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Naruto: The Complicated Relationship Between Naruto and Sakura


  • Naruto and Sakura’s relationship evolves from disdain and unrequited love to mutual respect and admiration over time.
  • Sasuke’s departure forces Team 7 to confront conflicting emotions, leading to growth and deepening bonds between Naruto and Sakura.
  • Naruto’s journey towards becoming Hokage involves not only physical strength, but also emotional growth, understanding, and finding true love with Hinata.

Naruto follows Naruto Uzumaki’s journey to become the Hokage of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. After graduating from the Academy, Team 7 is formed with Kakashi Hatake as their mentor, consisting of Naruto, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha. Throughout the series, Team 7 undergoes various missions and challenges as part of their ninja training. Each member possesses unique abilities and personalities that contribute to the team’s dynamic.

Despite facing conflicts, betrayals, and personal struggles, Team 7 stands together as comrades and friends united in their shared goals. The relationship between Naruto and Sakura undergoes significant evolution, initially complicated by Sakura’s affection for Sasuke, leading to a classic love triangle dynamic. Despite Naruto eventually marrying Hinata Hyuga and Sakura marrying Sasuke, their relationship remains complex throughout the series.

The Early Relationship Between Naruto and Sakura

Naruto and Sakura as Kids

In the early parts of the Naruto series, Sakura and Naruto’s relationship is marked by stark contrasts in their feelings towards each other. While Sakura views Naruto with disdain, considering him annoying and obnoxious, Naruto harbors unrequited romantic feelings towards her.

Sakura’s Initial Contempt for Naruto


In the early parts of the series, Sakura not only didn’t reciprocate Naruto’s romantic feelings, but also didn’t even want to be his friend. She viewed him as annoying, obnoxious, and not a good ninja. Sakura’s initial attitude toward Naruto was one of disdain, and she often made derogatory remarks about him. There was a moment in the series where Sakura complained to Sasuke about Naruto’s behavior, remarking that Naruto does whatever he wants because he doesn’t have parents. This comment was not only insensitive to Naruto, but also to Sasuke, whose parents, along with the entire Uchiha clan, were killed by his brother Itachi to prevent a coup. This highlights Sakura’s lack of understanding and empathy towards both Naruto and Sasuke’s painful pasts, showcasing her early insensitivity and ignorance of their struggles.

Naruto’s Unrequited Infatuation with Sakura


Despite Sakura’s indifference and disdain towards him, Naruto was infatuated with her. He harbored romantic feelings for Sakura and made numerous attempts to win her affection. However, Sakura’s focus was primarily on Sasuke, and she remained uninterested in Naruto’s advances. Despite his efforts to befriend her and gain her respect, Naruto often found himself ignored or dismissed by Sakura. Naruto’s stubborn pursuit of Sakura despite her lack of interest portrays his stubbornness and inability to accept rejection, underscoring his emotional immaturity in handling unrequited love.

I love you with all my heart! If you were to stay with me, there would be no regrets.
Because everyday, we’d so something fun. We’d be happy, I swear! Please stay with me. I’ll even help you with your revenge. I don’t know what I could do but I’ll try my best to do something. So please, stay with me, or take me with you if you can’t stay here.

Things Get More Complicated After Sasuke Leaves


Sasuke’s departure sends shockwaves throughout the village, significantly impacting Team 7’s dynamics. Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke are forced to confront their conflicting emotions and navigate their complex relationships. Naruto feels guilt over Sasuke’s departure and is determined to bring him back, while Sakura struggles with conflicting emotions towards both Naruto and Sasuke. As Naruto’s resolve to retrieve Sasuke becomes central to their missions, the bond between Naruto and Sakura deepens

Sakura’s Internal Conflict and Growing Awareness


Sasuke’s departure forces Sakura to confront her own feelings and reevaluate her relationship with Naruto. Initially torn between her lingering infatuation with Sasuke and her growing admiration for Naruto’s unwavering loyalty, Sakura experiences internal conflict. As she witnesses Naruto’s resilience and commitment to bringing Sasuke back, Sakura begins to recognize his strength, determination, and genuine care for her. She starts to see Naruto in a new light, appreciating his qualities as a friend and comrade rather than solely as a rival for Sasuke’s attention.

During the Five Kage Summit Arc, Sakura tells Naruto that she loves him, mistakenly believing his pursuit of Sasuke is driven by his desire to win her affection. Hoping to end the cycle of suffering, she confesses her love to Naruto and claims she no longer loves Sasuke. However, Naruto sees through her lie and admonishes her, frustrated by her self-deception. Sakura tries to convince Naruto of her feelings, citing his heroism after defeating Pain. Angered by her persistence, Naruto rejects her advances and insists she stop lying to herself. Despite the tension, this moment marks Sakura’s growth and her recognition of Naruto’s unwavering dedication to their friendship and his commitment to bringing Sasuke back.

Naruto’s Pursuit Intensifies Then Quells


With Sasuke’s departure, Naruto’s determination to win Sakura’s heart becomes more pronounced. He sees Sasuke’s absence as an opportunity to demonstrate his worthiness to Sakura and dedicates himself fervently to impressing her. Despite his relentless efforts to gain her affection, Naruto eventually comes to realize that Sakura’s lingering feelings for Sasuke may be insurmountable, leading him to confront his own emotions and reassess his priorities.

I’m the one who made Naruto suffer the most… I’ve just been getting it wrong… just been messing it up… I don’t want to get it wrong anymore… don’t want to screw it up anymore.”

Eventually, Naruto and Sakura Learn to Respect and Care About Each Other Equally


Over time, Naruto’s unwavering determination and selflessness earn him the respect and admiration of those around him, including Sakura. Similarly, Naruto comes to appreciate Sakura’s loyalty, courage, and unwavering support, deepening their bond as friends and allies.

Naruto’s Growth and Recognition and Life He Always Wanted


As time progresses, Naruto’s unwavering determination and strength gradually earn him the respect and admiration of those around him. His relentless pursuit of his goals, coupled with his selflessness and bravery, begin to leave a lasting impression on Sakura. She starts to perceive him differently, acknowledging his potential and recognizing the sacrifices he has made for the village and his friends. However, Naruto’s journey also leads him to a deeper understanding of love and loyalty.

He eventually realizes that Hinata had been the one who loved him all along, and he ultimately marries her, starting a family with two children named Boruto and Himawari. Naruto’s journey towards becoming Hokage is not only one of physical strength but also of emotional growth and understanding, shaping him into a leader capable of uniting his village and protecting those he cares about.

Sakura’s Evolving Perception of Naruto and Life with Sasuke


Just like the rest of the village, Sakura’s perception of Naruto undergoes a significant shift over time. As she witnesses his growth and observes his unwavering dedication to his ideals, she begins to reassess her initial judgments of him. Gradually, Sakura starts to acknowledge Naruto’s strengths and qualities, seeing beyond his previous shortcomings. She begins to realize the depth of his character and the true extent of his loyalty, leading her to develop a newfound respect and admiration for him.

In Sakura’s own life, she eventually marries Sasuke, who goes on missions to atone for his crimes against the village. Together, they have a daughter named Sarada. Despite Sasuke’s stoic demeanor, he demonstrates his love for Sakura in different moments, such as crafting a ring infused with his chakra, a symbol of his commitment and affection for her.

The Takeaway


The dynamic between Naruto and Sakura evolves from initial disdain and unrequited love to mutual respect and understanding. As Sakura witnesses Naruto’s growth and unwavering dedication, she begins to acknowledge his strengths and qualities, ultimately developing a newfound respect and admiration for him.

Meanwhile, Naruto’s journey leads him to a deeper understanding of love and loyalty, culminating in his marriage to Hinata and starting a family. Despite their individual paths and challenges, both Naruto and Sakura learn valuable lessons about friendship, love, and perseverance, embodying the ideals of determination and unity that define the world of Naruto.

Naruto is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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