
  • The Star Wars Timelines book introduces wiggle room for the birthplace of Jedi Order, potentially paving the way for upcoming projects.
  • James Mangold’s Star Wars movie on the origin of Jedi could be set somewhere other than Ahch-To, leaving room for new possibilities.
  • Rey Skywalker film also benefits from the change, as it can now take place anywhere, offering fans unexplored Star Wars eras to look forward to.

Star Wars is no stranger to making surprise adjustments to its continuity. So it should be no surprise that it’s changing things up yet again. But this time, the retcon involves a small yet important detail from The Last Jedi, and it could have some interesting implications.

While there’s a good argument to be made that The Last Jedi is the best Star Wars movie since The Empire Strikes Back, the film still contains some divisive elements. Aside from an often confusing midsection set in the casino city of Canto Bight, there are also the rather unexpected developments brought by director Rian Johnson to both Luke Skywalker and the Jedi as a whole. Now, it looks like one aspect of that newfound Star Wars lore may have been left by the wayside.

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In The Last Jedi, it’s revealed that Ahch-To, the planet where Luke is living out his self-imposed exile and home to the cute little porgs, is the birthplace of the entire Jedi Order. But the new official Star Wars Timelines book by Kristin Baver, Jason Fry, Cole Horton, Amy Richau, and Clayton Sandell has recently made a tiny yet significant tweak to this bit of info. As pointed out by Screen Rant, the book uses some sneaky language to establish Ahch-To as one of the earliest places where the Order was born while leaving some wiggle room for the actual origin place to be somewhere else. It may very well be paving the way for one particular upcoming project.

“Among the earliest locations, and likely the first, is a temple constructed on the planet of Ahch-To.”


Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny and Logan director James Mangold is set to release his own movie in the Star Wars universe exploring the origin of the Jedi. But while Mangold has said he won’t even use the word “Jedi” in his film, the Order itself will nonetheless be the focal point of the story. Thanks to The Last Jedi, many assumed that Ahch-To would play a pivotal role in the movie. But now, the language used in Star Wars Timelines leaves the door open for Mangold to set things somewhere else without totally removing the aforementioned planet’s significance.

Mangold’s untitled film may not be the only one affected by this change. The upcoming New Jedi Order film featuring Daisy Ridley’s return as Rey Skywalker may also benefit from this newfound freedom. While little is known about the movie, it seems almost a given that the history of the Jedi will come into play as Rey presumably starts her own updated version of the Order around 15 years after the sequel trilogy. But now that she won’t be unavoidably tied to Ahch-To, it could pretty much take place anywhere. Good thing, too. As adorable as porgs are, it seems like those little penguin-puffin things would probably find some way to be detrimental to her productivity.

Between Ridley’s film and Mangold’s Dawn of the Jedi movie, there’s a lot to look forward to in terms of largely unexplored Star Wars eras. This change to the lore introduced in The Last Jedi is also probably the best outcome, as it opens things up for more possibilities without totally undoing what was established in that movie. Fans of the film can rest easy knowing it remains intact while haters can latch on to a minor retcon as some sort of vindication. Everybody wins.

Source: Star Wars Timelines (via Screen Rant)