
  • Fluffy, the three-headed dog, is a powerful and adorable pet that acts as a loyal guardian of the Sorcerer’s Stone, making him highly coveted in the Wizarding World.
  • Nagini, a cursed python, is a ferocious and useful familiar to Lord Voldemort, but she lacks in the adorableness category due to her evil nature.
  • Despite being a troublesome pet, Scabbers (Peter Pettigrew) proves to be exceptionally useful to Voldemort, but his true loyalty lies with the Dark Lord, not the Weasleys.

In the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, there are many magnificent magical creatures that are sometimes turned into a wizard or witch’s companion. Some are powerful, impressive, and adorable, while some are downright evil. The competition can be tough as these enchanting magical creatures are competing neck and neck to be the best pet.



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Aside from its helpfulness, personality, and adorableness, each magical creature also has a very interesting backstory that makes it coveted by fans across the world. Although not serving as a familiar, these pets are important for their humans, accompanying them in their daily lives, as well as into battle.

8 Fluffy

The Loyal Guardian Of The Sorcerer’s Stone


As a scary yet majestic creature, Fluffy is a three-headed dog that made its first appearance in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Fluffy is owned by Hagrid and acts as a guard dog that protects the ever-precious philosopher’s stone in one of Hogwarts many secret roomss.

Hagrid uses music to calm this giant-sized dog and seems not to be afraid of him at all. Although he is intimidating and can send shivers down the spine, Fluffy’s appearance does not change the fact that he is strong, powerful, and can be adorable when calm, making him one of the most coveted pets in the Wizarding World.

7 Nagini

The Ferocious Familiar Of Lord Voldemort


Originating possibly in the deep forests of Indonesia, Nagini was a Maledictus cursed in the form of a python. At first, she could control her transformation at will, but as the curse progressed, it became uncontrollable.

Throughout the franchise, Nagini is one of the most important plot points, acting as one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes and suggesting another connection between Harry and He Who Shall Not Be Named. Although Nagini can be said to be very useful due to her dedication and loyalty to Voldermort, it is difficult to say that she scores well in the adorable category.

6 Scabbers

The Tricky Deceptive Evil “Rat”


Scabbers was a pet belonging to the Weasleys, taking the form of a grayish-brown rat. The rat turns out to be the animagus form of the coward Peter Pettigrew, and Ron Weasley’s disgust is truly justified when he figures out that he has been keeping a traitor as his pet.



Harry Potter: How Was Peter Pettigrew’s Death Different In the Books?

Peter Pettigrew had a brutal but quite fitting death in the Harry Potter books, but his ending in the movies was instead underwhelming and ambiguous.

Although he is notoriously known as a coward, it cannot be denied that he turned out to be useful for Voldemort’s rebirth during the Second Wizarding War. His loyalty lies not with his original owners, the Weasleys, but with someone else that he fears; The Dark Lord. Despite his atrocious personality, Wormtail can also be somewhat adorable in his animagus form.

5 Errol

Loyal Courier Of The Weasleys


Errol is an owl who has been serving the Weasleys for a long time, and has proven its undying loyalty to the family. However, Errol is aging and his senses and abilities have been steadily declining by the time Ron arrives at Hogwarts. Errol is one of many things that are passed to Ron as a hand-me-down.



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The Harry Potter franchise contains plenty of humorous moments that still make fans laugh to this day.

As an owl, Errol performed his duty by delivering letters to Ron, but it crashed and humiliated Ron in front of his classmates. Despite his old age, Errol continues to be appreciated due to his adorable yet clumsy nature.

4 Aragog

King Of The Forbidden Forest


A giant spider as a pet seems like a ridiculous idea, but ultimately, having a pet like Aragog would certainly be amazing. Aragog is very loyal to Hagrid and prefers to isolate himself in the Forbidden Forest as he wants to pay Hagrid a favor by not causing him any trouble. Aragog’s appearance is very scary and intimidating for Harry and particularly Ron, as he appears in the Chamber of Secrets.

However, his venom after death is actually very valuable, as can be seen during his funeral, when the venom is collected by Potions Professor Horace Slughorn. This underlines his value as one of the potential pets for a powerful wizard.

3 Crookshanks

Hermione’s Adorable Bundle Of Orange


A part cat and a part Kneazel, Crookshanks is portrayed as an intelligent and playful cat with lion-like fur and demeanor. Hermione bought him in the Magical Menagerie prior to the beginning of her studies at Hogwarts. Due to his half-Kneazle lineage, this adorable creature is not like normal cats.

Crookshanks has the ability to detect animagi, as can be seen in his demeanor around Peter Pettigrew, who was taking the form of Scrabbles. Also, Crookshanks helped Sirius Black to decode Gryffindor’s common room password. Not only is he adorable, but Crookshanks’ intelligence proves his strong usefulness as a pet a booksmart witch.

2 Buckbeak

Adorable Hippogrif With Fearsome Strength


Buckbeak, also known as Beaky and Witherwings, is a male hippogriff that plays an important role in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Hippogriffs are extremely proud creatures, and will not abide disrespect from anyone.

Draco Malfoy seems to have missed the memo, or decided to ignore the memo, which resulted in him getting gored by Buckbeak’s talons. After being sentenced to death during a class taught by Hagrid, Buckbeak is able to escape his demise with the help of Hermione’s Time-Turner. His ability to fly is very beneficial and is a crucial plot point in his first appearance.

1 Hedwig

A Valiant Snowy Owl With Undying Loyalty


Hedwig is by far one of the most important pets in the Wizarding World. Not only is she able to deliver mail, this adorable snowy owl has been Harry’s companion for a long time. She is perceptive and intelligent, and she is shown to be a pet that shares a deep connection with her human.



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Voldemort gained his reputation for being an evil wizard by doing all manner of terrible things, but these vile acts were easily the worst.

During the Battle of the Seven Potters, Hedwig falls to her demise after being struck by a Killing Curse aimed at Harry. To honor her bravery and companionship, Harry continues to always keep a snowy owl as his companion.