Ninjutsu is a popular concept in anime, and Eiichiro Oda incorporates it into One Piece. The first time the series mentions this intriguing ability is in the “Zou” arc when Kanjuro and Kinemon happen to look for their ally Raizo, a ninja. The mere mention of a ninja excites the Straw Hat men as well as Trafalgar Law. Nonetheless, they are all disappointed after seeing Raizo, creating a series of hilarious situations. Raizo first uses ninjutsu to entertain the Straw Hats and Law so they won’t be disappointed after witnessing their childhood dreams being crushed.

What he uses is just a mere fraction of what ninjutsu is actually capable of. In the series, ninjutsu is one of the strongest forms of fighting styles, known to have a variety of techniques, most of which are unique to the users. Apart from Raizo, the series introduces multiple ninjas, some of whom use their techniques in the “Wano Country” saga.

What Are Ninjas in the Land of Wano?

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Ninjas are warriors of the Wano Country who specialize in stealth missions such as infiltration, espionage and assassination. In the context of One Piece, “ninja” is a term specific to male warriors who practice ninjutsu, while female practitioners are called “kunoichi.” Although the techniques and abilities of ninjas aren’t related to swordsmanship, they are considered members of the samurai warrior class. For example, despite being a ninja, Raizo is widely known as a samurai due to his affiliation with Oden and being a member of the Nine Red Scabbards. Even if they specialize in stealth, the ninjas also engage in open combat should the situation demand it.

Although ninjas appear to be exclusive to Wano, their occupation is well-known around the globe, and the prospect of meeting a real ninja is one that excites a great many people, especially men. In the “Zou” arc, the Straw Hats and Law are looking forward to meeting a ninja and have a specific kind of appearance in mind. Despite all of them being from different locations, they demand that Raizo perform certain techniques, proving that a lot is known about ninjas.

The Concept of Ninjutsu in One Piece and Common Ninja Techniques

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Ninjutsu, also known as ninpo, is a fighting style practiced by ninjas and kunoichi in One Piece. The primary objective of ninjutsu is to allow ninjas and kunoichi to perform their duties more efficiently, primarily gathering intelligence and eliminating enemies. Ninjutsu assists ninjas with stealth operations in particular, as several techniques focus on making discreet escapes and quickly incapacitating enemies that a practitioner may encounter. It’s also common for ninjas to use certain weapons, with the shuriken being the most popular of these. Some also use swords, ropes or long-range weapons such as guns.

Additionally, because Wano has been closed off from other countries for centuries, they lack knowledge of Devil Fruits and consider them to be a form of jutsu or even sorcery. There are two techniques that are especially common among ninjas: Ninpo Enton no Jutsu and Ninpo: Kanashibari no Jutsu. Ninpo” The former translates to Ninja Art: Smoke Escape Technique and allows the user to create a smokescreen by throwing a smoke ball. Raizo first uses this technique in Zou to demonstrate his skills to Luffy and the others. In Wano, Shinobu also uses it against Yamato when the latter claims to be Oden, freaking her and Momonosuke out. Meanwhile, Ninpo: Kanashibari no Jutsu literally means Ninja Art: Paralysis Technique, which allows the user to paralyze their opponents. Shinobu uses this technique against Hanzo, a member of the Orochi Oniwabanshu.

Raizo’s Ninjutsu Techniques

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The Nine Red Scabbards are known as the strongest group of warriors in Wano, and as one of them, Raizo shows exceptional skills in ninjutsu. He has the power of Maki Maki no Mi (Scroll-Scroll Fruit), a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to create and control scrolls at will. It also has special properties, including storing objects and generating drawings. Raizo incorporates this ability into his ninjutsu to create a fighting style unique to him.

His technique, Ninpo: Bunshin no Jutsu, meaning Ninja Art: Clone Technique, utilizes this Devil Fruit power to create lifelike clones that move around him, confusing his opponents. He unrolls several scrolls containing his pictures on the ground that helps him create his clones. The number of clones corresponds to the number of scrolls he uses.

Additionally, Ninpo: Maki Maki no Jutsu, meaning Ninja Art: Scroll-Scroll Technique, allows him to capture and store an enemy’s attack inside a scroll that he can manifest with his Devil Fruit powers. Raizo first uses this technique against Kaido’s Bolo Breath, which is the latter’s strongest and most offensive power. After storing the power, Raizo can use another technique called Hokan, or Restoration, to release it and strike his opponents.

Ninjutsu Techniques Unique to Other Ninjas and Kunoichi

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Shinobu is widely known for her signature technique Ninpo: Kintama-Tsubushi, translating to Ninja Art: Ball-Crusher. This technique is especially used against men, where she throws an object that hits her opponent’s groin. Another technique that is unique to her is Ninpo: Odako, literally meaning Ninja Art: Big Kit, where she manifests a large kite to escape attacks through the air. The kite is large and durable enough to carry her and one more person.

Jigoku Benten, a kunoichi and a member of the Orochi Oniwabanshu, also has a unique ninjutsu technique called Ninpo: Jigoku Biwa, meaning Ninja Art: Hell’s Lute. This technique requires her to use her biwa, which contains a hidden gun that fires multiple shots at her targets. Because it’s an unusual technique that simply requires a weapon, Zoro questions whether it should be considered a ninpo.

Lastly, Fukurokuju, the leader of the Orochi Oniwabanshu, is a powerful fighter with an unusual ability called Ninpo: Mimitabu Cracker, meaning Earlobe Cracker. Using this technique, he can control his earlobes as if they are his arms and use them to strike his opponents with a terrifying strength similar to whips. His earlobes can extend and contract immensely, making this technique suitable for both short and long-range attacks, and he is also fast enough to catch his opponents off-guard.