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Naruto: Naruto’s Major Upgrade In Two Blue Vortex, Explained


  • Naruto Uzumaki’s fate was sealed in Boruto, losing powers & being sealed away by Kawaki.
  • Despite losing Kurama & powers, Naruto could return with major upgrade, thanks to Omnipotence.
  • Naruto’s comeback in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex is crucial for his character arc & story success.

Naruto Uzumaki is the protagonist of the Naruto series. However, in the Boruto series, Naruto takes the backseat, and his son, Boruto Uzumaki, takes the role of the protagonist. While Boruto has been somewhat exciting for the fans over the years, the story has had its ups and downs. There are some aspects of the story that fans have come to love, and others that have simply not been all that great.

The handling of Naruto Uzumaki’s character falls in the latter category. Naruto Uzumaki has had his powers stripped from him, and at the same time, he has also been sealed away, which makes things worse for him. However, in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex, Naruto Uzumaki will inevitably return, and this time, likely with tremendous power.

Naruto’s Fate

Naruto Uzumaki Was Sealed Away By Kawaki


Naruto Uzumaki’s fate was decided in Boruto long ago. Right at the beginning of the series, the author gave fans a sneak peek of future events, and fans knew that something was going to happen to Naruto. Many fans predicted that Naruto would die. However, the vast majority believed that he would be incapacitated in some way.

You changed me from a bastard who was just a vessel. I was a walking corpse who had no reason to live. You breathed life into me. – Kawaki

That is exactly what ended up happening towards the end of Part 1 of Boruto, as not only did Naruto Uzumaki lose the power of Kurama, his beloved Tailed Beast, but he also ended up being sealed away by Kawaki. Kawaki tried to justify this thought process of sealing Naruto away, and even though he believed that he was doing this for his own good, eventually, Naruto was cut out of the story entirely.


Fans certainly did know that he would return at some point later down the line, however, what they did not know was if Naruto would still be strong when he did come back. For one, Naruto has already lost Kurama, and the fight against Isshiki Otsutsuki saw to that. At the same time, there isn’t much that Naruto can do against the level of opponents that are present in the series at this point in time. Even though Naruto is strong, he can make no difference against the likes of the Otsutsuki or Shinju. Taking these things into consideration, Naruto Uzumaki is going to be in grave danger moving forward, unless he receives a major power-up upon return.

Naruto’s Return To Power

Naruto Uzumaki Could Gain Major Powers In Boruto


In Boruto: Two Blue Vortex, Naruto will most certainly receive an important role. Naruto is the heart and soul of the entire franchise, and if he continues to be mistreated, then the story will most definitely lose more fans. This is something that the fans have seen happen over the course of the last few years, and it will get even worse for the series. Surely, the writers realize this and they know that they need to treat Naruto’s character very carefully if they want their series to succeed. Furthermore, after all the hardships that Naruto has had to take on in his life, he certainly deserves to be at the forefront of things to receive a proper conclusion to his character arc. He cannot just be another irrelevant character. Naruto needs a major role, and for that reason, among others, fans can rest assured that he will get back to power.

Of Course, the major question still remains as to how Naruto will get back to power. After all, Kurama is dead. However, what many fans have not considered at this point in the story is that Kurama could essentially return later down the line. As fans know, the shinjutsu of the Otsutsuki is incredibly overpowered. Things that are seemingly impossible can be made possible with it, and fans can potentially see that come into play when Naruto returns in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex. One particular individual that could help Naruto Uzumaki return later down the line is Omnipotence. Fans have seen Omnipotence being hyped up in the series on many occasions. It is a jutsu that can take any desire and fulfill it, and that is why it is called the jutsu of the Gods. The Gods have used this technique to shape the world to their liking over the course of centuries, and surely, this is a technique that can help Naruto Uzumaki greatly.

Such godlike abilities were neither Ninjutsu nor Sage Arts. They were phenomena equivalent to divine miracles.

The only user of this technique at this point in time is Ada, and if she gains authority over this technique, then she can help out the likes of Naruto Uzumaki. Of course, it is not going to be easy to do, however, it is definitely possible. Ada has already played the role of an ally on many occasions in Boruto. Even right now, she continues to be impressed by Boruto Uzumaki, and when she gains a hold of herself, her emotions, and her true identity, she will most definitely be an ally. When that happens, she would be more than willing to help, provided that she has access to the power of Omnipotence and that she gains control over it. If these conditions are met, then Ada can surely help bring Kurama back and write history in a way where Kurama never died in the first place, or, Kurama could exist in a different form entirely and return to Naruto.

Can Naruto Gain An Upgrade?

Naruto’s Chances Of Getting Strong Are Quite High

When Naruto Uzumaki returns, he will most certainly not be as strong as fans would have expected him to be. Fans know that Naruto Uzumaki is one of the strongest characters in the franchise, however, since Kurama has been stripped from him, he isn’t all that special. What’s even worse is that he has also lost his Six Paths Powers. As such, Naruto needs a major upgrade when he returns, to stay relevant in the Boruto series. Taking all things into consideration, the fate of Naruto Uzumaki rests right now on the shoulders of Ada, or any other individual that could potentially help him out. If Kurama returns, then Naruto will most definitely gain an upgrade. Not only will he gain the powers of the Six Paths back, but he could also get even stronger than before, depending on how the series will treat him, and what is expected of him.

At the same time, the opposite is also possible. Naruto could potentially stay the same as he was when he lost the power of Kurama. In this scenario, fans will simply have to accept the fact that Naruto isn’t the person that he used to be, and that he has to delegate many roles to the next generation of shinobi, who are now growing stronger with each passing chapter.

Of course, fans are still hoping that Naruto Uzumaki returns to power in Boruto and that he has many big roles to play in the future. However, for now, no one can say for sure what the story writers have in store for him. That said, there is definitely a way for Naruto to return to power, and, hopefully, the authors will make use of that later down the line.

Boruto is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of Boruto, Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 9, is set to be April 20, 2024.

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