of Kazuma’s sword would be Chunchunmaru. Kazuma was against it, claiming he could not give his sword such a goofy name, but unfortunately for him, and much to Megumin’s delight, the name Chumchunmaru is magically written on the sword, meaning that Kazuma has no choice but to accept the name.

1 Bringing Kazuma Back To Life

She Disrespected Kazuma’s Dead Body, And It Made Him Angry Enough To Return


The quest with the lizard runners took a deadly turn as the lizards trampled on Kazuma and killed him. Once again, he appeared in the presence of Eris, the goddess, and she advised him to live more carefully. This time, he does not want to go back, and he tells Aqua that he is not coming back and nothing can change his mind.

However, Megumin had other plans, as she saw his dead body as an opportunity to scribble on him. Aqua reported what Megumin was doing to Kazuma, and it got him all worked up and curious. Thanks to Megumin’s action, Kazuma eventually gave in and decided to return to their world. He eventually saw what she wrote on his lower stomach: “The Holy Sword Excalibur.”

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